/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict * @format * @nolint */ declare module 'fbjs/lib/countDistinct' { declare module.exports: {| (iter: Iterable, selector: (item: T1) => T2): number, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/warning' { declare module.exports: {| (condition: mixed, format: string, ...args: $ReadOnlyArray): void, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/shallowEqual' { declare module.exports: {| (objA: mixed, objB: mixed): boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/EventListener' { declare module.exports: {| listen( target: EventTarget, eventType: string, callback: any, ): {remove(): void, ...}, capture( target: EventTarget, eventType: string, callback: any, ): {remove(): void, ...}, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment' { declare module.exports: {| +canUseDOM: boolean, +canUseWorkers: boolean, +canUseEventListeners: boolean, +canUseViewport: boolean, +isInWorker: boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/UserAgentData' { declare module.exports: {| +browserArchitecture: string, +browserFullVersion: string, +browserMinorVersion: string, +browserName: string, +browserVersion: string, +deviceName: string, +engineName: string, +engineVersion: string, +platformArchitecture: string, +platformName: string, +platformVersion: string, +platformFullVersion: string, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/VersionRange' { declare module.exports: {| contains(range: string, version: string): boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/base62' { declare module.exports: {| (number: number): string, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/compactArray' { declare module.exports: {| (array: Array): Array, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/concatAllArray' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/crc32' { declare module.exports: {| (str: string): number, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/distinctArray' { declare module.exports: {| (xs: Iterable): Array, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/emptyObject' { declare module.exports: {||}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/equalsSet' { declare module.exports: {| (one: Set, two: Set): boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/everyObject' { declare module.exports: {| ( object: mixed, callback: (value: any, name: string, object: mixed) => any, context?: any, ): boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/everySet' { declare module.exports: {| ( object: ?Set, callback: (value: any, name: string, object: Set) => any, context?: any, ): boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/filterObject' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/forEachObject' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/groupArray' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/joinClasses' { declare module.exports: {| (className: mixed): string, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/keyMirrorRecursive' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/keyOf' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/maxBy' { declare module.exports: {| ( as: Iterable, f: (a: A) => B, compare?: ?(u: B, v: B) => number, ): ?A, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/memoizeStringOnly' { declare module.exports: {| (callback: (s: string) => T): (s: string) => T, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/minBy' { declare module.exports: {| ( as: Iterable, f: (a: A) => B, compare?: ?(u: B, v: B) => number, ): ?A, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/partitionArray' { declare module.exports: {| ( array: Array, predicate: (value: Tv, index: number, array: Array) => boolean, context?: any, ): [Array, Array], |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/partitionObject' { declare module.exports: {| ( object: {[key: string]: Tv, ...}, callback: ( value: Tv, key: string, object: {[key: string]: Tv, ...}, ) => boolean, context?: any, ): [{[key: string]: Tv, ...}, {[key: string]: Tv, ...}], |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/partitionObjectByKey' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/performance' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/performanceNow' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/requestAnimationFrame' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/someObject' { declare module.exports: {| ( object: mixed, callback: (value: any, name: string, object: mixed) => any, context?: any, ): boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/someSet' { declare module.exports: {| ( set: Set, callback: (value: T, key: T, set: Set) => boolean, context?: any, ): boolean, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/keyMirror' { declare module.exports: {| (obj: T): $ObjMapi(K) => K>, |}; } declare module 'fbjs/lib/invariant' { declare module.exports: {| (condition: mixed, format: string, ...args: Array): void, |}; }