# Setup REST and MQTT
* You can import the project directly from a *Version Control System*, by providing the following URL:
* Otherwise, take care to import the project as a Gradle Project
* If required, trust the project and accept the Gradle auto-import
* Wait until the Gradle indexing process ends (it may take a few seconds)
* Run StartServer.java located in: *REST\_MQTT_example/src/main/java/REST/*
* Don't worry about the red *INFO* console prints
* Use a REST Client application (i.e., Advanced REST Client) to test if the server works correctly
* For example you can run the following request:
* Mac OS:
* Install homebrew from (https://brew.sh/index_it)
* From the terminal:
`brew install mosquitto`
`brew services start mosquitto`
… running …
`brew services stop mosquitto`
* Windows:
* Download and install the mosquitto broker from https://mosquitto.org/download/
* Launch the mosquitto.exe file from C:\Program Files\Mosquitto
* Linux (http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/install-mosquitto-linux/):
* From the terminal:
`sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa`
`sudo apt-get update`
`sudo apt-get install mosquitto`
`sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients`
`sudo apt clean`
`sudo service mosquitto start`
... running …
`sudo service mosquitto stop`
You can try to run the class SubExample and then the class PubExample to test that everything is working.