/** * Wrapper for the toaster (https://github.com/nels-o/toaster) */ var path = require('path'); var notifier = path.resolve(__dirname, '../vendor/snoreToast/snoretoast'); var utils = require('../lib/utils'); var Balloon = require('./balloon'); var os = require('os'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var util = require('util'); var fallback; module.exports = WindowsToaster; function WindowsToaster(options) { options = utils.clone(options || {}); if (!(this instanceof WindowsToaster)) { return new WindowsToaster(options); } this.options = options; EventEmitter.call(this); } util.inherits(WindowsToaster, EventEmitter); function noop() {} var timeoutMessage = 'the toast has timed out'; var successMessage = 'user clicked on the toast'; function hasText(str, txt) { return str && str.indexOf(txt) !== -1; } WindowsToaster.prototype.notify = function(options, callback) { options = utils.clone(options || {}); callback = callback || noop; var is64Bit = os.arch() === 'x64'; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { title: 'node-notifier', message: options }; } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError( 'The second argument must be a function callback. You have passed ' + typeof fn ); } var actionJackedCallback = utils.actionJackerDecorator( this, options, function cb(err, data) { /* Possible exit statuses from SnoreToast, we only want to include err if it's -1 code Exit Status : Exit Code Failed : -1 Success : 0 Hidden : 1 Dismissed : 2 TimedOut : 3 ButtonPressed : 4 TextEntered : 5 */ if (err && err.code !== -1) { return callback(null, data); } callback(err, data); }, function mapper(data) { if (hasText(data, successMessage)) { return 'click'; } if (hasText(data, timeoutMessage)) { return 'timeout'; } return false; } ); options.title = options.title || 'Node Notification:'; if ( typeof options.message === 'undefined' && typeof options.close === 'undefined' ) { callback(new Error('Message or ID to close is required.')); return this; } if (!utils.isWin8() && !utils.isWSL() && !!this.options.withFallback) { fallback = fallback || new Balloon(this.options); return fallback.notify(options, callback); } options = utils.mapToWin8(options); var argsList = utils.constructArgumentList(options, { explicitTrue: true, wrapper: '', keepNewlines: true, noEscape: true }); var notifierWithArch = notifier + '-x' + (is64Bit ? '64' : '86') + '.exe'; utils.fileCommand( this.options.customPath || notifierWithArch, argsList, actionJackedCallback ); return this; };