!nameHasComments || n.attributes.length) && !lastAttrHasTrailingComments; // We should print the opening element expanded if any prop value is a
// string literal with newlines
const shouldBreak = n.attributes && n.attributes.some(attr => attr.value && isStringLiteral$1(attr.value) && attr.value.value.includes("\n"));
return group$2(concat$6(["<", path.call(print, "name"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), concat$6([indent$3(concat$6(path.map(attr => concat$6([line$4, print(attr)]), "attributes"))), n.selfClosing ? line$4 : bracketSameLine ? ">" : softline$2]), n.selfClosing ? "/>" : bracketSameLine ? "" : ">"]), {
case "JSXClosingElement":
return concat$6(["", path.call(print, "name"), ">"]);
case "JSXOpeningFragment":
case "JSXClosingFragment":
const hasComment = n.comments && n.comments.length;
const hasOwnLineComment = hasComment && !n.comments.every(comments$1.isBlockComment);
const isOpeningFragment = n.type === "JSXOpeningFragment";
return concat$6([isOpeningFragment ? "<" : "", indent$3(concat$6([hasOwnLineComment ? hardline$4 : hasComment && !isOpeningFragment ? " " : "", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options, true)])), hasOwnLineComment ? hardline$4 : "", ">"]);
case "JSXText":
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error("JSXTest should be handled by JSXElement");
case "JSXEmptyExpression":
const requiresHardline = n.comments && !n.comments.every(comments$1.isBlockComment);
return concat$6([comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
!requiresHardline), requiresHardline ? hardline$4 : ""]);
case "ClassBody":
if (!n.comments && n.body.length === 0) {
return "{}";
return concat$6(["{", n.body.length > 0 ? indent$3(concat$6([hardline$4, path.call(bodyPath => {
return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print);
}, "body")])) : comments.printDanglingComments(path, options), hardline$4, "}"]);
case "ClassProperty":
case "TSAbstractClassProperty":
case "ClassPrivateProperty":
if (n.decorators && n.decorators.length !== 0) {
parts.push(printDecorators(path, options, print));
if (n.accessibility) {
parts.push(n.accessibility + " ");
if (n.declare) {
parts.push("declare ");
if (n.static) {
parts.push("static ");
if (n.type === "TSAbstractClassProperty" || n.abstract) {
parts.push("abstract ");
if (n.readonly) {
parts.push("readonly ");
const variance = getFlowVariance$1(n);
if (variance) {
parts.push(printPropertyKey(path, options, print), printOptionalToken(path), printTypeAnnotation(path, options, print));
if (n.value) {
parts.push(" =", printAssignmentRight(n.key, n.value, path.call(print, "value"), options));
return group$2(concat$6(parts));
case "ClassDeclaration":
case "ClassExpression":
if (n.declare) {
parts.push("declare ");
parts.push(concat$6(printClass(path, options, print)));
return concat$6(parts);
case "TSInterfaceHeritage":
case "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments":
// Babel AST
parts.push(path.call(print, "expression"));
if (n.typeParameters) {
parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters"));
return concat$6(parts);
case "TemplateElement":
return join$4(literalline$2, n.value.raw.split(/\r?\n/g));
case "TemplateLiteral":
let expressions = path.map(print, "expressions");
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
if (isJestEachTemplateLiteral$1(n, parentNode)) {
const printed = printJestEachTemplateLiteral(n, expressions, options);
if (printed) {
return printed;
const isSimple = isSimpleTemplateLiteral$1(n);
if (isSimple) {
expressions = expressions.map(doc => printDocToString$2(doc, Object.assign({}, options, {
printWidth: Infinity
parts.push(lineSuffixBoundary$1, "`");
path.each(childPath => {
const i = childPath.getName();
if (i < expressions.length) {
// For a template literal of the following form:
// `someQuery {
// ${call({
// a,
// b,
// })}
// }`
// the expression is on its own line (there is a \n in the previous
// quasi literal), therefore we want to indent the JavaScript
// expression inside at the beginning of ${ instead of the beginning
// of the `.
const {
} = options;
const quasi = childPath.getValue();
const indentSize = getIndentSize$2(quasi.value.raw, tabWidth);
let printed = expressions[i];
if (!isSimple) {
// Breaks at the template element boundaries (${ and }) are preferred to breaking
// in the middle of a MemberExpression
if (n.expressions[i].comments && n.expressions[i].comments.length || n.expressions[i].type === "MemberExpression" || n.expressions[i].type === "OptionalMemberExpression" || n.expressions[i].type === "ConditionalExpression" || n.expressions[i].type === "SequenceExpression" || n.expressions[i].type === "TSAsExpression" || isBinaryish$1(n.expressions[i])) {
printed = concat$6([indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, printed])), softline$2]);
const aligned = indentSize === 0 && quasi.value.raw.endsWith("\n") ? align$1(-Infinity, printed) : addAlignmentToDoc$2(printed, indentSize, tabWidth);
parts.push(group$2(concat$6(["${", aligned, lineSuffixBoundary$1, "}"])));
}, "quasis");
return concat$6(parts);
// These types are unprintable because they serve as abstract
// supertypes for other (printable) types.
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "tag"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), path.call(print, "quasi")]);
case "Node":
case "Printable":
case "SourceLocation":
case "Position":
case "Statement":
case "Function":
case "Pattern":
case "Expression":
case "Declaration":
case "Specifier":
case "NamedSpecifier":
case "Comment":
case "MemberTypeAnnotation": // Flow
case "Type":
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error("unprintable type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type));
// Type Annotations for Facebook Flow, typically stripped out or
// transformed away before printing.
case "TypeAnnotation":
case "TSTypeAnnotation":
if (n.typeAnnotation) {
return path.call(print, "typeAnnotation");
/* istanbul ignore next */
return "";
case "TSTupleType":
case "TupleTypeAnnotation":
const typesField = n.type === "TSTupleType" ? "elementTypes" : "types";
const hasRest = n[typesField].length > 0 && getLast$2(n[typesField]).type === "TSRestType";
return group$2(concat$6(["[", indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, printArrayItems(path, options, typesField, print)])), ifBreak$1(shouldPrintComma(options, "all") && !hasRest ? "," : ""), comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
true), softline$2, "]"]));
case "ExistsTypeAnnotation":
return "*";
case "EmptyTypeAnnotation":
return "empty";
case "AnyTypeAnnotation":
return "any";
case "MixedTypeAnnotation":
return "mixed";
case "ArrayTypeAnnotation":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "elementType"), "[]"]);
case "BooleanTypeAnnotation":
return "boolean";
case "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation":
return "" + n.value;
case "DeclareClass":
return printFlowDeclaration(path, printClass(path, options, print));
case "TSDeclareFunction":
// For TypeScript the TSDeclareFunction node shares the AST
// structure with FunctionDeclaration
return concat$6([n.declare ? "declare " : "", printFunctionDeclaration(path, print, options), semi]);
case "DeclareFunction":
return printFlowDeclaration(path, ["function ", path.call(print, "id"), n.predicate ? " " : "", path.call(print, "predicate"), semi]);
case "DeclareModule":
return printFlowDeclaration(path, ["module ", path.call(print, "id"), " ", path.call(print, "body")]);
case "DeclareModuleExports":
return printFlowDeclaration(path, ["module.exports", ": ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), semi]);
case "DeclareVariable":
return printFlowDeclaration(path, ["var ", path.call(print, "id"), semi]);
case "DeclareExportAllDeclaration":
return concat$6(["declare export * from ", path.call(print, "source")]);
case "DeclareExportDeclaration":
return concat$6(["declare ", printExportDeclaration(path, options, print)]);
case "DeclareOpaqueType":
case "OpaqueType":
parts.push("opaque type ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"));
if (n.supertype) {
parts.push(": ", path.call(print, "supertype"));
if (n.impltype) {
parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "impltype"));
if (n.type === "DeclareOpaqueType") {
return printFlowDeclaration(path, parts);
return concat$6(parts);
case "EnumDeclaration":
return concat$6(["enum ", path.call(print, "id"), " ", path.call(print, "body")]);
case "EnumBooleanBody":
case "EnumNumberBody":
case "EnumStringBody":
case "EnumSymbolBody":
if (n.type === "EnumSymbolBody" || n.explicitType) {
let type = null;
switch (n.type) {
case "EnumBooleanBody":
type = "boolean";
case "EnumNumberBody":
type = "number";
case "EnumStringBody":
type = "string";
case "EnumSymbolBody":
type = "symbol";
parts.push("of ", type, " ");
if (n.members.length === 0) {
parts.push(group$2(concat$6(["{", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options), softline$2, "}"])));
} else {
parts.push(group$2(concat$6(["{", indent$3(concat$6([hardline$4, printArrayItems(path, options, "members", print), shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : ""])), comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
true), hardline$4, "}"])));
return concat$6(parts);
case "EnumBooleanMember":
case "EnumNumberMember":
case "EnumStringMember":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "id"), " = ", typeof n.init === "object" ? path.call(print, "init") : String(n.init)]);
case "EnumDefaultedMember":
return path.call(print, "id");
case "FunctionTypeAnnotation":
case "TSFunctionType":
// FunctionTypeAnnotation is ambiguous:
// declare function foo(a: B): void; OR
// var A: (a: B) => void;
const parent = path.getParentNode(0);
const parentParent = path.getParentNode(1);
const parentParentParent = path.getParentNode(2);
let isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation = n.type === "TSFunctionType" || !((parent.type === "ObjectTypeProperty" || parent.type === "ObjectTypeInternalSlot") && !getFlowVariance$1(parent) && !parent.optional && options.locStart(parent) === options.locStart(n) || parent.type === "ObjectTypeCallProperty" || parentParentParent && parentParentParent.type === "DeclareFunction");
let needsColon = isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation && (parent.type === "TypeAnnotation" || parent.type === "TSTypeAnnotation"); // Sadly we can't put it inside of FastPath::needsColon because we are
// printing ":" as part of the expression and it would put parenthesis
// around :(
const needsParens = needsColon && isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation && (parent.type === "TypeAnnotation" || parent.type === "TSTypeAnnotation") && parentParent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression";
if (isObjectTypePropertyAFunction$1(parent, options)) {
isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation = true;
needsColon = true;
if (needsParens) {
parts.push(printFunctionParams(path, print, options,
/* expandArg */
/* printTypeParams */
true)); // The returnType is not wrapped in a TypeAnnotation, so the colon
// needs to be added separately.
if (n.returnType || n.predicate || n.typeAnnotation) {
parts.push(isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation ? " => " : ": ", path.call(print, "returnType"), path.call(print, "predicate"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"));
if (needsParens) {
return group$2(concat$6(parts));
case "TSRestType":
return concat$6(["...", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
case "TSOptionalType":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), "?"]);
case "FunctionTypeParam":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "name"), printOptionalToken(path), n.name ? ": " : "", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
case "GenericTypeAnnotation":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters")]);
case "DeclareInterface":
case "InterfaceDeclaration":
case "InterfaceTypeAnnotation":
if (n.type === "DeclareInterface" || n.declare) {
parts.push("declare ");
if (n.type === "DeclareInterface" || n.type === "InterfaceDeclaration") {
parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"));
if (n.extends.length > 0) {
parts.push(group$2(indent$3(concat$6([line$4, "extends ", (n.extends.length === 1 ? identity$2 : indent$3)(join$4(concat$6([",", line$4]), path.map(print, "extends")))]))));
parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "body"));
return group$2(concat$6(parts));
case "ClassImplements":
case "InterfaceExtends":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters")]);
case "TSClassImplements":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "expression"), path.call(print, "typeParameters")]);
case "TSIntersectionType":
case "IntersectionTypeAnnotation":
const types = path.map(print, "types");
const result = [];
let wasIndented = false;
for (let i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
if (i === 0) {
} else if (isObjectType$1(n.types[i - 1]) && isObjectType$1(n.types[i])) {
// If both are objects, don't indent
result.push(concat$6([" & ", wasIndented ? indent$3(types[i]) : types[i]]));
} else if (!isObjectType$1(n.types[i - 1]) && !isObjectType$1(n.types[i])) {
// If no object is involved, go to the next line if it breaks
result.push(indent$3(concat$6([" &", line$4, types[i]])));
} else {
// If you go from object to non-object or vis-versa, then inline it
if (i > 1) {
wasIndented = true;
result.push(" & ", i > 1 ? indent$3(types[i]) : types[i]);
return group$2(concat$6(result));
case "TSUnionType":
case "UnionTypeAnnotation":
// single-line variation
// A | B | C
// multi-line variation
// | A
// | B
// | C
const parent = path.getParentNode(); // If there's a leading comment, the parent is doing the indentation
const shouldIndent = parent.type !== "TypeParameterInstantiation" && parent.type !== "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" && parent.type !== "GenericTypeAnnotation" && parent.type !== "TSTypeReference" && parent.type !== "TSTypeAssertion" && parent.type !== "TupleTypeAnnotation" && parent.type !== "TSTupleType" && !(parent.type === "FunctionTypeParam" && !parent.name) && !((parent.type === "TypeAlias" || parent.type === "VariableDeclarator" || parent.type === "TSTypeAliasDeclaration") && hasLeadingOwnLineComment$1(options.originalText, n, options)); // {
// a: string
// } | null | void
// should be inlined and not be printed in the multi-line variant
const shouldHug = shouldHugType(n); // We want to align the children but without its comment, so it looks like
// | child1
// // comment
// | child2
const printed = path.map(typePath => {
let printedType = typePath.call(print);
if (!shouldHug) {
printedType = align$1(2, printedType);
return comments.printComments(typePath, () => printedType, options);
}, "types");
if (shouldHug) {
return join$4(" | ", printed);
const shouldAddStartLine = shouldIndent && !hasLeadingOwnLineComment$1(options.originalText, n, options);
const code = concat$6([ifBreak$1(concat$6([shouldAddStartLine ? line$4 : "", "| "])), join$4(concat$6([line$4, "| "]), printed)]);
if (needsParens_1(path, options)) {
return group$2(concat$6([indent$3(code), softline$2]));
if (parent.type === "TupleTypeAnnotation" && parent.types.length > 1 || parent.type === "TSTupleType" && parent.elementTypes.length > 1) {
return group$2(concat$6([indent$3(concat$6([ifBreak$1(concat$6(["(", softline$2])), code])), softline$2, ifBreak$1(")")]));
return group$2(shouldIndent ? indent$3(code) : code);
case "NullableTypeAnnotation":
return concat$6(["?", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
case "TSNullKeyword":
case "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation":
return "null";
case "ThisTypeAnnotation":
return "this";
case "NumberTypeAnnotation":
return "number";
case "SymbolTypeAnnotation":
return "symbol";
case "ObjectTypeCallProperty":
if (n.static) {
parts.push("static ");
parts.push(path.call(print, "value"));
return concat$6(parts);
case "ObjectTypeIndexer":
const variance = getFlowVariance$1(n);
return concat$6([variance || "", "[", path.call(print, "id"), n.id ? ": " : "", path.call(print, "key"), "]: ", path.call(print, "value")]);
case "ObjectTypeProperty":
const variance = getFlowVariance$1(n);
let modifier = "";
if (n.proto) {
modifier = "proto ";
} else if (n.static) {
modifier = "static ";
return concat$6([modifier, isGetterOrSetter$1(n) ? n.kind + " " : "", variance || "", printPropertyKey(path, options, print), printOptionalToken(path), isFunctionNotation$1(n, options) ? "" : ": ", path.call(print, "value")]);
case "QualifiedTypeIdentifier":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "qualification"), ".", path.call(print, "id")]);
case "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation":
return nodeStr(n, options);
case "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation":
assert$1.strictEqual(typeof n.value, "number");
if (n.extra != null) {
return printNumber$1(n.extra.raw);
return printNumber$1(n.raw);
case "StringTypeAnnotation":
return "string";
case "DeclareTypeAlias":
case "TypeAlias":
if (n.type === "DeclareTypeAlias" || n.declare) {
parts.push("declare ");
const printed = printAssignmentRight(n.id, n.right, path.call(print, "right"), options);
parts.push("type ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), " =", printed, semi);
return group$2(concat$6(parts));
case "TypeCastExpression":
return concat$6(["(", path.call(print, "expression"), printTypeAnnotation(path, options, print), ")"]);
case "TypeParameterDeclaration":
case "TypeParameterInstantiation":
const value = path.getValue();
const commentStart = value.range ? options.originalText.slice(0, value.range[0]).lastIndexOf("/*") : -1; // As noted in the TypeCastExpression comments above, we're able to use a normal whitespace regex here
// because we know for sure that this is a type definition.
const commentSyntax = commentStart >= 0 && options.originalText.slice(commentStart).match(/^\/\*\s*::/);
if (commentSyntax) {
return concat$6(["/*:: ", printTypeParameters(path, options, print, "params"), " */"]);
return printTypeParameters(path, options, print, "params");
case "TSTypeParameterDeclaration":
case "TSTypeParameterInstantiation":
return printTypeParameters(path, options, print, "params");
case "TSTypeParameter":
case "TypeParameter":
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (parent.type === "TSMappedType") {
parts.push("[", path.call(print, "name"));
if (n.constraint) {
parts.push(" in ", path.call(print, "constraint"));
return concat$6(parts);
const variance = getFlowVariance$1(n);
if (variance) {
parts.push(path.call(print, "name"));
if (n.bound) {
parts.push(": ");
parts.push(path.call(print, "bound"));
if (n.constraint) {
parts.push(" extends ", path.call(print, "constraint"));
if (n.default) {
parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "default"));
} // Keep comma if the file extension is .tsx and
// has one type parameter that isn't extend with any types.
// Because, otherwise formatted result will be invalid as tsx.
const grandParent = path.getNode(2);
if (parent.params && parent.params.length === 1 && isTSXFile$1(options) && !n.constraint && grandParent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression") {
return concat$6(parts);
case "TypeofTypeAnnotation":
return concat$6(["typeof ", path.call(print, "argument")]);
case "VoidTypeAnnotation":
return "void";
case "InferredPredicate":
return "%checks";
// Unhandled types below. If encountered, nodes of these types should
// be either left alone or desugared into AST types that are fully
// supported by the pretty-printer.
case "DeclaredPredicate":
return concat$6(["%checks(", path.call(print, "value"), ")"]);
case "TSAbstractKeyword":
return "abstract";
case "TSAnyKeyword":
return "any";
case "TSAsyncKeyword":
return "async";
case "TSBooleanKeyword":
return "boolean";
case "TSBigIntKeyword":
return "bigint";
case "TSConstKeyword":
return "const";
case "TSDeclareKeyword":
return "declare";
case "TSExportKeyword":
return "export";
case "TSNeverKeyword":
return "never";
case "TSNumberKeyword":
return "number";
case "TSObjectKeyword":
return "object";
case "TSProtectedKeyword":
return "protected";
case "TSPrivateKeyword":
return "private";
case "TSPublicKeyword":
return "public";
case "TSReadonlyKeyword":
return "readonly";
case "TSSymbolKeyword":
return "symbol";
case "TSStaticKeyword":
return "static";
case "TSStringKeyword":
return "string";
case "TSUndefinedKeyword":
return "undefined";
case "TSUnknownKeyword":
return "unknown";
case "TSVoidKeyword":
return "void";
case "TSAsExpression":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "expression"), " as ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
case "TSArrayType":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "elementType"), "[]"]);
case "TSPropertySignature":
if (n.export) {
parts.push("export ");
if (n.accessibility) {
parts.push(n.accessibility + " ");
if (n.static) {
parts.push("static ");
if (n.readonly) {
parts.push("readonly ");
parts.push(printPropertyKey(path, options, print), printOptionalToken(path));
if (n.typeAnnotation) {
parts.push(": ");
parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"));
} // This isn't valid semantically, but it's in the AST so we can print it.
if (n.initializer) {
parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "initializer"));
return concat$6(parts);
case "TSParameterProperty":
if (n.accessibility) {
parts.push(n.accessibility + " ");
if (n.export) {
parts.push("export ");
if (n.static) {
parts.push("static ");
if (n.readonly) {
parts.push("readonly ");
parts.push(path.call(print, "parameter"));
return concat$6(parts);
case "TSTypeReference":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "typeName"), printTypeParameters(path, options, print, "typeParameters")]);
case "TSTypeQuery":
return concat$6(["typeof ", path.call(print, "exprName")]);
case "TSIndexSignature":
const parent = path.getParentNode(); // The typescript parser accepts multiple parameters here. If you're
// using them, it makes sense to have a trailing comma. But if you
// aren't, this is more like a computed property name than an array.
// So we leave off the trailing comma when there's just one parameter.
const trailingComma = n.parameters.length > 1 ? ifBreak$1(shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : "") : "";
const parametersGroup = group$2(concat$6([indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, join$4(concat$6([", ", softline$2]), path.map(print, "parameters"))])), trailingComma, softline$2]));
return concat$6([n.export ? "export " : "", n.accessibility ? concat$6([n.accessibility, " "]) : "", n.static ? "static " : "", n.readonly ? "readonly " : "", "[", n.parameters ? parametersGroup : "", n.typeAnnotation ? "]: " : "]", n.typeAnnotation ? path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") : "", parent.type === "ClassBody" ? semi : ""]);
case "TSTypePredicate":
return concat$6([n.asserts ? "asserts " : "", path.call(print, "parameterName"), n.typeAnnotation ? concat$6([" is ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]) : ""]);
case "TSNonNullExpression":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "expression"), "!"]);
case "TSThisType":
return "this";
case "TSImportType":
return concat$6([!n.isTypeOf ? "" : "typeof ", "import(", path.call(print, n.parameter ? "parameter" : "argument"), ")", !n.qualifier ? "" : concat$6([".", path.call(print, "qualifier")]), printTypeParameters(path, options, print, "typeParameters")]);
case "TSLiteralType":
return path.call(print, "literal");
case "TSIndexedAccessType":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "objectType"), "[", path.call(print, "indexType"), "]"]);
case "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration":
case "TSCallSignatureDeclaration":
case "TSConstructorType":
if (n.type !== "TSCallSignatureDeclaration") {
parts.push("new ");
parts.push(group$2(printFunctionParams(path, print, options,
/* expandArg */
/* printTypeParams */
if (n.returnType || n.typeAnnotation) {
const isType = n.type === "TSConstructorType";
parts.push(isType ? " => " : ": ", path.call(print, "returnType"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"));
return concat$6(parts);
case "TSTypeOperator":
return concat$6([n.operator, " ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
case "TSMappedType":
const shouldBreak = hasNewlineInRange$3(options.originalText, options.locStart(n), options.locEnd(n));
return group$2(concat$6(["{", indent$3(concat$6([options.bracketSpacing ? line$4 : softline$2, n.readonly ? concat$6([getTypeScriptMappedTypeModifier$1(n.readonly, "readonly"), " "]) : "", printTypeScriptModifiers(path, options, print), path.call(print, "typeParameter"), n.optional ? getTypeScriptMappedTypeModifier$1(n.optional, "?") : "", n.typeAnnotation ? ": " : "", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ifBreak$1(semi, "")])), comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
true), options.bracketSpacing ? line$4 : softline$2, "}"]), {
case "TSMethodSignature":
parts.push(n.accessibility ? concat$6([n.accessibility, " "]) : "", n.export ? "export " : "", n.static ? "static " : "", n.readonly ? "readonly " : "", n.computed ? "[" : "", path.call(print, "key"), n.computed ? "]" : "", printOptionalToken(path), printFunctionParams(path, print, options,
/* expandArg */
/* printTypeParams */
if (n.returnType || n.typeAnnotation) {
parts.push(": ", path.call(print, "returnType"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"));
return group$2(concat$6(parts));
case "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration":
parts.push("export as namespace ", path.call(print, "id"));
if (options.semi) {
return group$2(concat$6(parts));
case "TSEnumDeclaration":
if (n.declare) {
parts.push("declare ");
if (n.modifiers) {
parts.push(printTypeScriptModifiers(path, options, print));
if (n.const) {
parts.push("const ");
parts.push("enum ", path.call(print, "id"), " ");
if (n.members.length === 0) {
parts.push(group$2(concat$6(["{", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options), softline$2, "}"])));
} else {
parts.push(group$2(concat$6(["{", indent$3(concat$6([hardline$4, printArrayItems(path, options, "members", print), shouldPrintComma(options, "es5") ? "," : ""])), comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
true), hardline$4, "}"])));
return concat$6(parts);
case "TSEnumMember":
parts.push(path.call(print, "id"));
if (n.initializer) {
parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "initializer"));
return concat$6(parts);
case "TSImportEqualsDeclaration":
if (n.isExport) {
parts.push("export ");
parts.push("import ", path.call(print, "id"), " = ", path.call(print, "moduleReference"));
if (options.semi) {
return group$2(concat$6(parts));
case "TSExternalModuleReference":
return concat$6(["require(", path.call(print, "expression"), ")"]);
case "TSModuleDeclaration":
const parent = path.getParentNode();
const isExternalModule = isLiteral$1(n.id);
const parentIsDeclaration = parent.type === "TSModuleDeclaration";
const bodyIsDeclaration = n.body && n.body.type === "TSModuleDeclaration";
if (parentIsDeclaration) {
} else {
if (n.declare) {
parts.push("declare ");
parts.push(printTypeScriptModifiers(path, options, print));
const textBetweenNodeAndItsId = options.originalText.slice(options.locStart(n), options.locStart(n.id)); // Global declaration looks like this:
// (declare)? global { ... }
const isGlobalDeclaration = n.id.type === "Identifier" && n.id.name === "global" && !/namespace|module/.test(textBetweenNodeAndItsId);
if (!isGlobalDeclaration) {
parts.push(isExternalModule || /(^|\s)module(\s|$)/.test(textBetweenNodeAndItsId) ? "module " : "namespace ");
parts.push(path.call(print, "id"));
if (bodyIsDeclaration) {
parts.push(path.call(print, "body"));
} else if (n.body) {
parts.push(" ", group$2(path.call(print, "body")));
} else {
return concat$6(parts);
case "PrivateName":
return concat$6(["#", path.call(print, "id")]);
// TODO: Temporary auto-generated node type. To remove when typescript-estree has proper support for private fields.
case "TSPrivateIdentifier":
return n.escapedText;
case "TSConditionalType":
return printTernaryOperator(path, options, print, {
beforeParts: () => [path.call(print, "checkType"), " ", "extends", " ", path.call(print, "extendsType")],
afterParts: () => [],
shouldCheckJsx: false,
conditionalNodeType: "TSConditionalType",
consequentNodePropertyName: "trueType",
alternateNodePropertyName: "falseType",
testNodePropertyNames: ["checkType", "extendsType"]
case "TSInferType":
return concat$6(["infer", " ", path.call(print, "typeParameter")]);
case "InterpreterDirective":
parts.push("#!", n.value, hardline$4);
if (isNextLineEmpty$2(options.originalText, n, options.locEnd)) {
return concat$6(parts);
case "NGRoot":
return concat$6([].concat(path.call(print, "node"), !n.node.comments || n.node.comments.length === 0 ? [] : concat$6([" //", n.node.comments[0].value.trimEnd()])));
case "NGChainedExpression":
return group$2(join$4(concat$6([";", line$4]), path.map(childPath => hasNgSideEffect$1(childPath) ? print(childPath) : concat$6(["(", print(childPath), ")"]), "expressions")));
case "NGEmptyExpression":
return "";
case "NGQuotedExpression":
return concat$6([n.prefix, ": ", n.value.trim()]);
case "NGMicrosyntax":
return concat$6(path.map((childPath, index) => concat$6([index === 0 ? "" : isNgForOf$1(childPath.getValue(), index, n) ? " " : concat$6([";", line$4]), print(childPath)]), "body"));
case "NGMicrosyntaxKey":
return /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*(-[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$])*$/i.test(n.name) ? n.name : JSON.stringify(n.name);
case "NGMicrosyntaxExpression":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "expression"), n.alias === null ? "" : concat$6([" as ", path.call(print, "alias")])]);
case "NGMicrosyntaxKeyedExpression":
const index = path.getName();
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const shouldNotPrintColon = isNgForOf$1(n, index, parentNode) || (index === 1 && (n.key.name === "then" || n.key.name === "else") || index === 2 && n.key.name === "else" && parentNode.body[index - 1].type === "NGMicrosyntaxKeyedExpression" && parentNode.body[index - 1].key.name === "then") && parentNode.body[0].type === "NGMicrosyntaxExpression";
return concat$6([path.call(print, "key"), shouldNotPrintColon ? " " : ": ", path.call(print, "expression")]);
case "NGMicrosyntaxLet":
return concat$6(["let ", path.call(print, "key"), n.value === null ? "" : concat$6([" = ", path.call(print, "value")])]);
case "NGMicrosyntaxAs":
return concat$6([path.call(print, "key"), " as ", path.call(print, "alias")]);
case "ArgumentPlaceholder":
return "?";
// These are not valid TypeScript. Printing them just for the sake of error recovery.
case "TSJSDocAllType":
return "*";
case "TSJSDocUnknownType":
return "?";
case "TSJSDocNullableType":
return concat$6(["?", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
case "TSJSDocNonNullableType":
return concat$6(["!", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
case "TSJSDocFunctionType":
return concat$6(["function(", // The parameters could be here, but typescript-estree doesn't convert them anyway (throws an error).
"): ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error("unknown type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type));
function printStatementSequence(path, options, print) {
const printed = [];
const bodyNode = path.getNode();
const isClass = bodyNode.type === "ClassBody";
path.map((stmtPath, i) => {
const stmt = stmtPath.getValue(); // Just in case the AST has been modified to contain falsy
// "statements," it's safer simply to skip them.
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!stmt) {
} // Skip printing EmptyStatement nodes to avoid leaving stray
// semicolons lying around.
if (stmt.type === "EmptyStatement") {
const stmtPrinted = print(stmtPath);
const text = options.originalText;
const parts = []; // in no-semi mode, prepend statement with semicolon if it might break ASI
// don't prepend the only JSX element in a program with semicolon
if (!options.semi && !isClass && !isTheOnlyJSXElementInMarkdown$1(options, stmtPath) && stmtNeedsASIProtection(stmtPath, options)) {
if (stmt.comments && stmt.comments.some(comment => comment.leading)) {
parts.push(print(stmtPath, {
needsSemi: true
} else {
parts.push(";", stmtPrinted);
} else {
if (!options.semi && isClass) {
if (classPropMayCauseASIProblems$1(stmtPath)) {
} else if (stmt.type === "ClassProperty") {
const nextChild = bodyNode.body[i + 1];
if (classChildNeedsASIProtection$1(nextChild)) {
if (isNextLineEmpty$2(text, stmt, options.locEnd) && !isLastStatement$1(stmtPath)) {
return join$4(hardline$4, printed);
function printPropertyKey(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getNode();
if (node.computed) {
return concat$6(["[", path.call(print, "key"), "]"]);
const parent = path.getParentNode();
const {
} = node;
if (node.type === "ClassPrivateProperty" && // flow has `Identifier` key, and babel has `PrivateName` key
key.type === "Identifier") {
return concat$6(["#", path.call(print, "key")]);
if (options.quoteProps === "consistent" && !needsQuoteProps.has(parent)) {
const objectHasStringProp = (parent.properties || parent.body || parent.members).some(prop => !prop.computed && prop.key && isStringLiteral$1(prop.key) && !isStringPropSafeToCoerceToIdentifier$1(prop, options));
needsQuoteProps.set(parent, objectHasStringProp);
if (key.type === "Identifier" && (options.parser === "json" || options.quoteProps === "consistent" && needsQuoteProps.get(parent))) {
// a -> "a"
const prop = printString$1(JSON.stringify(key.name), options);
return path.call(keyPath => comments.printComments(keyPath, () => prop, options), "key");
if (isStringPropSafeToCoerceToIdentifier$1(node, options) && (options.quoteProps === "as-needed" || options.quoteProps === "consistent" && !needsQuoteProps.get(parent))) {
// 'a' -> a
return path.call(keyPath => comments.printComments(keyPath, () => key.value, options), "key");
return path.call(print, "key");
function printMethod(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getNode();
const {
} = node;
const value = node.value || node;
const parts = [];
if (!kind || kind === "init" || kind === "method" || kind === "constructor") {
if (value.async) {
parts.push("async ");
if (value.generator) {
} else {
assert$1.ok(kind === "get" || kind === "set");
parts.push(kind, " ");
parts.push(printPropertyKey(path, options, print), node.optional || node.key.optional ? "?" : "", node === value ? printMethodInternal(path, options, print) : path.call(path => printMethodInternal(path, options, print), "value"));
return concat$6(parts);
function printMethodInternal(path, options, print) {
const parts = [printFunctionTypeParameters(path, options, print), group$2(concat$6([printFunctionParams(path, print, options), printReturnType(path, print, options)]))];
if (path.getNode().body) {
parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "body"));
} else {
parts.push(options.semi ? ";" : "");
return concat$6(parts);
function couldGroupArg(arg) {
return arg.type === "ObjectExpression" && (arg.properties.length > 0 || arg.comments) || arg.type === "ArrayExpression" && (arg.elements.length > 0 || arg.comments) || arg.type === "TSTypeAssertion" && couldGroupArg(arg.expression) || arg.type === "TSAsExpression" && couldGroupArg(arg.expression) || arg.type === "FunctionExpression" || arg.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && ( // we want to avoid breaking inside composite return types but not simple keywords
// https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/4070
// export class Thing implements OtherThing {
// do: (type: Type) => Provider
= memoize(
// (type: ObjectType): Provider => {}
// );
// }
// https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/6099
// app.get("/", (req, res): void => {
// res.send("Hello World!");
// });
!arg.returnType || !arg.returnType.typeAnnotation || arg.returnType.typeAnnotation.type !== "TSTypeReference") && (arg.body.type === "BlockStatement" || arg.body.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" || arg.body.type === "ObjectExpression" || arg.body.type === "ArrayExpression" || arg.body.type === "CallExpression" || arg.body.type === "OptionalCallExpression" || arg.body.type === "ConditionalExpression" || isJSXNode$1(arg.body));
function shouldGroupLastArg(args) {
const lastArg = getLast$2(args);
const penultimateArg = getPenultimate$1(args);
return !hasLeadingComment$3(lastArg) && !hasTrailingComment$1(lastArg) && couldGroupArg(lastArg) && ( // If the last two arguments are of the same type,
// disable last element expansion.
!penultimateArg || penultimateArg.type !== lastArg.type);
function shouldGroupFirstArg(args) {
if (args.length !== 2) {
return false;
const [firstArg, secondArg] = args;
return (!firstArg.comments || !firstArg.comments.length) && (firstArg.type === "FunctionExpression" || firstArg.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && firstArg.body.type === "BlockStatement") && secondArg.type !== "FunctionExpression" && secondArg.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression" && secondArg.type !== "ConditionalExpression" && !couldGroupArg(secondArg);
function printJestEachTemplateLiteral(node, expressions, options) {
* a | b | expected
* ${1} | ${1} | ${2}
* ${1} | ${2} | ${3}
* ${2} | ${1} | ${3}
const headerNames = node.quasis[0].value.raw.trim().split(/\s*\|\s*/);
if (headerNames.length > 1 || headerNames.some(headerName => headerName.length !== 0)) {
const parts = [];
const stringifiedExpressions = expressions.map(doc => "${" + printDocToString$2(doc, Object.assign({}, options, {
printWidth: Infinity,
endOfLine: "lf"
})).formatted + "}");
const tableBody = [{
hasLineBreak: false,
cells: []
for (let i = 1; i < node.quasis.length; i++) {
const row = tableBody[tableBody.length - 1];
const correspondingExpression = stringifiedExpressions[i - 1];
if (correspondingExpression.includes("\n")) {
row.hasLineBreak = true;
if (node.quasis[i].value.raw.includes("\n")) {
hasLineBreak: false,
cells: []
const maxColumnCount = Math.max(headerNames.length, ...tableBody.map(row => row.cells.length));
const maxColumnWidths = Array.from({
length: maxColumnCount
const table = [{
cells: headerNames
}, ...tableBody.filter(row => row.cells.length !== 0)];
for (const {
} of table.filter(row => !row.hasLineBreak)) {
cells.forEach((cell, index) => {
maxColumnWidths[index] = Math.max(maxColumnWidths[index], getStringWidth$3(cell));
parts.push(lineSuffixBoundary$1, "`", indent$3(concat$6([hardline$4, join$4(hardline$4, table.map(row => join$4(" | ", row.cells.map((cell, index) => row.hasLineBreak ? cell : cell + " ".repeat(maxColumnWidths[index] - getStringWidth$3(cell))))))])), hardline$4, "`");
return concat$6(parts);
function printArgumentsList(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
const args = node.arguments;
if (args.length === 0) {
return concat$6(["(", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
true), ")"]);
} // useEffect(() => { ... }, [foo, bar, baz])
if (args.length === 2 && args[0].type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && args[0].params.length === 0 && args[0].body.type === "BlockStatement" && args[1].type === "ArrayExpression" && !args.find(arg => arg.comments)) {
return concat$6(["(", path.call(print, "arguments", 0), ", ", path.call(print, "arguments", 1), ")"]);
} // func(
// ({
// a,
// b
// }) => {}
// );
function shouldBreakForArrowFunctionInArguments(arg, argPath) {
if (!arg || arg.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression" || !arg.body || arg.body.type !== "BlockStatement" || !arg.params || arg.params.length < 1) {
return false;
let shouldBreak = false;
argPath.each(paramPath => {
const printed = concat$6([print(paramPath)]);
shouldBreak = shouldBreak || willBreak$1(printed);
}, "params");
return shouldBreak;
let anyArgEmptyLine = false;
let shouldBreakForArrowFunction = false;
let hasEmptyLineFollowingFirstArg = false;
const lastArgIndex = args.length - 1;
const printedArguments = path.map((argPath, index) => {
const arg = argPath.getNode();
const parts = [print(argPath)];
if (index === lastArgIndex) ; else if (isNextLineEmpty$2(options.originalText, arg, options.locEnd)) {
if (index === 0) {
hasEmptyLineFollowingFirstArg = true;
anyArgEmptyLine = true;
parts.push(",", hardline$4, hardline$4);
} else {
parts.push(",", line$4);
shouldBreakForArrowFunction = shouldBreakForArrowFunctionInArguments(arg, argPath);
return concat$6(parts);
}, "arguments");
const maybeTrailingComma = // Dynamic imports cannot have trailing commas
!(node.callee && node.callee.type === "Import") && shouldPrintComma(options, "all") ? "," : "";
function allArgsBrokenOut() {
return group$2(concat$6(["(", indent$3(concat$6([line$4, concat$6(printedArguments)])), maybeTrailingComma, line$4, ")"]), {
shouldBreak: true
if (path.getParentNode().type !== "Decorator" && isFunctionCompositionArgs$1(args)) {
return allArgsBrokenOut();
const shouldGroupFirst = shouldGroupFirstArg(args);
const shouldGroupLast = shouldGroupLastArg(args);
if (shouldGroupFirst || shouldGroupLast) {
const shouldBreak = (shouldGroupFirst ? printedArguments.slice(1).some(willBreak$1) : printedArguments.slice(0, -1).some(willBreak$1)) || anyArgEmptyLine || shouldBreakForArrowFunction; // We want to print the last argument with a special flag
let printedExpanded;
let i = 0;
path.each(argPath => {
if (shouldGroupFirst && i === 0) {
printedExpanded = [concat$6([argPath.call(p => print(p, {
expandFirstArg: true
})), printedArguments.length > 1 ? "," : "", hasEmptyLineFollowingFirstArg ? hardline$4 : line$4, hasEmptyLineFollowingFirstArg ? hardline$4 : ""])].concat(printedArguments.slice(1));
if (shouldGroupLast && i === args.length - 1) {
printedExpanded = printedArguments.slice(0, -1).concat(argPath.call(p => print(p, {
expandLastArg: true
}, "arguments");
const somePrintedArgumentsWillBreak = printedArguments.some(willBreak$1);
const simpleConcat = concat$6(["(", concat$6(printedExpanded), ")"]);
return concat$6([somePrintedArgumentsWillBreak ? breakParent$2 : "", conditionalGroup$1([!somePrintedArgumentsWillBreak && !node.typeArguments && !node.typeParameters ? simpleConcat : ifBreak$1(allArgsBrokenOut(), simpleConcat), shouldGroupFirst ? concat$6(["(", group$2(printedExpanded[0], {
shouldBreak: true
}), concat$6(printedExpanded.slice(1)), ")"]) : concat$6(["(", concat$6(printedArguments.slice(0, -1)), group$2(getLast$2(printedExpanded), {
shouldBreak: true
}), ")"]), allArgsBrokenOut()], {
const contents = concat$6(["(", indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, concat$6(printedArguments)])), ifBreak$1(maybeTrailingComma), softline$2, ")"]);
if (isLongCurriedCallExpression$1(path)) {
// By not wrapping the arguments in a group, the printer prioritizes
// breaking up these arguments rather than the args of the parent call.
return contents;
return group$2(contents, {
shouldBreak: printedArguments.some(willBreak$1) || anyArgEmptyLine
function printTypeAnnotation(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
if (!node.typeAnnotation) {
return "";
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const isDefinite = node.definite || parentNode && parentNode.type === "VariableDeclarator" && parentNode.definite;
const isFunctionDeclarationIdentifier = parentNode.type === "DeclareFunction" && parentNode.id === node;
if (isFlowAnnotationComment$1(options.originalText, node.typeAnnotation, options)) {
return concat$6([" /*: ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), " */"]);
return concat$6([isFunctionDeclarationIdentifier ? "" : isDefinite ? "!: " : ": ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]);
function printFunctionTypeParameters(path, options, print) {
const fun = path.getValue();
if (fun.typeArguments) {
return path.call(print, "typeArguments");
if (fun.typeParameters) {
return path.call(print, "typeParameters");
return "";
function printFunctionParams(path, print, options, expandArg, printTypeParams) {
const fun = path.getValue();
const parent = path.getParentNode();
const paramsField = fun.parameters ? "parameters" : "params";
const isParametersInTestCall = isTestCall$1(parent);
const shouldHugParameters = shouldHugArguments(fun);
const shouldExpandParameters = expandArg && !(fun[paramsField] && fun[paramsField].some(n => n.comments));
const typeParams = printTypeParams ? printFunctionTypeParameters(path, options, print) : "";
let printed = [];
if (fun[paramsField]) {
const lastArgIndex = fun[paramsField].length - 1;
printed = path.map((childPath, index) => {
const parts = [];
const param = childPath.getValue();
if (index === lastArgIndex) {
if (fun.rest) {
parts.push(",", line$4);
} else if (isParametersInTestCall || shouldHugParameters || shouldExpandParameters) {
parts.push(", ");
} else if (isNextLineEmpty$2(options.originalText, param, options.locEnd)) {
parts.push(",", hardline$4, hardline$4);
} else {
parts.push(",", line$4);
return concat$6(parts);
}, paramsField);
if (fun.rest) {
printed.push(concat$6(["...", path.call(print, "rest")]));
if (printed.length === 0) {
return concat$6([typeParams, "(", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
true, comment => getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacter$1(options.originalText, comment, options.locEnd) === ")"), ")"]);
const lastParam = getLast$2(fun[paramsField]); // If the parent is a call with the first/last argument expansion and this is the
// params of the first/last argument, we don't want the arguments to break and instead
// want the whole expression to be on a new line.
// Good: Bad:
// verylongcall( verylongcall((
// (a, b) => { a,
// } b,
// }) ) => {
// })
if (shouldExpandParameters) {
return group$2(concat$6([removeLines$1(typeParams), "(", concat$6(printed.map(removeLines$1)), ")"]));
} // Single object destructuring should hug
// function({
// a,
// b,
// c
// }) {}
const hasNotParameterDecorator = fun[paramsField].every(param => !param.decorators);
if (shouldHugParameters && hasNotParameterDecorator) {
return concat$6([typeParams, "(", concat$6(printed), ")"]);
} // don't break in specs, eg; `it("should maintain parens around done even when long", (done) => {})`
if (isParametersInTestCall) {
return concat$6([typeParams, "(", concat$6(printed), ")"]);
const isFlowShorthandWithOneArg = (isObjectTypePropertyAFunction$1(parent, options) || isTypeAnnotationAFunction$1(parent, options) || parent.type === "TypeAlias" || parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation" || parent.type === "TSUnionType" || parent.type === "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" || parent.type === "FunctionTypeAnnotation" && parent.returnType === fun) && fun[paramsField].length === 1 && fun[paramsField][0].name === null && fun[paramsField][0].typeAnnotation && fun.typeParameters === null && isSimpleFlowType$1(fun[paramsField][0].typeAnnotation) && !fun.rest;
if (isFlowShorthandWithOneArg) {
if (options.arrowParens === "always") {
return concat$6(["(", concat$6(printed), ")"]);
return concat$6(printed);
const canHaveTrailingComma = !(lastParam && lastParam.type === "RestElement") && !fun.rest;
return concat$6([typeParams, "(", indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, concat$6(printed)])), ifBreak$1(canHaveTrailingComma && shouldPrintComma(options, "all") ? "," : ""), softline$2, ")"]);
function shouldPrintParamsWithoutParens(path, options) {
if (options.arrowParens === "always") {
return false;
if (options.arrowParens === "avoid") {
const node = path.getValue();
return canPrintParamsWithoutParens(node);
} // Fallback default; should be unreachable
return false;
function canPrintParamsWithoutParens(node) {
return node.params.length === 1 && !node.rest && !node.typeParameters && !hasDanglingComments$1(node) && node.params[0].type === "Identifier" && !node.params[0].typeAnnotation && !node.params[0].comments && !node.params[0].optional && !node.predicate && !node.returnType;
function printFunctionDeclaration(path, print, options) {
const n = path.getValue();
const parts = [];
if (n.async) {
parts.push("async ");
if (n.generator) {
parts.push("function* ");
} else {
parts.push("function ");
if (n.id) {
parts.push(path.call(print, "id"));
parts.push(printFunctionTypeParameters(path, options, print), group$2(concat$6([printFunctionParams(path, print, options), printReturnType(path, print, options)])), n.body ? " " : "", path.call(print, "body"));
return concat$6(parts);
function printReturnType(path, print, options) {
const n = path.getValue();
const returnType = path.call(print, "returnType");
if (n.returnType && isFlowAnnotationComment$1(options.originalText, n.returnType, options)) {
return concat$6([" /*: ", returnType, " */"]);
const parts = [returnType]; // prepend colon to TypeScript type annotation
if (n.returnType && n.returnType.typeAnnotation) {
parts.unshift(": ");
if (n.predicate) {
// The return type will already add the colon, but otherwise we
// need to do it ourselves
parts.push(n.returnType ? " " : ": ", path.call(print, "predicate"));
return concat$6(parts);
function printExportDeclaration(path, options, print) {
const decl = path.getValue();
const semi = options.semi ? ";" : "";
const parts = ["export "];
const isDefault = decl.default || decl.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
if (isDefault) {
parts.push("default ");
parts.push(comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
if (needsHardlineAfterDanglingComment$1(decl)) {
if (decl.declaration) {
parts.push(path.call(print, "declaration"));
if (isDefault && decl.declaration.type !== "ClassDeclaration" && decl.declaration.type !== "FunctionDeclaration" && decl.declaration.type !== "TSInterfaceDeclaration" && decl.declaration.type !== "DeclareClass" && decl.declaration.type !== "DeclareFunction" && decl.declaration.type !== "TSDeclareFunction") {
} else {
if (decl.specifiers && decl.specifiers.length > 0) {
const specifiers = [];
const defaultSpecifiers = [];
const namespaceSpecifiers = [];
path.each(specifierPath => {
const specifierType = path.getValue().type;
if (specifierType === "ExportSpecifier") {
} else if (specifierType === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") {
} else if (specifierType === "ExportNamespaceSpecifier") {
namespaceSpecifiers.push(concat$6(["* as ", print(specifierPath)]));
}, "specifiers");
const isNamespaceFollowed = namespaceSpecifiers.length !== 0 && specifiers.length !== 0;
const isDefaultFollowed = defaultSpecifiers.length !== 0 && (namespaceSpecifiers.length !== 0 || specifiers.length !== 0);
const canBreak = specifiers.length > 1 || defaultSpecifiers.length > 0 || decl.specifiers && decl.specifiers.some(node => node.comments);
let printed = "";
if (specifiers.length !== 0) {
if (canBreak) {
printed = group$2(concat$6(["{", indent$3(concat$6([options.bracketSpacing ? line$4 : softline$2, join$4(concat$6([",", line$4]), specifiers)])), ifBreak$1(shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : ""), options.bracketSpacing ? line$4 : softline$2, "}"]));
} else {
printed = concat$6(["{", options.bracketSpacing ? " " : "", concat$6(specifiers), options.bracketSpacing ? " " : "", "}"]);
parts.push(decl.exportKind === "type" ? "type " : "", concat$6(defaultSpecifiers), concat$6([isDefaultFollowed ? ", " : ""]), concat$6(namespaceSpecifiers), concat$6([isNamespaceFollowed ? ", " : ""]), printed);
} else {
if (decl.source) {
parts.push(" from ", path.call(print, "source"));
return concat$6(parts);
function printFlowDeclaration(path, parts) {
const parentExportDecl = getParentExportDeclaration$1(path);
if (parentExportDecl) {
assert$1.strictEqual(parentExportDecl.type, "DeclareExportDeclaration");
} else {
// If the parent node has type DeclareExportDeclaration, then it
// will be responsible for printing the "declare" token. Otherwise
// it needs to be printed with this non-exported declaration node.
parts.unshift("declare ");
return concat$6(parts);
function printTypeScriptModifiers(path, options, print) {
const n = path.getValue();
if (!n.modifiers || !n.modifiers.length) {
return "";
return concat$6([join$4(" ", path.map(print, "modifiers")), " "]);
function printTypeParameters(path, options, print, paramsKey) {
const n = path.getValue();
if (!n[paramsKey]) {
return "";
} // for TypeParameterDeclaration typeParameters is a single node
if (!Array.isArray(n[paramsKey])) {
return path.call(print, paramsKey);
const grandparent = path.getNode(2);
const greatGrandParent = path.getNode(3);
const greatGreatGrandParent = path.getNode(4);
const isParameterInTestCall = grandparent != null && isTestCall$1(grandparent);
const shouldInline = isParameterInTestCall || n[paramsKey].length === 0 || n[paramsKey].length === 1 && (shouldHugType(n[paramsKey][0]) || n[paramsKey][0].type === "GenericTypeAnnotation" && shouldHugType(n[paramsKey][0].id) || n[paramsKey][0].type === "TSTypeReference" && shouldHugType(n[paramsKey][0].typeName) || n[paramsKey][0].type === "NullableTypeAnnotation" || // See https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/6467 for the context.
greatGreatGrandParent && greatGreatGrandParent.type === "VariableDeclarator" && grandparent.type === "TSTypeAnnotation" && greatGrandParent.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "TSUnionType" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "UnionTypeAnnotation" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "TSIntersectionType" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "TSConditionalType" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "TSMappedType" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "TSTypeOperator" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "TSIndexedAccessType" && n[paramsKey][0].type !== "TSArrayType");
function printDanglingCommentsForInline(n) {
if (!hasDanglingComments$1(n)) {
return "";
const hasOnlyBlockComments = n.comments.every(comments$1.isBlockComment);
const printed = comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
if (hasOnlyBlockComments) {
return printed;
return concat$6([printed, hardline$4]);
if (shouldInline) {
return concat$6(["<", join$4(", ", path.map(print, paramsKey)), printDanglingCommentsForInline(n), ">"]);
return group$2(concat$6(["<", indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, join$4(concat$6([",", line$4]), path.map(print, paramsKey))])), ifBreak$1(options.parser !== "typescript" && options.parser !== "babel-ts" && shouldPrintComma(options, "all") ? "," : ""), softline$2, ">"]));
function printClass(path, options, print) {
const n = path.getValue();
const parts = [];
if (n.abstract) {
parts.push("abstract ");
if (n.id) {
parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "id"));
parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters"));
const partsGroup = [];
if (n.superClass) {
const printed = concat$6(["extends ", path.call(print, "superClass"), path.call(print, "superTypeParameters")]); // Keep old behaviour of extends in same line
// If there is only on extends and there are not comments
if ((!n.implements || n.implements.length === 0) && (!n.superClass.comments || n.superClass.comments.length === 0)) {
parts.push(concat$6([" ", path.call(superClass => comments.printComments(superClass, () => printed, options), "superClass")]));
} else {
partsGroup.push(group$2(concat$6([line$4, path.call(superClass => comments.printComments(superClass, () => printed, options), "superClass")])));
} else if (n.extends && n.extends.length > 0) {
parts.push(" extends ", join$4(", ", path.map(print, "extends")));
if (n.mixins && n.mixins.length > 0) {
partsGroup.push(line$4, "mixins ", group$2(indent$3(join$4(concat$6([",", line$4]), path.map(print, "mixins")))));
if (n.implements && n.implements.length > 0) {
partsGroup.push(line$4, "implements", group$2(indent$3(concat$6([line$4, join$4(concat$6([",", line$4]), path.map(print, "implements"))]))));
if (partsGroup.length > 0) {
if (n.body && n.body.comments && hasLeadingOwnLineComment$1(options.originalText, n.body, options)) {
} else {
parts.push(" ");
parts.push(path.call(print, "body"));
return parts;
function printOptionalToken(path) {
const node = path.getValue();
if (!node.optional || // It's an optional computed method parsed by typescript-estree.
// "?" is printed in `printMethod`.
node.type === "Identifier" && node === path.getParentNode().key) {
return "";
if (node.type === "OptionalCallExpression" || node.type === "OptionalMemberExpression" && node.computed) {
return "?.";
return "?";
function printMemberLookup(path, options, print) {
const property = path.call(print, "property");
const n = path.getValue();
const optional = printOptionalToken(path);
if (!n.computed) {
return concat$6([optional, ".", property]);
if (!n.property || isNumericLiteral$1(n.property)) {
return concat$6([optional, "[", property, "]"]);
return group$2(concat$6([optional, "[", indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, property])), softline$2, "]"]));
function printBindExpressionCallee(path, options, print) {
return concat$6(["::", path.call(print, "callee")]);
} // We detect calls on member expressions specially to format a
// common pattern better. The pattern we are looking for is this:
// arr
// .map(x => x + 1)
// .filter(x => x > 10)
// .some(x => x % 2)
// The way it is structured in the AST is via a nested sequence of
// MemberExpression and CallExpression. We need to traverse the AST
// and make groups out of it to print it in the desired way.
function printMemberChain(path, options, print) {
// The first phase is to linearize the AST by traversing it down.
// a().b()
// has the following AST structure:
// CallExpression(MemberExpression(CallExpression(Identifier)))
// and we transform it into
// [Identifier, CallExpression, MemberExpression, CallExpression]
const printedNodes = []; // Here we try to retain one typed empty line after each call expression or
// the first group whether it is in parentheses or not
function shouldInsertEmptyLineAfter(node) {
const {
} = options;
const nextCharIndex = getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacterIndex$3(originalText, node, options.locEnd);
const nextChar = originalText.charAt(nextCharIndex); // if it is cut off by a parenthesis, we only account for one typed empty
// line after that parenthesis
if (nextChar === ")") {
return isNextLineEmptyAfterIndex$2(originalText, nextCharIndex + 1, options.locEnd);
return isNextLineEmpty$2(originalText, node, options.locEnd);
function rec(path) {
const node = path.getValue();
if ((node.type === "CallExpression" || node.type === "OptionalCallExpression") && (isMemberish$1(node.callee) || node.callee.type === "CallExpression" || node.callee.type === "OptionalCallExpression")) {
printed: concat$6([comments.printComments(path, () => concat$6([printOptionalToken(path), printFunctionTypeParameters(path, options, print), printArgumentsList(path, options, print)]), options), shouldInsertEmptyLineAfter(node) ? hardline$4 : ""])
path.call(callee => rec(callee), "callee");
} else if (isMemberish$1(node)) {
needsParens: needsParens_1(path, options),
printed: comments.printComments(path, () => node.type === "OptionalMemberExpression" || node.type === "MemberExpression" ? printMemberLookup(path, options, print) : printBindExpressionCallee(path, options, print), options)
path.call(object => rec(object), "object");
} else if (node.type === "TSNonNullExpression") {
printed: comments.printComments(path, () => "!", options)
path.call(expression => rec(expression), "expression");
} else {
printed: path.call(print)
} // Note: the comments of the root node have already been printed, so we
// need to extract this first call without printing them as they would
// if handled inside of the recursive call.
const node = path.getValue();
printed: concat$6([printOptionalToken(path), printFunctionTypeParameters(path, options, print), printArgumentsList(path, options, print)])
path.call(callee => rec(callee), "callee"); // Once we have a linear list of printed nodes, we want to create groups out
// of it.
// a().b.c().d().e
// will be grouped as
// [
// [Identifier, CallExpression],
// [MemberExpression, MemberExpression, CallExpression],
// [MemberExpression, CallExpression],
// [MemberExpression],
// ]
// so that we can print it as
// a()
// .b.c()
// .d()
// .e
// The first group is the first node followed by
// - as many CallExpression as possible
// < fn()()() >.something()
// - as many array accessors as possible
// < fn()[0][1][2] >.something()
// - then, as many MemberExpression as possible but the last one
// < this.items >.something()
const groups = [];
let currentGroup = [printedNodes[0]];
let i = 1;
for (; i < printedNodes.length; ++i) {
if (printedNodes[i].node.type === "TSNonNullExpression" || printedNodes[i].node.type === "OptionalCallExpression" || printedNodes[i].node.type === "CallExpression" || (printedNodes[i].node.type === "MemberExpression" || printedNodes[i].node.type === "OptionalMemberExpression") && printedNodes[i].node.computed && isNumericLiteral$1(printedNodes[i].node.property)) {
} else {
if (printedNodes[0].node.type !== "CallExpression" && printedNodes[0].node.type !== "OptionalCallExpression") {
for (; i + 1 < printedNodes.length; ++i) {
if (isMemberish$1(printedNodes[i].node) && isMemberish$1(printedNodes[i + 1].node)) {
} else {
currentGroup = []; // Then, each following group is a sequence of MemberExpression followed by
// a sequence of CallExpression. To compute it, we keep adding things to the
// group until we has seen a CallExpression in the past and reach a
// MemberExpression
let hasSeenCallExpression = false;
for (; i < printedNodes.length; ++i) {
if (hasSeenCallExpression && isMemberish$1(printedNodes[i].node)) {
// [0] should be appended at the end of the group instead of the
// beginning of the next one
if (printedNodes[i].node.computed && isNumericLiteral$1(printedNodes[i].node.property)) {
currentGroup = [];
hasSeenCallExpression = false;
if (printedNodes[i].node.type === "CallExpression" || printedNodes[i].node.type === "OptionalCallExpression") {
hasSeenCallExpression = true;
if (printedNodes[i].node.comments && printedNodes[i].node.comments.some(comment => comment.trailing)) {
currentGroup = [];
hasSeenCallExpression = false;
if (currentGroup.length > 0) {
} // There are cases like Object.keys(), Observable.of(), _.values() where
// they are the subject of all the chained calls and therefore should
// be kept on the same line:
// Object.keys(items)
// .filter(x => x)
// .map(x => x)
// In order to detect those cases, we use an heuristic: if the first
// node is an identifier with the name starting with a capital
// letter or just a sequence of _$. The rationale is that they are
// likely to be factories.
function isFactory(name) {
return /^[A-Z]|^[_$]+$/.test(name);
} // In case the Identifier is shorter than tab width, we can keep the
// first call in a single line, if it's an ExpressionStatement.
// d3.scaleLinear()
// .domain([0, 100])
// .range([0, width]);
function isShort(name) {
return name.length <= options.tabWidth;
function shouldNotWrap(groups) {
const parent = path.getParentNode();
const isExpression = parent && parent.type === "ExpressionStatement";
const hasComputed = groups[1].length && groups[1][0].node.computed;
if (groups[0].length === 1) {
const firstNode = groups[0][0].node;
return firstNode.type === "ThisExpression" || firstNode.type === "Identifier" && (isFactory(firstNode.name) || isExpression && isShort(firstNode.name) || hasComputed);
const lastNode = getLast$2(groups[0]).node;
return (lastNode.type === "MemberExpression" || lastNode.type === "OptionalMemberExpression") && lastNode.property.type === "Identifier" && (isFactory(lastNode.property.name) || hasComputed);
const shouldMerge = groups.length >= 2 && !groups[1][0].node.comments && shouldNotWrap(groups);
function printGroup(printedGroup) {
const printed = printedGroup.map(tuple => tuple.printed); // Checks if the last node (i.e. the parent node) needs parens and print
// accordingly
if (printedGroup.length > 0 && printedGroup[printedGroup.length - 1].needsParens) {
return concat$6(["(", ...printed, ")"]);
return concat$6(printed);
function printIndentedGroup(groups) {
if (groups.length === 0) {
return "";
return indent$3(group$2(concat$6([hardline$4, join$4(hardline$4, groups.map(printGroup))])));
const printedGroups = groups.map(printGroup);
const oneLine = concat$6(printedGroups);
const cutoff = shouldMerge ? 3 : 2;
const flatGroups = groups.reduce((res, group) => res.concat(group), []);
const hasComment = flatGroups.slice(1, -1).some(node => hasLeadingComment$3(node.node)) || flatGroups.slice(0, -1).some(node => hasTrailingComment$1(node.node)) || groups[cutoff] && hasLeadingComment$3(groups[cutoff][0].node); // If we only have a single `.`, we shouldn't do anything fancy and just
// render everything concatenated together.
if (groups.length <= cutoff && !hasComment) {
if (isLongCurriedCallExpression$1(path)) {
return oneLine;
return group$2(oneLine);
} // Find out the last node in the first group and check if it has an
// empty line after
const lastNodeBeforeIndent = getLast$2(shouldMerge ? groups.slice(1, 2)[0] : groups[0]).node;
const shouldHaveEmptyLineBeforeIndent = lastNodeBeforeIndent.type !== "CallExpression" && lastNodeBeforeIndent.type !== "OptionalCallExpression" && shouldInsertEmptyLineAfter(lastNodeBeforeIndent);
const expanded = concat$6([printGroup(groups[0]), shouldMerge ? concat$6(groups.slice(1, 2).map(printGroup)) : "", shouldHaveEmptyLineBeforeIndent ? hardline$4 : "", printIndentedGroup(groups.slice(shouldMerge ? 2 : 1))]);
const callExpressions = printedNodes.map(({
}) => node).filter(isCallOrOptionalCallExpression$1); // We don't want to print in one line if the chain has:
// * A comment.
// * Non-trivial arguments.
// * Any group but the last one has a hard line.
// If the last group is a function it's okay to inline if it fits.
if (hasComment || callExpressions.length > 2 && callExpressions.some(expr => !expr.arguments.every(arg => isSimpleCallArgument$1(arg, 0))) || printedGroups.slice(0, -1).some(willBreak$1) ||
* scopes.filter(scope => scope.value !== '').map((scope, i) => {
* // multi line content
* })
((lastGroupDoc, lastGroupNode) => isCallOrOptionalCallExpression$1(lastGroupNode) && willBreak$1(lastGroupDoc))(getLast$2(printedGroups), getLast$2(getLast$2(groups)).node) && callExpressions.slice(0, -1).some(n => n.arguments.some(isFunctionOrArrowExpression$1))) {
return group$2(expanded);
return concat$6([// We only need to check `oneLine` because if `expanded` is chosen
// that means that the parent group has already been broken
// naturally
willBreak$1(oneLine) || shouldHaveEmptyLineBeforeIndent ? breakParent$2 : "", conditionalGroup$1([oneLine, expanded])]);
function separatorNoWhitespace(isFacebookTranslationTag, child, childNode, nextNode) {
if (isFacebookTranslationTag) {
return "";
if (childNode.type === "JSXElement" && !childNode.closingElement || nextNode && nextNode.type === "JSXElement" && !nextNode.closingElement) {
return child.length === 1 ? softline$2 : hardline$4;
return softline$2;
function separatorWithWhitespace(isFacebookTranslationTag, child, childNode, nextNode) {
if (isFacebookTranslationTag) {
return hardline$4;
if (child.length === 1) {
return childNode.type === "JSXElement" && !childNode.closingElement || nextNode && nextNode.type === "JSXElement" && !nextNode.closingElement ? hardline$4 : softline$2;
return hardline$4;
} // JSX Children are strange, mostly for two reasons:
// 1. JSX reads newlines into string values, instead of skipping them like JS
// 2. up to one whitespace between elements within a line is significant,
// but not between lines.
// Leading, trailing, and lone whitespace all need to
// turn themselves into the rather ugly `{' '}` when breaking.
// We print JSX using the `fill` doc primitive.
// This requires that we give it an array of alternating
// content and whitespace elements.
// To ensure this we add dummy `""` content elements as needed.
function printJSXChildren(path, options, print, jsxWhitespace, isFacebookTranslationTag) {
const n = path.getValue();
const children = []; // using `map` instead of `each` because it provides `i`
path.map((childPath, i) => {
const child = childPath.getValue();
if (isLiteral$1(child)) {
const text = rawText$1(child); // Contains a non-whitespace character
if (isMeaningfulJSXText$1(child)) {
const words = text.split(matchJsxWhitespaceRegex$1); // Starts with whitespace
if (words[0] === "") {
if (/\n/.test(words[0])) {
const next = n.children[i + 1];
children.push(separatorWithWhitespace(isFacebookTranslationTag, words[1], child, next));
} else {
let endWhitespace; // Ends with whitespace
if (getLast$2(words) === "") {
endWhitespace = words.pop();
} // This was whitespace only without a new line.
if (words.length === 0) {
words.forEach((word, i) => {
if (i % 2 === 1) {
} else {
if (endWhitespace !== undefined) {
if (/\n/.test(endWhitespace)) {
const next = n.children[i + 1];
children.push(separatorWithWhitespace(isFacebookTranslationTag, getLast$2(children), child, next));
} else {
} else {
const next = n.children[i + 1];
children.push(separatorNoWhitespace(isFacebookTranslationTag, getLast$2(children), child, next));
} else if (/\n/.test(text)) {
// Keep (up to one) blank line between tags/expressions/text.
// Note: We don't keep blank lines between text elements.
if (text.match(/\n/g).length > 1) {
} else {
} else {
const printedChild = print(childPath);
const next = n.children[i + 1];
const directlyFollowedByMeaningfulText = next && isMeaningfulJSXText$1(next);
if (directlyFollowedByMeaningfulText) {
const firstWord = rawText$1(next).trim().split(matchJsxWhitespaceRegex$1)[0];
children.push(separatorNoWhitespace(isFacebookTranslationTag, firstWord, child, next));
} else {
}, "children");
return children;
} // JSX expands children from the inside-out, instead of the outside-in.
// This is both to break children before attributes,
// and to ensure that when children break, their parents do as well.
// Any element that is written without any newlines and fits on a single line
// is left that way.
// Not only that, any user-written-line containing multiple JSX siblings
// should also be kept on one line if possible,
// so each user-written-line is wrapped in its own group.
// Elements that contain newlines or don't fit on a single line (recursively)
// are fully-split, using hardline and shouldBreak: true.
// To support that case properly, all leading and trailing spaces
// are stripped from the list of children, and replaced with a single hardline.
function printJSXElement(path, options, print) {
const n = path.getValue();
if (n.type === "JSXElement" && isEmptyJSXElement$1(n)) {
return concat$6([path.call(print, "openingElement"), path.call(print, "closingElement")]);
const openingLines = n.type === "JSXElement" ? path.call(print, "openingElement") : path.call(print, "openingFragment");
const closingLines = n.type === "JSXElement" ? path.call(print, "closingElement") : path.call(print, "closingFragment");
if (n.children.length === 1 && n.children[0].type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && (n.children[0].expression.type === "TemplateLiteral" || n.children[0].expression.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression")) {
return concat$6([openingLines, concat$6(path.map(print, "children")), closingLines]);
} // Convert `{" "}` to text nodes containing a space.
// This makes it easy to turn them into `jsxWhitespace` which
// can then print as either a space or `{" "}` when breaking.
n.children = n.children.map(child => {
if (isJSXWhitespaceExpression$1(child)) {
return {
type: "JSXText",
value: " ",
raw: " "
return child;
const containsTag = n.children.filter(isJSXNode$1).length > 0;
const containsMultipleExpressions = n.children.filter(child => child.type === "JSXExpressionContainer").length > 1;
const containsMultipleAttributes = n.type === "JSXElement" && n.openingElement.attributes.length > 1; // Record any breaks. Should never go from true to false, only false to true.
let forcedBreak = willBreak$1(openingLines) || containsTag || containsMultipleAttributes || containsMultipleExpressions;
const isMdxBlock = path.getParentNode().rootMarker === "mdx";
const rawJsxWhitespace = options.singleQuote ? "{' '}" : '{" "}';
const jsxWhitespace = isMdxBlock ? concat$6([" "]) : ifBreak$1(concat$6([rawJsxWhitespace, softline$2]), " ");
const isFacebookTranslationTag = n.openingElement && n.openingElement.name && n.openingElement.name.name === "fbt";
const children = printJSXChildren(path, options, print, jsxWhitespace, isFacebookTranslationTag);
const containsText = n.children.some(child => isMeaningfulJSXText$1(child)); // We can end up we multiple whitespace elements with empty string
// content between them.
// We need to remove empty whitespace and softlines before JSX whitespace
// to get the correct output.
for (let i = children.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
const isPairOfEmptyStrings = children[i] === "" && children[i + 1] === "";
const isPairOfHardlines = children[i] === hardline$4 && children[i + 1] === "" && children[i + 2] === hardline$4;
const isLineFollowedByJSXWhitespace = (children[i] === softline$2 || children[i] === hardline$4) && children[i + 1] === "" && children[i + 2] === jsxWhitespace;
const isJSXWhitespaceFollowedByLine = children[i] === jsxWhitespace && children[i + 1] === "" && (children[i + 2] === softline$2 || children[i + 2] === hardline$4);
const isDoubleJSXWhitespace = children[i] === jsxWhitespace && children[i + 1] === "" && children[i + 2] === jsxWhitespace;
const isPairOfHardOrSoftLines = children[i] === softline$2 && children[i + 1] === "" && children[i + 2] === hardline$4 || children[i] === hardline$4 && children[i + 1] === "" && children[i + 2] === softline$2;
if (isPairOfHardlines && containsText || isPairOfEmptyStrings || isLineFollowedByJSXWhitespace || isDoubleJSXWhitespace || isPairOfHardOrSoftLines) {
children.splice(i, 2);
} else if (isJSXWhitespaceFollowedByLine) {
children.splice(i + 1, 2);
} // Trim trailing lines (or empty strings)
while (children.length && (isLineNext$1(getLast$2(children)) || isEmpty$1(getLast$2(children)))) {
} // Trim leading lines (or empty strings)
while (children.length && (isLineNext$1(children[0]) || isEmpty$1(children[0])) && (isLineNext$1(children[1]) || isEmpty$1(children[1]))) {
} // Tweak how we format children if outputting this element over multiple lines.
// Also detect whether we will force this element to output over multiple lines.
const multilineChildren = [];
children.forEach((child, i) => {
// There are a number of situations where we need to ensure we display
// whitespace as `{" "}` when outputting this element over multiple lines.
if (child === jsxWhitespace) {
if (i === 1 && children[i - 1] === "") {
if (children.length === 2) {
// Solitary whitespace
} // Leading whitespace
multilineChildren.push(concat$6([rawJsxWhitespace, hardline$4]));
} else if (i === children.length - 1) {
// Trailing whitespace
} else if (children[i - 1] === "" && children[i - 2] === hardline$4) {
// Whitespace after line break
if (willBreak$1(child)) {
forcedBreak = true;
}); // If there is text we use `fill` to fit as much onto each line as possible.
// When there is no text (just tags and expressions) we use `group`
// to output each on a separate line.
const content = containsText ? fill$3(multilineChildren) : group$2(concat$6(multilineChildren), {
shouldBreak: true
if (isMdxBlock) {
return content;
const multiLineElem = group$2(concat$6([openingLines, indent$3(concat$6([hardline$4, content])), hardline$4, closingLines]));
if (forcedBreak) {
return multiLineElem;
return conditionalGroup$1([group$2(concat$6([openingLines, concat$6(children), closingLines])), multiLineElem]);
function maybeWrapJSXElementInParens(path, elem, options) {
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (!parent) {
return elem;
ArrayExpression: true,
JSXAttribute: true,
JSXElement: true,
JSXExpressionContainer: true,
JSXFragment: true,
ExpressionStatement: true,
CallExpression: true,
OptionalCallExpression: true,
ConditionalExpression: true,
JsExpressionRoot: true
if (NO_WRAP_PARENTS[parent.type]) {
return elem;
const shouldBreak = path.match(undefined, node => node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression", isCallOrOptionalCallExpression$1, node => node.type === "JSXExpressionContainer");
const needsParens = needsParens_1(path, options);
return group$2(concat$6([needsParens ? "" : ifBreak$1("("), indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, elem])), softline$2, needsParens ? "" : ifBreak$1(")")]), {
function shouldInlineLogicalExpression(node) {
if (node.type !== "LogicalExpression") {
return false;
if (node.right.type === "ObjectExpression" && node.right.properties.length !== 0) {
return true;
if (node.right.type === "ArrayExpression" && node.right.elements.length !== 0) {
return true;
if (isJSXNode$1(node.right)) {
return true;
return false;
} // For binary expressions to be consistent, we need to group
// subsequent operators with the same precedence level under a single
// group. Otherwise they will be nested such that some of them break
// onto new lines but not all. Operators with the same precedence
// level should either all break or not. Because we group them by
// precedence level and the AST is structured based on precedence
// level, things are naturally broken up correctly, i.e. `&&` is
// broken before `+`.
function printBinaryishExpressions(path, print, options, isNested, isInsideParenthesis) {
let parts = [];
const node = path.getValue(); // We treat BinaryExpression and LogicalExpression nodes the same.
if (isBinaryish$1(node)) {
// Put all operators with the same precedence level in the same
// group. The reason we only need to do this with the `left`
// expression is because given an expression like `1 + 2 - 3`, it
// is always parsed like `((1 + 2) - 3)`, meaning the `left` side
// is where the rest of the expression will exist. Binary
// expressions on the right side mean they have a difference
// precedence level and should be treated as a separate group, so
// print them normally. (This doesn't hold for the `**` operator,
// which is unique in that it is right-associative.)
if (shouldFlatten$1(node.operator, node.left.operator)) {
// Flatten them out by recursively calling this function.
parts = parts.concat(path.call(left => printBinaryishExpressions(left, print, options,
/* isNested */
true, isInsideParenthesis), "left"));
} else {
parts.push(path.call(print, "left"));
const shouldInline = shouldInlineLogicalExpression(node);
const lineBeforeOperator = (node.operator === "|>" || node.type === "NGPipeExpression" || node.operator === "|" && options.parser === "__vue_expression") && !hasLeadingOwnLineComment$1(options.originalText, node.right, options);
const operator = node.type === "NGPipeExpression" ? "|" : node.operator;
const rightSuffix = node.type === "NGPipeExpression" && node.arguments.length !== 0 ? group$2(indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, ": ", join$4(concat$6([softline$2, ":", ifBreak$1(" ")]), path.map(print, "arguments").map(arg => align$1(2, group$2(arg))))]))) : "";
const right = shouldInline ? concat$6([operator, " ", path.call(print, "right"), rightSuffix]) : concat$6([lineBeforeOperator ? softline$2 : "", operator, lineBeforeOperator ? " " : line$4, path.call(print, "right"), rightSuffix]); // If there's only a single binary expression, we want to create a group
// in order to avoid having a small right part like -1 be on its own line.
const parent = path.getParentNode();
const shouldGroup = !(isInsideParenthesis && node.type === "LogicalExpression") && parent.type !== node.type && node.left.type !== node.type && node.right.type !== node.type;
parts.push(" ", shouldGroup ? group$2(right) : right); // The root comments are already printed, but we need to manually print
// the other ones since we don't call the normal print on BinaryExpression,
// only for the left and right parts
if (isNested && node.comments) {
parts = comments.printComments(path, () => concat$6(parts), options);
} else {
// Our stopping case. Simply print the node normally.
return parts;
function printAssignmentRight(leftNode, rightNode, printedRight, options) {
if (hasLeadingOwnLineComment$1(options.originalText, rightNode, options)) {
return indent$3(concat$6([line$4, printedRight]));
const canBreak = isBinaryish$1(rightNode) && !shouldInlineLogicalExpression(rightNode) || rightNode.type === "ConditionalExpression" && isBinaryish$1(rightNode.test) && !shouldInlineLogicalExpression(rightNode.test) || rightNode.type === "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" || rightNode.type === "ClassExpression" && rightNode.decorators && rightNode.decorators.length || (leftNode.type === "Identifier" || isStringLiteral$1(leftNode) || leftNode.type === "MemberExpression") && (isStringLiteral$1(rightNode) || isMemberExpressionChain$1(rightNode)) && // do not put values on a separate line from the key in json
options.parser !== "json" && options.parser !== "json5" || rightNode.type === "SequenceExpression";
if (canBreak) {
return group$2(indent$3(concat$6([line$4, printedRight])));
return concat$6([" ", printedRight]);
function printAssignment(leftNode, printedLeft, operator, rightNode, printedRight, options) {
if (!rightNode) {
return printedLeft;
const printed = printAssignmentRight(leftNode, rightNode, printedRight, options);
return group$2(concat$6([printedLeft, operator, printed]));
function adjustClause(node, clause, forceSpace) {
if (node.type === "EmptyStatement") {
return ";";
if (node.type === "BlockStatement" || forceSpace) {
return concat$6([" ", clause]);
return indent$3(concat$6([line$4, clause]));
function nodeStr(node, options, isFlowOrTypeScriptDirectiveLiteral) {
const raw = rawText$1(node);
const isDirectiveLiteral = isFlowOrTypeScriptDirectiveLiteral || node.type === "DirectiveLiteral";
return printString$1(raw, options, isDirectiveLiteral);
function printRegex(node) {
const flags = node.flags.split("").sort().join("");
return `/${node.pattern}/${flags}`;
function exprNeedsASIProtection(path, options) {
const node = path.getValue();
const maybeASIProblem = needsParens_1(path, options) || node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression" || node.type === "TypeCastExpression" || node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && !shouldPrintParamsWithoutParens(path, options) || node.type === "ArrayExpression" || node.type === "ArrayPattern" || node.type === "UnaryExpression" && node.prefix && (node.operator === "+" || node.operator === "-") || node.type === "TemplateLiteral" || node.type === "TemplateElement" || isJSXNode$1(node) || node.type === "BindExpression" && !node.object || node.type === "RegExpLiteral" || node.type === "Literal" && node.pattern || node.type === "Literal" && node.regex;
if (maybeASIProblem) {
return true;
if (!hasNakedLeftSide$2(node)) {
return false;
return path.call(childPath => exprNeedsASIProtection(childPath, options), ...getLeftSidePathName$2(path, node));
function stmtNeedsASIProtection(path, options) {
const node = path.getNode();
if (node.type !== "ExpressionStatement") {
return false;
return path.call(childPath => exprNeedsASIProtection(childPath, options), "expression");
function shouldHugType(node) {
if (isSimpleFlowType$1(node) || isObjectType$1(node)) {
return true;
if (node.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation" || node.type === "TSUnionType") {
const voidCount = node.types.filter(n => n.type === "VoidTypeAnnotation" || n.type === "TSVoidKeyword" || n.type === "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" || n.type === "TSNullKeyword").length;
const hasObject = node.types.some(n => n.type === "ObjectTypeAnnotation" || n.type === "TSTypeLiteral" || // This is a bit aggressive but captures Array<{x}>
n.type === "GenericTypeAnnotation" || n.type === "TSTypeReference");
if (node.types.length - 1 === voidCount && hasObject) {
return true;
return false;
function shouldHugArguments(fun) {
if (!fun || fun.rest) {
return false;
const params = fun.params || fun.parameters;
if (!params || params.length !== 1) {
return false;
const param = params[0];
return !param.comments && (param.type === "ObjectPattern" || param.type === "ArrayPattern" || param.type === "Identifier" && param.typeAnnotation && (param.typeAnnotation.type === "TypeAnnotation" || param.typeAnnotation.type === "TSTypeAnnotation") && isObjectType$1(param.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation) || param.type === "FunctionTypeParam" && isObjectType$1(param.typeAnnotation) || param.type === "AssignmentPattern" && (param.left.type === "ObjectPattern" || param.left.type === "ArrayPattern") && (param.right.type === "Identifier" || param.right.type === "ObjectExpression" && param.right.properties.length === 0 || param.right.type === "ArrayExpression" && param.right.elements.length === 0));
function printArrayItems(path, options, printPath, print) {
const printedElements = [];
let separatorParts = [];
path.each(childPath => {
separatorParts = [",", line$4];
if (childPath.getValue() && isNextLineEmpty$2(options.originalText, childPath.getValue(), options.locEnd)) {
}, printPath);
return concat$6(printedElements);
function printReturnAndThrowArgument(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
const semi = options.semi ? ";" : "";
const parts = [];
if (node.argument) {
if (returnArgumentHasLeadingComment$1(options, node.argument)) {
parts.push(concat$6([" (", indent$3(concat$6([hardline$4, path.call(print, "argument")])), hardline$4, ")"]));
} else if (isBinaryish$1(node.argument) || node.argument.type === "SequenceExpression") {
parts.push(group$2(concat$6([ifBreak$1(" (", " "), indent$3(concat$6([softline$2, path.call(print, "argument")])), softline$2, ifBreak$1(")")])));
} else {
parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "argument"));
const lastComment = Array.isArray(node.comments) && node.comments[node.comments.length - 1];
const isLastCommentLine = lastComment && (lastComment.type === "CommentLine" || lastComment.type === "Line");
if (isLastCommentLine) {
if (hasDanglingComments$1(node)) {
parts.push(" ", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options,
/* sameIndent */
if (!isLastCommentLine) {
return concat$6(parts);
function willPrintOwnComments(path
/*, options */
) {
const node = path.getValue();
const parent = path.getParentNode();
return (node && (isJSXNode$1(node) || hasFlowShorthandAnnotationComment$2(node) || parent && (parent.type === "CallExpression" || parent.type === "OptionalCallExpression") && (hasFlowAnnotationComment$1(node.leadingComments) || hasFlowAnnotationComment$1(node.trailingComments))) || parent && (parent.type === "JSXSpreadAttribute" || parent.type === "JSXSpreadChild" || parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation" || parent.type === "TSUnionType" || (parent.type === "ClassDeclaration" || parent.type === "ClassExpression") && parent.superClass === node)) && (!hasIgnoreComment$2(path) || parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation" || parent.type === "TSUnionType");
function canAttachComment(node) {
return node.type && node.type !== "CommentBlock" && node.type !== "CommentLine" && node.type !== "Line" && node.type !== "Block" && node.type !== "EmptyStatement" && node.type !== "TemplateElement" && node.type !== "Import";
function printComment$1(commentPath, options) {
const comment = commentPath.getValue();
switch (comment.type) {
case "CommentBlock":
case "Block":
if (isIndentableBlockComment(comment)) {
const printed = printIndentableBlockComment(comment); // We need to prevent an edge case of a previous trailing comment
// printed as a `lineSuffix` which causes the comments to be
// interleaved. See https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/4412
if (comment.trailing && !hasNewline$4(options.originalText, options.locStart(comment), {
backwards: true
})) {
return concat$6([hardline$4, printed]);
return printed;
const commentEnd = options.locEnd(comment);
const isInsideFlowComment = options.originalText.slice(commentEnd - 3, commentEnd) === "*-/";
return "/*" + comment.value + (isInsideFlowComment ? "*-/" : "*/");
case "CommentLine":
case "Line":
// Print shebangs with the proper comment characters
if (options.originalText.slice(options.locStart(comment)).startsWith("#!")) {
return "#!" + comment.value.trimEnd();
return "//" + comment.value.trimEnd();
throw new Error("Not a comment: " + JSON.stringify(comment));
function isIndentableBlockComment(comment) {
// If the comment has multiple lines and every line starts with a star
// we can fix the indentation of each line. The stars in the `/*` and
// `*/` delimiters are not included in the comment value, so add them
// back first.
const lines = `*${comment.value}*`.split("\n");
return lines.length > 1 && lines.every(line => line.trim()[0] === "*");
function printIndentableBlockComment(comment) {
const lines = comment.value.split("\n");
return concat$6(["/*", join$4(hardline$4, lines.map((line, index) => index === 0 ? line.trimEnd() : " " + (index < lines.length - 1 ? line.trim() : line.trimStart()))), "*/"]);
var printerEstree = {
preprocess: preprocess_1,
print: genericPrint,
embed: embed_1,
insertPragma: insertPragma$1,
massageAstNode: clean_1,
hasPrettierIgnore: hasPrettierIgnore$1,
printComment: printComment$1,
isBlockComment: comments$1.isBlockComment,
handleComments: {
ownLine: comments$1.handleOwnLineComment,
endOfLine: comments$1.handleEndOfLineComment,
remaining: comments$1.handleRemainingComment
getGapRegex: comments$1.getGapRegex,
getCommentChildNodes: comments$1.getCommentChildNodes
const {
concat: concat$7,
hardline: hardline$5,
indent: indent$4,
join: join$5
} = document.builders;
function genericPrint$1(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
switch (node.type) {
case "JsonRoot":
return concat$7([path.call(print, "node"), hardline$5]);
case "ArrayExpression":
return node.elements.length === 0 ? "[]" : concat$7(["[", indent$4(concat$7([hardline$5, join$5(concat$7([",", hardline$5]), path.map(print, "elements"))])), hardline$5, "]"]);
case "ObjectExpression":
return node.properties.length === 0 ? "{}" : concat$7(["{", indent$4(concat$7([hardline$5, join$5(concat$7([",", hardline$5]), path.map(print, "properties"))])), hardline$5, "}"]);
case "ObjectProperty":
return concat$7([path.call(print, "key"), ": ", path.call(print, "value")]);
case "UnaryExpression":
return concat$7([node.operator === "+" ? "" : node.operator, path.call(print, "argument")]);
case "NullLiteral":
return "null";
case "BooleanLiteral":
return node.value ? "true" : "false";
case "StringLiteral":
case "NumericLiteral":
return JSON.stringify(node.value);
case "Identifier":
return JSON.stringify(node.name);
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error("unknown type: " + JSON.stringify(node.type));
function clean$1(node, newNode
/*, parent*/
) {
delete newNode.start;
delete newNode.end;
delete newNode.extra;
delete newNode.loc;
delete newNode.comments;
delete newNode.errors;
if (node.type === "Identifier") {
return {
type: "StringLiteral",
value: node.name
if (node.type === "UnaryExpression" && node.operator === "+") {
return newNode.argument;
var printerEstreeJson = {
preprocess: preprocess_1,
print: genericPrint$1,
massageAstNode: clean$1
const CATEGORY_COMMON = "Common"; // format based on https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/master/src/main/core-options.js
var commonOptions = {
bracketSpacing: {
since: "0.0.0",
type: "boolean",
default: true,
description: "Print spaces between brackets.",
oppositeDescription: "Do not print spaces between brackets."
singleQuote: {
since: "0.0.0",
type: "boolean",
default: false,
description: "Use single quotes instead of double quotes."
proseWrap: {
since: "1.8.2",
type: "choice",
default: [{
since: "1.8.2",
value: true
}, {
since: "1.9.0",
value: "preserve"
description: "How to wrap prose.",
choices: [{
since: "1.9.0",
value: "always",
description: "Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width."
}, {
since: "1.9.0",
value: "never",
description: "Do not wrap prose."
}, {
since: "1.9.0",
value: "preserve",
description: "Wrap prose as-is."
const CATEGORY_JAVASCRIPT = "JavaScript"; // format based on https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/master/src/main/core-options.js
var options$2 = {
arrowParens: {
since: "1.9.0",
type: "choice",
default: [{
since: "1.9.0",
value: "avoid"
}, {
since: "2.0.0",
value: "always"
description: "Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter.",
choices: [{
value: "always",
description: "Always include parens. Example: `(x) => x`"
}, {
value: "avoid",
description: "Omit parens when possible. Example: `x => x`"
bracketSpacing: commonOptions.bracketSpacing,
jsxBracketSameLine: {
since: "0.17.0",
type: "boolean",
default: false,
description: "Put > on the last line instead of at a new line."
semi: {
since: "1.0.0",
type: "boolean",
default: true,
description: "Print semicolons.",
oppositeDescription: "Do not print semicolons, except at the beginning of lines which may need them."
singleQuote: commonOptions.singleQuote,
jsxSingleQuote: {
since: "1.15.0",
type: "boolean",
default: false,
description: "Use single quotes in JSX."
quoteProps: {
since: "1.17.0",
type: "choice",
default: "as-needed",
description: "Change when properties in objects are quoted.",
choices: [{
value: "as-needed",
description: "Only add quotes around object properties where required."
}, {
value: "consistent",
description: "If at least one property in an object requires quotes, quote all properties."
}, {
value: "preserve",
description: "Respect the input use of quotes in object properties."
trailingComma: {
since: "0.0.0",
type: "choice",
default: [{
since: "0.0.0",
value: false
}, {
since: "0.19.0",
value: "none"
}, {
since: "2.0.0",
value: "es5"
description: "Print trailing commas wherever possible when multi-line.",
choices: [{
value: "es5",
description: "Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc.)"
}, {
value: "none",
description: "No trailing commas."
}, {
value: "all",
description: "Trailing commas wherever possible (including function arguments)."
var createLanguage = function (linguistData, override) {
const {
} = linguistData,
rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(linguistData, ["languageId"]);
return Object.assign({
linguistLanguageId: languageId
}, rest, {}, override(linguistData));
var name$2 = "JavaScript";
var type = "programming";
var tmScope = "source.js";
var aceMode = "javascript";
var codemirrorMode = "javascript";
var codemirrorMimeType = "text/javascript";
var color = "#f1e05a";
var aliases = [
var extensions = [
var filenames = [
var interpreters = [
var languageId = 183;
var JavaScript = {
name: name$2,
type: type,
tmScope: tmScope,
aceMode: aceMode,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType,
color: color,
aliases: aliases,
extensions: extensions,
filenames: filenames,
interpreters: interpreters,
languageId: languageId
var JavaScript$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$2,
type: type,
tmScope: tmScope,
aceMode: aceMode,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType,
color: color,
aliases: aliases,
extensions: extensions,
filenames: filenames,
interpreters: interpreters,
languageId: languageId,
'default': JavaScript
var name$3 = "JSX";
var type$1 = "programming";
var group$3 = "JavaScript";
var extensions$1 = [
var tmScope$1 = "source.js.jsx";
var aceMode$1 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMode$1 = "jsx";
var codemirrorMimeType$1 = "text/jsx";
var languageId$1 = 178;
var JSX = {
name: name$3,
type: type$1,
group: group$3,
extensions: extensions$1,
tmScope: tmScope$1,
aceMode: aceMode$1,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$1,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$1,
languageId: languageId$1
var JSX$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$3,
type: type$1,
group: group$3,
extensions: extensions$1,
tmScope: tmScope$1,
aceMode: aceMode$1,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$1,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$1,
languageId: languageId$1,
'default': JSX
var name$4 = "TypeScript";
var type$2 = "programming";
var color$1 = "#2b7489";
var aliases$1 = [
var interpreters$1 = [
var extensions$2 = [
var tmScope$2 = "source.ts";
var aceMode$2 = "typescript";
var codemirrorMode$2 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMimeType$2 = "application/typescript";
var languageId$2 = 378;
var TypeScript = {
name: name$4,
type: type$2,
color: color$1,
aliases: aliases$1,
interpreters: interpreters$1,
extensions: extensions$2,
tmScope: tmScope$2,
aceMode: aceMode$2,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$2,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$2,
languageId: languageId$2
var TypeScript$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$4,
type: type$2,
color: color$1,
aliases: aliases$1,
interpreters: interpreters$1,
extensions: extensions$2,
tmScope: tmScope$2,
aceMode: aceMode$2,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$2,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$2,
languageId: languageId$2,
'default': TypeScript
var name$5 = "TSX";
var type$3 = "programming";
var group$4 = "TypeScript";
var extensions$3 = [
var tmScope$3 = "source.tsx";
var aceMode$3 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMode$3 = "jsx";
var codemirrorMimeType$3 = "text/jsx";
var languageId$3 = 94901924;
var TSX = {
name: name$5,
type: type$3,
group: group$4,
extensions: extensions$3,
tmScope: tmScope$3,
aceMode: aceMode$3,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$3,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$3,
languageId: languageId$3
var TSX$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$5,
type: type$3,
group: group$4,
extensions: extensions$3,
tmScope: tmScope$3,
aceMode: aceMode$3,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$3,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$3,
languageId: languageId$3,
'default': TSX
var name$6 = "JSON";
var type$4 = "data";
var tmScope$4 = "source.json";
var aceMode$4 = "json";
var codemirrorMode$4 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMimeType$4 = "application/json";
var searchable = false;
var extensions$4 = [
var filenames$1 = [
var languageId$4 = 174;
var _JSON = {
name: name$6,
type: type$4,
tmScope: tmScope$4,
aceMode: aceMode$4,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$4,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$4,
searchable: searchable,
extensions: extensions$4,
filenames: filenames$1,
languageId: languageId$4
var _JSON$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$6,
type: type$4,
tmScope: tmScope$4,
aceMode: aceMode$4,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$4,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$4,
searchable: searchable,
extensions: extensions$4,
filenames: filenames$1,
languageId: languageId$4,
'default': _JSON
var name$7 = "JSON with Comments";
var type$5 = "data";
var group$5 = "JSON";
var tmScope$5 = "source.js";
var aceMode$5 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMode$5 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMimeType$5 = "text/javascript";
var aliases$2 = [
var extensions$5 = [
var filenames$2 = [
var languageId$5 = 423;
var JSON_with_Comments = {
name: name$7,
type: type$5,
group: group$5,
tmScope: tmScope$5,
aceMode: aceMode$5,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$5,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$5,
aliases: aliases$2,
extensions: extensions$5,
filenames: filenames$2,
languageId: languageId$5
var JSON_with_Comments$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$7,
type: type$5,
group: group$5,
tmScope: tmScope$5,
aceMode: aceMode$5,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$5,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$5,
aliases: aliases$2,
extensions: extensions$5,
filenames: filenames$2,
languageId: languageId$5,
'default': JSON_with_Comments
var name$8 = "JSON5";
var type$6 = "data";
var extensions$6 = [
var tmScope$6 = "source.js";
var aceMode$6 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMode$6 = "javascript";
var codemirrorMimeType$6 = "application/json";
var languageId$6 = 175;
var JSON5 = {
name: name$8,
type: type$6,
extensions: extensions$6,
tmScope: tmScope$6,
aceMode: aceMode$6,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$6,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$6,
languageId: languageId$6
var JSON5$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$8,
type: type$6,
extensions: extensions$6,
tmScope: tmScope$6,
aceMode: aceMode$6,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$6,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$6,
languageId: languageId$6,
'default': JSON5
var require$$0$1 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(JavaScript$1);
var require$$1$1 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(JSX$1);
var require$$2 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(TypeScript$1);
var require$$3 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(TSX$1);
var require$$4$1 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(_JSON$1);
var require$$5 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(JSON_with_Comments$1);
var require$$6 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(JSON5$1);
const languages = [createLanguage(require$$0$1, data => ({
since: "0.0.0",
parsers: ["babel", "flow"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["javascript", "mongo"],
interpreters: data.interpreters.concat(["nodejs"])
})), createLanguage(require$$0$1, () => ({
name: "Flow",
since: "0.0.0",
parsers: ["babel", "flow"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["javascript"],
aliases: [],
filenames: [],
extensions: [".js.flow"]
})), createLanguage(require$$1$1, () => ({
since: "0.0.0",
parsers: ["babel", "flow"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["javascriptreact"]
})), createLanguage(require$$2, () => ({
since: "1.4.0",
parsers: ["typescript", "babel-ts"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["typescript"]
})), createLanguage(require$$3, () => ({
since: "1.4.0",
parsers: ["typescript", "babel-ts"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["typescriptreact"]
})), createLanguage(require$$4$1, () => ({
name: "JSON.stringify",
since: "1.13.0",
parsers: ["json-stringify"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["json"],
extensions: [],
// .json file defaults to json instead of json-stringify
filenames: ["package.json", "package-lock.json", "composer.json"]
})), createLanguage(require$$4$1, data => ({
since: "1.5.0",
parsers: ["json"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["json"],
filenames: data.filenames.concat([".prettierrc"])
})), createLanguage(require$$5, data => ({
since: "1.5.0",
parsers: ["json"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["jsonc"],
filenames: data.filenames.concat([".eslintrc"])
})), createLanguage(require$$6, () => ({
since: "1.13.0",
parsers: ["json5"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["json5"]
const printers = {
estree: printerEstree,
"estree-json": printerEstreeJson
var languageJs = {
options: options$2,
function clean$2(ast, newObj, parent) {
["raw", // front-matter
"raws", "sourceIndex", "source", "before", "after", "trailingComma"].forEach(name => {
delete newObj[name];
if (ast.type === "yaml") {
delete newObj.value;
} // --insert-pragma
if (ast.type === "css-comment" && parent.type === "css-root" && parent.nodes.length !== 0 && ( // first non-front-matter comment
parent.nodes[0] === ast || (parent.nodes[0].type === "yaml" || parent.nodes[0].type === "toml") && parent.nodes[1] === ast)) {
* something
* @format
delete newObj.text; // standalone pragma
if (/^\*\s*@(format|prettier)\s*$/.test(ast.text)) {
return null;
if (ast.type === "media-query" || ast.type === "media-query-list" || ast.type === "media-feature-expression") {
delete newObj.value;
if (ast.type === "css-rule") {
delete newObj.params;
if (ast.type === "selector-combinator") {
newObj.value = newObj.value.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
if (ast.type === "media-feature") {
newObj.value = newObj.value.replace(/ /g, "");
if (ast.type === "value-word" && (ast.isColor && ast.isHex || ["initial", "inherit", "unset", "revert"].includes(newObj.value.replace().toLowerCase())) || ast.type === "media-feature" || ast.type === "selector-root-invalid" || ast.type === "selector-pseudo") {
newObj.value = newObj.value.toLowerCase();
if (ast.type === "css-decl") {
newObj.prop = newObj.prop.toLowerCase();
if (ast.type === "css-atrule" || ast.type === "css-import") {
newObj.name = newObj.name.toLowerCase();
if (ast.type === "value-number") {
newObj.unit = newObj.unit.toLowerCase();
if ((ast.type === "media-feature" || ast.type === "media-keyword" || ast.type === "media-type" || ast.type === "media-unknown" || ast.type === "media-url" || ast.type === "media-value" || ast.type === "selector-attribute" || ast.type === "selector-string" || ast.type === "selector-class" || ast.type === "selector-combinator" || ast.type === "value-string") && newObj.value) {
newObj.value = cleanCSSStrings(newObj.value);
if (ast.type === "selector-attribute") {
newObj.attribute = newObj.attribute.trim();
if (newObj.namespace) {
if (typeof newObj.namespace === "string") {
newObj.namespace = newObj.namespace.trim();
if (newObj.namespace.length === 0) {
newObj.namespace = true;
if (newObj.value) {
newObj.value = newObj.value.trim().replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, "");
delete newObj.quoted;
if ((ast.type === "media-value" || ast.type === "media-type" || ast.type === "value-number" || ast.type === "selector-root-invalid" || ast.type === "selector-class" || ast.type === "selector-combinator" || ast.type === "selector-tag") && newObj.value) {
newObj.value = newObj.value.replace(/([\d.eE+-]+)([a-zA-Z]*)/g, (match, numStr, unit) => {
const num = Number(numStr);
return isNaN(num) ? match : num + unit.toLowerCase();
if (ast.type === "selector-tag") {
const lowercasedValue = ast.value.toLowerCase();
if (["from", "to"].includes(lowercasedValue)) {
newObj.value = lowercasedValue;
} // Workaround when `postcss-values-parser` parse `not`, `and` or `or` keywords as `value-func`
if (ast.type === "css-atrule" && ast.name.toLowerCase() === "supports") {
delete newObj.value;
} // Workaround for SCSS nested properties
if (ast.type === "selector-unknown") {
delete newObj.value;
function cleanCSSStrings(value) {
return value.replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/\\([^a-fA-F\d])/g, "$1");
var clean_1$1 = clean$2;
const {
builders: {
hardline: hardline$6,
literalline: literalline$3,
concat: concat$8,
markAsRoot: markAsRoot$1
utils: {
mapDoc: mapDoc$2
} = document;
function embed$1(path, print, textToDoc
/*, options */
) {
const node = path.getValue();
if (node.type === "yaml") {
return markAsRoot$1(concat$8(["---", hardline$6, node.value.trim() ? replaceNewlinesWithLiterallines(textToDoc(node.value, {
parser: "yaml"
})) : "", "---", hardline$6]));
return null;
function replaceNewlinesWithLiterallines(doc) {
return mapDoc$2(doc, currentDoc => typeof currentDoc === "string" && currentDoc.includes("\n") ? concat$8(currentDoc.split(/(\n)/g).map((v, i) => i % 2 === 0 ? v : literalline$3)) : currentDoc);
var embed_1$1 = embed$1;
"---": "yaml",
"+++": "toml"
function parse$5(text) {
const delimiterRegex = Object.keys(DELIMITER_MAP).map(escapeStringRegexp$2).join("|");
const match = text.match( // trailing spaces after delimiters are allowed
new RegExp(`^(${delimiterRegex})[^\\n\\S]*\\n(?:([\\s\\S]*?)\\n)?\\1[^\\n\\S]*(\\n|$)`));
if (match === null) {
return {
frontMatter: null,
content: text
const [raw, delimiter, value] = match;
return {
frontMatter: {
type: DELIMITER_MAP[delimiter],
raw: raw.replace(/\n$/, "")
content: raw.replace(/[^\n]/g, " ") + text.slice(raw.length)
var frontMatter = parse$5;
function hasPragma$1(text) {
return pragma.hasPragma(frontMatter(text).content);
function insertPragma$2(text) {
const {
frontMatter: frontMatter$1,
} = frontMatter(text);
return (frontMatter$1 ? frontMatter$1.raw + "\n\n" : "") + pragma.insertPragma(content);
var pragma$1 = {
hasPragma: hasPragma$1,
insertPragma: insertPragma$2
var lineColumnToIndex = function (lineColumn, text) {
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < lineColumn.line - 1; ++i) {
index = text.indexOf("\n", index) + 1;
if (index === -1) {
return -1;
return index + lineColumn.column;
const {
getLast: getLast$3,
skipEverythingButNewLine: skipEverythingButNewLine$2
} = util$1;
function calculateLocStart(node, text) {
if (node.source) {
return lineColumnToIndex(node.source.start, text) - 1;
return null;
function calculateLocEnd(node, text) {
if (node.type === "css-comment" && node.inline) {
return skipEverythingButNewLine$2(text, node.source.startOffset);
const endNode = node.nodes && getLast$3(node.nodes);
if (endNode && node.source && !node.source.end) {
node = endNode;
if (node.source && node.source.end) {
return lineColumnToIndex(node.source.end, text);
return null;
function calculateLoc(node, text) {
if (node && typeof node === "object") {
if (node.source) {
node.source.startOffset = calculateLocStart(node, text);
node.source.endOffset = calculateLocEnd(node, text);
for (const key in node) {
calculateLoc(node[key], text);
* Workaround for a bug: quotes in inline comments corrupt loc data of subsequent nodes.
* This function replaces the quotes with U+FFFE and U+FFFF. Later, when the comments are printed,
* their content is extracted from the original text or restored by replacing the placeholder
* characters back with quotes.
* - https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/7780
* - https://github.com/shellscape/postcss-less/issues/145
* - About noncharacters (U+FFFE and U+FFFF): http://www.unicode.org/faq/private_use.html#nonchar1
* @param text {string}
function replaceQuotesInInlineComments(text) {
/** @typedef { 'initial' | 'single-quotes' | 'double-quotes' | 'url' | 'comment-block' | 'comment-inline' } State */
/** @type {State} */
let state = "initial";
/** @type {State} */
let stateToReturnFromQuotes = "initial";
let inlineCommentStartIndex;
let inlineCommentContainsQuotes = false;
const inlineCommentsToReplace = [];
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
const c = text[i];
switch (state) {
case "initial":
if (c === "'") {
state = "single-quotes";
if (c === '"') {
state = "double-quotes";
if ((c === "u" || c === "U") && text.slice(i, i + 4).toLowerCase() === "url(") {
state = "url";
i += 3;
if (c === "*" && text[i - 1] === "/") {
state = "comment-block";
if (c === "/" && text[i - 1] === "/") {
state = "comment-inline";
inlineCommentStartIndex = i - 1;
case "single-quotes":
if (c === "'" && text[i - 1] !== "\\") {
state = stateToReturnFromQuotes;
stateToReturnFromQuotes = "initial";
if (c === "\n" || c === "\r") {
return text; // invalid input
case "double-quotes":
if (c === '"' && text[i - 1] !== "\\") {
state = stateToReturnFromQuotes;
stateToReturnFromQuotes = "initial";
if (c === "\n" || c === "\r") {
return text; // invalid input
case "url":
if (c === ")") {
state = "initial";
if (c === "\n" || c === "\r") {
return text; // invalid input
if (c === "'") {
state = "single-quotes";
stateToReturnFromQuotes = "url";
if (c === '"') {
state = "double-quotes";
stateToReturnFromQuotes = "url";
case "comment-block":
if (c === "/" && text[i - 1] === "*") {
state = "initial";
case "comment-inline":
if (c === '"' || c === "'") {
inlineCommentContainsQuotes = true;
if (c === "\n" || c === "\r") {
if (inlineCommentContainsQuotes) {
inlineCommentsToReplace.push([inlineCommentStartIndex, i]);
state = "initial";
inlineCommentContainsQuotes = false;
for (const [start, end] of inlineCommentsToReplace) {
text = text.slice(0, start) + text.slice(start, end).replace(/'/g, "\ufffe").replace(/"/g, "\uffff") + text.slice(end);
return text;
function restoreQuotesInInlineComments(text) {
return text.replace(/\ufffe/g, "'").replace(/\uffff/g, '"');
var loc$1 = {
const colorAdjusterFunctions = ["red", "green", "blue", "alpha", "a", "rgb", "hue", "h", "saturation", "s", "lightness", "l", "whiteness", "w", "blackness", "b", "tint", "shade", "blend", "blenda", "contrast", "hsl", "hsla", "hwb", "hwba"];
function getAncestorCounter(path, typeOrTypes) {
const types = [].concat(typeOrTypes);
let counter = -1;
let ancestorNode;
while (ancestorNode = path.getParentNode(++counter)) {
if (types.includes(ancestorNode.type)) {
return counter;
return -1;
function getAncestorNode(path, typeOrTypes) {
const counter = getAncestorCounter(path, typeOrTypes);
return counter === -1 ? null : path.getParentNode(counter);
function getPropOfDeclNode(path) {
const declAncestorNode = getAncestorNode(path, "css-decl");
return declAncestorNode && declAncestorNode.prop && declAncestorNode.prop.toLowerCase();
function isSCSS(parser, text) {
const hasExplicitParserChoice = parser === "less" || parser === "scss";
const IS_POSSIBLY_SCSS = /(\w\s*:\s*[^}:]+|#){|@import[^\n]+(?:url|,)/;
return hasExplicitParserChoice ? parser === "scss" : IS_POSSIBLY_SCSS.test(text);
function isWideKeywords(value) {
return ["initial", "inherit", "unset", "revert"].includes(value.toLowerCase());
function isKeyframeAtRuleKeywords(path, value) {
const atRuleAncestorNode = getAncestorNode(path, "css-atrule");
return atRuleAncestorNode && atRuleAncestorNode.name && atRuleAncestorNode.name.toLowerCase().endsWith("keyframes") && ["from", "to"].includes(value.toLowerCase());
function maybeToLowerCase(value) {
return value.includes("$") || value.includes("@") || value.includes("#") || value.startsWith("%") || value.startsWith("--") || value.startsWith(":--") || value.includes("(") && value.includes(")") ? value : value.toLowerCase();
function insideValueFunctionNode(path, functionName) {
const funcAncestorNode = getAncestorNode(path, "value-func");
return funcAncestorNode && funcAncestorNode.value && funcAncestorNode.value.toLowerCase() === functionName;
function insideICSSRuleNode(path) {
const ruleAncestorNode = getAncestorNode(path, "css-rule");
return ruleAncestorNode && ruleAncestorNode.raws && ruleAncestorNode.raws.selector && (ruleAncestorNode.raws.selector.startsWith(":import") || ruleAncestorNode.raws.selector.startsWith(":export"));
function insideAtRuleNode(path, atRuleNameOrAtRuleNames) {
const atRuleNames = [].concat(atRuleNameOrAtRuleNames);
const atRuleAncestorNode = getAncestorNode(path, "css-atrule");
return atRuleAncestorNode && atRuleNames.includes(atRuleAncestorNode.name.toLowerCase());
function insideURLFunctionInImportAtRuleNode(path) {
const node = path.getValue();
const atRuleAncestorNode = getAncestorNode(path, "css-atrule");
return atRuleAncestorNode && atRuleAncestorNode.name === "import" && node.groups[0].value === "url" && node.groups.length === 2;
function isURLFunctionNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-func" && node.value.toLowerCase() === "url";
function isLastNode(path, node) {
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
if (!parentNode) {
return false;
const {
} = parentNode;
return nodes && nodes.indexOf(node) === nodes.length - 1;
function isDetachedRulesetDeclarationNode(node) {
// If a Less file ends up being parsed with the SCSS parser, Less
// variable declarations will be parsed as atrules with names ending
// with a colon, so keep the original case then.
if (!node.selector) {
return false;
return typeof node.selector === "string" && /^@.+:.*$/.test(node.selector) || node.selector.value && /^@.+:.*$/.test(node.selector.value);
function isForKeywordNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && ["from", "through", "end"].includes(node.value);
function isIfElseKeywordNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && ["and", "or", "not"].includes(node.value);
function isEachKeywordNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && node.value === "in";
function isMultiplicationNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-operator" && node.value === "*";
function isDivisionNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-operator" && node.value === "/";
function isAdditionNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-operator" && node.value === "+";
function isSubtractionNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-operator" && node.value === "-";
function isModuloNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-operator" && node.value === "%";
function isMathOperatorNode(node) {
return isMultiplicationNode(node) || isDivisionNode(node) || isAdditionNode(node) || isSubtractionNode(node) || isModuloNode(node);
function isEqualityOperatorNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && ["==", "!="].includes(node.value);
function isRelationalOperatorNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && ["<", ">", "<=", ">="].includes(node.value);
function isSCSSControlDirectiveNode(node) {
return node.type === "css-atrule" && ["if", "else", "for", "each", "while"].includes(node.name);
function isSCSSNestedPropertyNode(node) {
if (!node.selector) {
return false;
return node.selector.replace(/\/\*.*?\*\//, "").replace(/\/\/.*?\n/, "").trim().endsWith(":");
function isDetachedRulesetCallNode(node) {
return node.raws && node.raws.params && /^\(\s*\)$/.test(node.raws.params);
function isTemplatePlaceholderNode(node) {
return node.name.startsWith("prettier-placeholder");
function isTemplatePropNode(node) {
return node.prop.startsWith("@prettier-placeholder");
function isPostcssSimpleVarNode(currentNode, nextNode) {
return currentNode.value === "$$" && currentNode.type === "value-func" && nextNode && nextNode.type === "value-word" && !nextNode.raws.before;
function hasComposesNode(node) {
return node.value && node.value.type === "value-root" && node.value.group && node.value.group.type === "value-value" && node.prop.toLowerCase() === "composes";
function hasParensAroundNode(node) {
return node.value && node.value.group && node.value.group.group && node.value.group.group.type === "value-paren_group" && node.value.group.group.open !== null && node.value.group.group.close !== null;
function hasEmptyRawBefore(node) {
return node.raws && node.raws.before === "";
function isKeyValuePairNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-comma_group" && node.groups && node.groups[1] && node.groups[1].type === "value-colon";
function isKeyValuePairInParenGroupNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-paren_group" && node.groups && node.groups[0] && isKeyValuePairNode(node.groups[0]);
function isSCSSMapItemNode(path) {
const node = path.getValue(); // Ignore empty item (i.e. `$key: ()`)
if (node.groups.length === 0) {
return false;
const parentParentNode = path.getParentNode(1); // Check open parens contain key/value pair (i.e. `(key: value)` and `(key: (value, other-value)`)
if (!isKeyValuePairInParenGroupNode(node) && !(parentParentNode && isKeyValuePairInParenGroupNode(parentParentNode))) {
return false;
const declNode = getAncestorNode(path, "css-decl"); // SCSS map declaration (i.e. `$map: (key: value, other-key: other-value)`)
if (declNode && declNode.prop && declNode.prop.startsWith("$")) {
return true;
} // List as value of key inside SCSS map (i.e. `$map: (key: (value other-value other-other-value))`)
if (isKeyValuePairInParenGroupNode(parentParentNode)) {
return true;
} // SCSS Map is argument of function (i.e. `func((key: value, other-key: other-value))`)
if (parentParentNode.type === "value-func") {
return true;
return false;
function isInlineValueCommentNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-comment" && node.inline;
function isHashNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && node.value === "#";
function isLeftCurlyBraceNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && node.value === "{";
function isRightCurlyBraceNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-word" && node.value === "}";
function isWordNode(node) {
return ["value-word", "value-atword"].includes(node.type);
function isColonNode(node) {
return node.type === "value-colon";
function isMediaAndSupportsKeywords(node) {
return node.value && ["not", "and", "or"].includes(node.value.toLowerCase());
function isColorAdjusterFuncNode(node) {
if (node.type !== "value-func") {
return false;
return colorAdjusterFunctions.includes(node.value.toLowerCase());
} // TODO: only check `less` when we don't use `less` to parse `css`
function isLessParser(options) {
return options.parser === "css" || options.parser === "less";
function lastLineHasInlineComment(text) {
return /\/\//.test(text.split(/[\r\n]/).pop());
var utils$7 = {
const {
insertPragma: insertPragma$3
} = pragma$1;
const {
printNumber: printNumber$2,
printString: printString$2,
hasIgnoreComment: hasIgnoreComment$3,
hasNewline: hasNewline$5
} = util$1;
const {
isNextLineEmpty: isNextLineEmpty$3
} = utilShared;
const {
restoreQuotesInInlineComments: restoreQuotesInInlineComments$1
} = loc$1;
const {
builders: {
concat: concat$9,
join: join$6,
line: line$5,
hardline: hardline$7,
softline: softline$3,
group: group$6,
fill: fill$4,
indent: indent$5,
dedent: dedent$2,
ifBreak: ifBreak$2
utils: {
removeLines: removeLines$2
} = document;
const {
getAncestorNode: getAncestorNode$1,
getPropOfDeclNode: getPropOfDeclNode$1,
maybeToLowerCase: maybeToLowerCase$1,
insideValueFunctionNode: insideValueFunctionNode$1,
insideICSSRuleNode: insideICSSRuleNode$1,
insideAtRuleNode: insideAtRuleNode$1,
insideURLFunctionInImportAtRuleNode: insideURLFunctionInImportAtRuleNode$1,
isKeyframeAtRuleKeywords: isKeyframeAtRuleKeywords$1,
isWideKeywords: isWideKeywords$1,
isSCSS: isSCSS$1,
isLastNode: isLastNode$1,
isLessParser: isLessParser$1,
isSCSSControlDirectiveNode: isSCSSControlDirectiveNode$1,
isDetachedRulesetDeclarationNode: isDetachedRulesetDeclarationNode$1,
isRelationalOperatorNode: isRelationalOperatorNode$1,
isEqualityOperatorNode: isEqualityOperatorNode$1,
isMultiplicationNode: isMultiplicationNode$1,
isDivisionNode: isDivisionNode$1,
isAdditionNode: isAdditionNode$1,
isSubtractionNode: isSubtractionNode$1,
isMathOperatorNode: isMathOperatorNode$1,
isEachKeywordNode: isEachKeywordNode$1,
isForKeywordNode: isForKeywordNode$1,
isURLFunctionNode: isURLFunctionNode$1,
isIfElseKeywordNode: isIfElseKeywordNode$1,
hasComposesNode: hasComposesNode$1,
hasParensAroundNode: hasParensAroundNode$1,
hasEmptyRawBefore: hasEmptyRawBefore$1,
isKeyValuePairNode: isKeyValuePairNode$1,
isDetachedRulesetCallNode: isDetachedRulesetCallNode$1,
isTemplatePlaceholderNode: isTemplatePlaceholderNode$1,
isTemplatePropNode: isTemplatePropNode$1,
isPostcssSimpleVarNode: isPostcssSimpleVarNode$1,
isSCSSMapItemNode: isSCSSMapItemNode$1,
isInlineValueCommentNode: isInlineValueCommentNode$1,
isHashNode: isHashNode$1,
isLeftCurlyBraceNode: isLeftCurlyBraceNode$1,
isRightCurlyBraceNode: isRightCurlyBraceNode$1,
isWordNode: isWordNode$1,
isColonNode: isColonNode$1,
isMediaAndSupportsKeywords: isMediaAndSupportsKeywords$1,
isColorAdjusterFuncNode: isColorAdjusterFuncNode$1,
lastLineHasInlineComment: lastLineHasInlineComment$1
} = utils$7;
function shouldPrintComma$1(options) {
switch (options.trailingComma) {
case "all":
case "es5":
return true;
case "none":
return false;
function genericPrint$2(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!node) {
return "";
if (typeof node === "string") {
return node;
switch (node.type) {
case "yaml":
case "toml":
return concat$9([node.raw, hardline$7]);
case "css-root":
const nodes = printNodeSequence(path, options, print);
if (nodes.parts.length) {
return concat$9([nodes, options.__isHTMLStyleAttribute ? "" : hardline$7]);
return nodes;
case "css-comment":
const isInlineComment = node.inline || node.raws.inline;
const text = options.originalText.slice(options.locStart(node), options.locEnd(node));
return isInlineComment ? text.trimEnd() : text;
case "css-rule":
return concat$9([path.call(print, "selector"), node.important ? " !important" : "", node.nodes ? concat$9([node.selector && node.selector.type === "selector-unknown" && lastLineHasInlineComment$1(node.selector.value) ? line$5 : " ", "{", node.nodes.length > 0 ? indent$5(concat$9([hardline$7, printNodeSequence(path, options, print)])) : "", hardline$7, "}", isDetachedRulesetDeclarationNode$1(node) ? ";" : ""]) : ";"]);
case "css-decl":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
return concat$9([node.raws.before.replace(/[\s;]/g, ""), insideICSSRuleNode$1(path) ? node.prop : maybeToLowerCase$1(node.prop), node.raws.between.trim() === ":" ? ":" : node.raws.between.trim(), node.extend ? "" : " ", hasComposesNode$1(node) ? removeLines$2(path.call(print, "value")) : path.call(print, "value"), node.raws.important ? node.raws.important.replace(/\s*!\s*important/i, " !important") : node.important ? " !important" : "", node.raws.scssDefault ? node.raws.scssDefault.replace(/\s*!default/i, " !default") : node.scssDefault ? " !default" : "", node.raws.scssGlobal ? node.raws.scssGlobal.replace(/\s*!global/i, " !global") : node.scssGlobal ? " !global" : "", node.nodes ? concat$9([" {", indent$5(concat$9([softline$3, printNodeSequence(path, options, print)])), softline$3, "}"]) : isTemplatePropNode$1(node) && !parentNode.raws.semicolon && options.originalText[options.locEnd(node) - 1] !== ";" ? "" : ";"]);
case "css-atrule":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const isTemplatePlaceholderNodeWithoutSemiColon = isTemplatePlaceholderNode$1(node) && !parentNode.raws.semicolon && options.originalText[options.locEnd(node) - 1] !== ";";
if (isLessParser$1(options)) {
if (node.mixin) {
return concat$9([path.call(print, "selector"), node.important ? " !important" : "", isTemplatePlaceholderNodeWithoutSemiColon ? "" : ";"]);
if (node.function) {
return concat$9([node.name, concat$9([path.call(print, "params")]), isTemplatePlaceholderNodeWithoutSemiColon ? "" : ";"]);
if (node.variable) {
return concat$9(["@", node.name, ": ", node.value ? concat$9([path.call(print, "value")]) : "", node.raws.between.trim() ? node.raws.between.trim() + " " : "", node.nodes ? concat$9(["{", indent$5(concat$9([node.nodes.length > 0 ? softline$3 : "", printNodeSequence(path, options, print)])), softline$3, "}"]) : "", isTemplatePlaceholderNodeWithoutSemiColon ? "" : ";"]);
return concat$9(["@", // If a Less file ends up being parsed with the SCSS parser, Less
// variable declarations will be parsed as at-rules with names ending
// with a colon, so keep the original case then.
isDetachedRulesetCallNode$1(node) || node.name.endsWith(":") ? node.name : maybeToLowerCase$1(node.name), node.params ? concat$9([isDetachedRulesetCallNode$1(node) ? "" : isTemplatePlaceholderNode$1(node) ? node.raws.afterName === "" ? "" : node.name.endsWith(":") ? " " : /^\s*\n\s*\n/.test(node.raws.afterName) ? concat$9([hardline$7, hardline$7]) : /^\s*\n/.test(node.raws.afterName) ? hardline$7 : " " : " ", path.call(print, "params")]) : "", node.selector ? indent$5(concat$9([" ", path.call(print, "selector")])) : "", node.value ? group$6(concat$9([" ", path.call(print, "value"), isSCSSControlDirectiveNode$1(node) ? hasParensAroundNode$1(node) ? " " : line$5 : ""])) : node.name === "else" ? " " : "", node.nodes ? concat$9([isSCSSControlDirectiveNode$1(node) ? "" : " ", "{", indent$5(concat$9([node.nodes.length > 0 ? softline$3 : "", printNodeSequence(path, options, print)])), softline$3, "}"]) : isTemplatePlaceholderNodeWithoutSemiColon ? "" : ";"]);
// postcss-media-query-parser
case "media-query-list":
const parts = [];
path.each(childPath => {
const node = childPath.getValue();
if (node.type === "media-query" && node.value === "") {
}, "nodes");
return group$6(indent$5(join$6(line$5, parts)));
case "media-query":
return concat$9([join$6(" ", path.map(print, "nodes")), isLastNode$1(path, node) ? "" : ","]);
case "media-type":
return adjustNumbers(adjustStrings(node.value, options));
case "media-feature-expression":
if (!node.nodes) {
return node.value;
return concat$9(["(", concat$9(path.map(print, "nodes")), ")"]);
case "media-feature":
return maybeToLowerCase$1(adjustStrings(node.value.replace(/ +/g, " "), options));
case "media-colon":
return concat$9([node.value, " "]);
case "media-value":
return adjustNumbers(adjustStrings(node.value, options));
case "media-keyword":
return adjustStrings(node.value, options);
case "media-url":
return adjustStrings(node.value.replace(/^url\(\s+/gi, "url(").replace(/\s+\)$/gi, ")"), options);
case "media-unknown":
return node.value;
// postcss-selector-parser
case "selector-root":
return group$6(concat$9([insideAtRuleNode$1(path, "custom-selector") ? concat$9([getAncestorNode$1(path, "css-atrule").customSelector, line$5]) : "", join$6(concat$9([",", insideAtRuleNode$1(path, ["extend", "custom-selector", "nest"]) ? line$5 : hardline$7]), path.map(print, "nodes"))]));
case "selector-selector":
return group$6(indent$5(concat$9(path.map(print, "nodes"))));
case "selector-comment":
return node.value;
case "selector-string":
return adjustStrings(node.value, options);
case "selector-tag":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const index = parentNode && parentNode.nodes.indexOf(node);
const prevNode = index && parentNode.nodes[index - 1];
return concat$9([node.namespace ? concat$9([node.namespace === true ? "" : node.namespace.trim(), "|"]) : "", prevNode.type === "selector-nesting" ? node.value : adjustNumbers(isKeyframeAtRuleKeywords$1(path, node.value) ? node.value.toLowerCase() : node.value)]);
case "selector-id":
return concat$9(["#", node.value]);
case "selector-class":
return concat$9([".", adjustNumbers(adjustStrings(node.value, options))]);
case "selector-attribute":
return concat$9(["[", node.namespace ? concat$9([node.namespace === true ? "" : node.namespace.trim(), "|"]) : "", node.attribute.trim(), node.operator ? node.operator : "", node.value ? quoteAttributeValue(adjustStrings(node.value.trim(), options), options) : "", node.insensitive ? " i" : "", "]"]);
case "selector-combinator":
if (node.value === "+" || node.value === ">" || node.value === "~" || node.value === ">>>") {
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const leading = parentNode.type === "selector-selector" && parentNode.nodes[0] === node ? "" : line$5;
return concat$9([leading, node.value, isLastNode$1(path, node) ? "" : " "]);
const leading = node.value.trim().startsWith("(") ? line$5 : "";
const value = adjustNumbers(adjustStrings(node.value.trim(), options)) || line$5;
return concat$9([leading, value]);
case "selector-universal":
return concat$9([node.namespace ? concat$9([node.namespace === true ? "" : node.namespace.trim(), "|"]) : "", node.value]);
case "selector-pseudo":
return concat$9([maybeToLowerCase$1(node.value), node.nodes && node.nodes.length > 0 ? concat$9(["(", join$6(", ", path.map(print, "nodes")), ")"]) : ""]);
case "selector-nesting":
return node.value;
case "selector-unknown":
const ruleAncestorNode = getAncestorNode$1(path, "css-rule"); // Nested SCSS property
if (ruleAncestorNode && ruleAncestorNode.isSCSSNesterProperty) {
return adjustNumbers(adjustStrings(maybeToLowerCase$1(node.value), options));
} // originalText has to be used for Less, see replaceQuotesInInlineComments in loc.js
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
if (parentNode.raws && parentNode.raws.selector) {
const start = options.locStart(parentNode);
const end = start + parentNode.raws.selector.length;
return options.originalText.slice(start, end).trim();
return node.value;
// postcss-values-parser
case "value-value":
case "value-root":
return path.call(print, "group");
case "value-comment":
return concat$9([node.inline ? "//" : "/*", // see replaceQuotesInInlineComments in loc.js
// value-* nodes don't have correct location data, so we have to rely on placeholder characters.
restoreQuotesInInlineComments$1(node.value), node.inline ? "" : "*/"]);
case "value-comma_group":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const parentParentNode = path.getParentNode(1);
const declAncestorProp = getPropOfDeclNode$1(path);
const isGridValue = declAncestorProp && parentNode.type === "value-value" && (declAncestorProp === "grid" || declAncestorProp.startsWith("grid-template"));
const atRuleAncestorNode = getAncestorNode$1(path, "css-atrule");
const isControlDirective = atRuleAncestorNode && isSCSSControlDirectiveNode$1(atRuleAncestorNode);
const printed = path.map(print, "groups");
const parts = [];
const insideURLFunction = insideValueFunctionNode$1(path, "url");
let insideSCSSInterpolationInString = false;
let didBreak = false;
for (let i = 0; i < node.groups.length; ++i) {
const iPrevNode = node.groups[i - 1];
const iNode = node.groups[i];
const iNextNode = node.groups[i + 1];
const iNextNextNode = node.groups[i + 2];
if (insideURLFunction) {
if (iNextNode && isAdditionNode$1(iNextNode) || isAdditionNode$1(iNode)) {
parts.push(" ");
} // Ignore after latest node (i.e. before semicolon)
if (!iNextNode) {
} // styled.div` background: var(--${one}); `
if (!iPrevNode && iNode.value === "--" && iNextNode.type === "value-atword") {
} // Ignore spaces before/after string interpolation (i.e. `"#{my-fn("_")}"`)
const isStartSCSSInterpolationInString = iNode.type === "value-string" && iNode.value.startsWith("#{");
const isEndingSCSSInterpolationInString = insideSCSSInterpolationInString && iNextNode.type === "value-string" && iNextNode.value.endsWith("}");
if (isStartSCSSInterpolationInString || isEndingSCSSInterpolationInString) {
insideSCSSInterpolationInString = !insideSCSSInterpolationInString;
if (insideSCSSInterpolationInString) {
} // Ignore colon (i.e. `:`)
if (isColonNode$1(iNode) || isColonNode$1(iNextNode)) {
} // Ignore `@` in Less (i.e. `@@var;`)
if (iNode.type === "value-atword" && iNode.value === "") {
} // Ignore `~` in Less (i.e. `content: ~"^//* some horrible but needed css hack";`)
if (iNode.value === "~") {
} // Ignore escape `\`
if (iNode.value && iNode.value.includes("\\") && iNextNode && iNextNode.type !== "value-comment") {
} // Ignore escaped `/`
if (iPrevNode && iPrevNode.value && iPrevNode.value.indexOf("\\") === iPrevNode.value.length - 1 && iNode.type === "value-operator" && iNode.value === "/") {
} // Ignore `\` (i.e. `$variable: \@small;`)
if (iNode.value === "\\") {
} // Ignore `$$` (i.e. `background-color: $$(style)Color;`)
if (isPostcssSimpleVarNode$1(iNode, iNextNode)) {
} // Ignore spaces after `#` and after `{` and before `}` in SCSS interpolation (i.e. `#{variable}`)
if (isHashNode$1(iNode) || isLeftCurlyBraceNode$1(iNode) || isRightCurlyBraceNode$1(iNextNode) || isLeftCurlyBraceNode$1(iNextNode) && hasEmptyRawBefore$1(iNextNode) || isRightCurlyBraceNode$1(iNode) && hasEmptyRawBefore$1(iNextNode)) {
} // Ignore css variables and interpolation in SCSS (i.e. `--#{$var}`)
if (iNode.value === "--" && isHashNode$1(iNextNode)) {
} // Formatting math operations
const isMathOperator = isMathOperatorNode$1(iNode);
const isNextMathOperator = isMathOperatorNode$1(iNextNode); // Print spaces before and after math operators beside SCSS interpolation as is
// (i.e. `#{$var}+5`, `#{$var} +5`, `#{$var}+ 5`, `#{$var} + 5`)
// (i.e. `5+#{$var}`, `5 +#{$var}`, `5+ #{$var}`, `5 + #{$var}`)
if ((isMathOperator && isHashNode$1(iNextNode) || isNextMathOperator && isRightCurlyBraceNode$1(iNode)) && hasEmptyRawBefore$1(iNextNode)) {
} // Print spaces before and after addition and subtraction math operators as is in `calc` function
// due to the fact that it is not valid syntax
// (i.e. `calc(1px+1px)`, `calc(1px+ 1px)`, `calc(1px +1px)`, `calc(1px + 1px)`)
if (insideValueFunctionNode$1(path, "calc") && (isAdditionNode$1(iNode) || isAdditionNode$1(iNextNode) || isSubtractionNode$1(iNode) || isSubtractionNode$1(iNextNode)) && hasEmptyRawBefore$1(iNextNode)) {
} // Print spaces after `+` and `-` in color adjuster functions as is (e.g. `color(red l(+ 20%))`)
// Adjusters with signed numbers (e.g. `color(red l(+20%))`) output as-is.
const isColorAdjusterNode = (isAdditionNode$1(iNode) || isSubtractionNode$1(iNode)) && i === 0 && (iNextNode.type === "value-number" || iNextNode.isHex) && parentParentNode && isColorAdjusterFuncNode$1(parentParentNode) && !hasEmptyRawBefore$1(iNextNode);
const requireSpaceBeforeOperator = iNextNextNode && iNextNextNode.type === "value-func" || iNextNextNode && isWordNode$1(iNextNextNode) || iNode.type === "value-func" || isWordNode$1(iNode);
const requireSpaceAfterOperator = iNextNode.type === "value-func" || isWordNode$1(iNextNode) || iPrevNode && iPrevNode.type === "value-func" || iPrevNode && isWordNode$1(iPrevNode); // Formatting `/`, `+`, `-` sign
if (!(isMultiplicationNode$1(iNextNode) || isMultiplicationNode$1(iNode)) && !insideValueFunctionNode$1(path, "calc") && !isColorAdjusterNode && (isDivisionNode$1(iNextNode) && !requireSpaceBeforeOperator || isDivisionNode$1(iNode) && !requireSpaceAfterOperator || isAdditionNode$1(iNextNode) && !requireSpaceBeforeOperator || isAdditionNode$1(iNode) && !requireSpaceAfterOperator || isSubtractionNode$1(iNextNode) || isSubtractionNode$1(iNode)) && (hasEmptyRawBefore$1(iNextNode) || isMathOperator && (!iPrevNode || iPrevNode && isMathOperatorNode$1(iPrevNode)))) {
} // Add `hardline` after inline comment (i.e. `// comment\n foo: bar;`)
if (isInlineValueCommentNode$1(iNode)) {
} // Handle keywords in SCSS control directive
if (isControlDirective && (isEqualityOperatorNode$1(iNextNode) || isRelationalOperatorNode$1(iNextNode) || isIfElseKeywordNode$1(iNextNode) || isEachKeywordNode$1(iNode) || isForKeywordNode$1(iNode))) {
parts.push(" ");
} // At-rule `namespace` should be in one line
if (atRuleAncestorNode && atRuleAncestorNode.name.toLowerCase() === "namespace") {
parts.push(" ");
} // Formatting `grid` property
if (isGridValue) {
if (iNode.source && iNextNode.source && iNode.source.start.line !== iNextNode.source.start.line) {
didBreak = true;
} else {
parts.push(" ");
} // Add `space` before next math operation
// Note: `grip` property have `/` delimiter and it is not math operation, so
// `grid` property handles above
if (isNextMathOperator) {
parts.push(" ");
} // Be default all values go through `line`
if (didBreak) {
if (isControlDirective) {
return group$6(indent$5(concat$9(parts)));
} // Indent is not needed for import url when url is very long
// and node has two groups
// when type is value-comma_group
// example @import url("verylongurl") projection,tv
if (insideURLFunctionInImportAtRuleNode$1(path)) {
return group$6(fill$4(parts));
return group$6(indent$5(fill$4(parts)));
case "value-paren_group":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
if (parentNode && isURLFunctionNode$1(parentNode) && (node.groups.length === 1 || node.groups.length > 0 && node.groups[0].type === "value-comma_group" && node.groups[0].groups.length > 0 && node.groups[0].groups[0].type === "value-word" && node.groups[0].groups[0].value.startsWith("data:"))) {
return concat$9([node.open ? path.call(print, "open") : "", join$6(",", path.map(print, "groups")), node.close ? path.call(print, "close") : ""]);
if (!node.open) {
const printed = path.map(print, "groups");
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < printed.length; i++) {
if (i !== 0) {
res.push(concat$9([",", line$5]));
return group$6(indent$5(fill$4(res)));
const isSCSSMapItem = isSCSSMapItemNode$1(path);
const lastItem = node.groups[node.groups.length - 1];
const isLastItemComment = lastItem && lastItem.type === "value-comment";
return group$6(concat$9([node.open ? path.call(print, "open") : "", indent$5(concat$9([softline$3, join$6(concat$9([",", line$5]), path.map(childPath => {
const node = childPath.getValue();
const printed = print(childPath); // Key/Value pair in open paren already indented
if (isKeyValuePairNode$1(node) && node.type === "value-comma_group" && node.groups && node.groups[2] && node.groups[2].type === "value-paren_group") {
printed.contents.contents.parts[1] = group$6(printed.contents.contents.parts[1]);
return group$6(dedent$2(printed));
return printed;
}, "groups"))])), ifBreak$2(!isLastItemComment && isSCSS$1(options.parser, options.originalText) && isSCSSMapItem && shouldPrintComma$1(options) ? "," : ""), softline$3, node.close ? path.call(print, "close") : ""]), {
shouldBreak: isSCSSMapItem
case "value-func":
return concat$9([node.value, insideAtRuleNode$1(path, "supports") && isMediaAndSupportsKeywords$1(node) ? " " : "", path.call(print, "group")]);
case "value-paren":
return node.value;
case "value-number":
return concat$9([printCssNumber(node.value), maybeToLowerCase$1(node.unit)]);
case "value-operator":
return node.value;
case "value-word":
if (node.isColor && node.isHex || isWideKeywords$1(node.value)) {
return node.value.toLowerCase();
return node.value;
case "value-colon":
return concat$9([node.value, // Don't add spaces on `:` in `url` function (i.e. `url(fbglyph: cross-outline, fig-white)`)
insideValueFunctionNode$1(path, "url") ? "" : line$5]);
case "value-comma":
return concat$9([node.value, " "]);
case "value-string":
return printString$2(node.raws.quote + node.value + node.raws.quote, options);
case "value-atword":
return concat$9(["@", node.value]);
case "value-unicode-range":
return node.value;
case "value-unknown":
return node.value;
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error(`Unknown postcss type ${JSON.stringify(node.type)}`);
function printNodeSequence(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
const parts = [];
let i = 0;
path.map(pathChild => {
const prevNode = node.nodes[i - 1];
if (prevNode && prevNode.type === "css-comment" && prevNode.text.trim() === "prettier-ignore") {
const childNode = pathChild.getValue();
parts.push(options.originalText.slice(options.locStart(childNode), options.locEnd(childNode)));
} else {
if (i !== node.nodes.length - 1) {
if (node.nodes[i + 1].type === "css-comment" && !hasNewline$5(options.originalText, options.locStart(node.nodes[i + 1]), {
backwards: true
}) && node.nodes[i].type !== "yaml" && node.nodes[i].type !== "toml" || node.nodes[i + 1].type === "css-atrule" && node.nodes[i + 1].name === "else" && node.nodes[i].type !== "css-comment") {
parts.push(" ");
} else {
parts.push(options.__isHTMLStyleAttribute ? line$5 : hardline$7);
if (isNextLineEmpty$3(options.originalText, pathChild.getValue(), options.locEnd) && node.nodes[i].type !== "yaml" && node.nodes[i].type !== "toml") {
}, "nodes");
return concat$9(parts);
const STRING_REGEX$3 = /(['"])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\1/g;
const NUMBER_REGEX = /(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+\.?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/g;
const STANDARD_UNIT_REGEX = /[a-zA-Z]+/g;
const WORD_PART_REGEX = /[$@]?[a-zA-Z_\u0080-\uFFFF][\w\-\u0080-\uFFFF]*/g;
const ADJUST_NUMBERS_REGEX = new RegExp(STRING_REGEX$3.source + "|" + `(${WORD_PART_REGEX.source})?` + `(${NUMBER_REGEX.source})` + `(${STANDARD_UNIT_REGEX.source})?`, "g");
function adjustStrings(value, options) {
return value.replace(STRING_REGEX$3, match => printString$2(match, options));
function quoteAttributeValue(value, options) {
const quote = options.singleQuote ? "'" : '"';
return value.includes('"') || value.includes("'") ? value : quote + value + quote;
function adjustNumbers(value) {
return value.replace(ADJUST_NUMBERS_REGEX, (match, quote, wordPart, number, unit) => !wordPart && number ? printCssNumber(number) + maybeToLowerCase$1(unit || "") : match);
function printCssNumber(rawNumber) {
return printNumber$2(rawNumber) // Remove trailing `.0`.
.replace(/\.0(?=$|e)/, "");
var printerPostcss = {
print: genericPrint$2,
embed: embed_1$1,
insertPragma: insertPragma$3,
hasPrettierIgnore: hasIgnoreComment$3,
massageAstNode: clean_1$1
var options$3 = {
singleQuote: commonOptions.singleQuote
var name$9 = "CSS";
var type$7 = "markup";
var tmScope$7 = "source.css";
var aceMode$7 = "css";
var codemirrorMode$7 = "css";
var codemirrorMimeType$7 = "text/css";
var color$2 = "#563d7c";
var extensions$7 = [
var languageId$7 = 50;
var CSS = {
name: name$9,
type: type$7,
tmScope: tmScope$7,
aceMode: aceMode$7,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$7,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$7,
color: color$2,
extensions: extensions$7,
languageId: languageId$7
var CSS$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$9,
type: type$7,
tmScope: tmScope$7,
aceMode: aceMode$7,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$7,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$7,
color: color$2,
extensions: extensions$7,
languageId: languageId$7,
'default': CSS
var name$a = "PostCSS";
var type$8 = "markup";
var tmScope$8 = "source.postcss";
var group$7 = "CSS";
var extensions$8 = [
var aceMode$8 = "text";
var languageId$8 = 262764437;
var PostCSS = {
name: name$a,
type: type$8,
tmScope: tmScope$8,
group: group$7,
extensions: extensions$8,
aceMode: aceMode$8,
languageId: languageId$8
var PostCSS$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$a,
type: type$8,
tmScope: tmScope$8,
group: group$7,
extensions: extensions$8,
aceMode: aceMode$8,
languageId: languageId$8,
'default': PostCSS
var name$b = "Less";
var type$9 = "markup";
var group$8 = "CSS";
var extensions$9 = [
var tmScope$9 = "source.css.less";
var aceMode$9 = "less";
var codemirrorMode$8 = "css";
var codemirrorMimeType$8 = "text/css";
var languageId$9 = 198;
var Less = {
name: name$b,
type: type$9,
group: group$8,
extensions: extensions$9,
tmScope: tmScope$9,
aceMode: aceMode$9,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$8,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$8,
languageId: languageId$9
var Less$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$b,
type: type$9,
group: group$8,
extensions: extensions$9,
tmScope: tmScope$9,
aceMode: aceMode$9,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$8,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$8,
languageId: languageId$9,
'default': Less
var name$c = "SCSS";
var type$a = "markup";
var tmScope$a = "source.css.scss";
var group$9 = "CSS";
var aceMode$a = "scss";
var codemirrorMode$9 = "css";
var codemirrorMimeType$9 = "text/x-scss";
var extensions$a = [
var languageId$a = 329;
var SCSS = {
name: name$c,
type: type$a,
tmScope: tmScope$a,
group: group$9,
aceMode: aceMode$a,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$9,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$9,
extensions: extensions$a,
languageId: languageId$a
var SCSS$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$c,
type: type$a,
tmScope: tmScope$a,
group: group$9,
aceMode: aceMode$a,
codemirrorMode: codemirrorMode$9,
codemirrorMimeType: codemirrorMimeType$9,
extensions: extensions$a,
languageId: languageId$a,
'default': SCSS
var require$$0$2 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(CSS$1);
var require$$1$2 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(PostCSS$1);
var require$$2$1 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(Less$1);
var require$$3$1 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(SCSS$1);
const languages$1 = [createLanguage(require$$0$2, () => ({
since: "1.4.0",
parsers: ["css"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["css"]
})), createLanguage(require$$1$2, () => ({
since: "1.4.0",
parsers: ["css"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["postcss"]
})), createLanguage(require$$2$1, () => ({
since: "1.4.0",
parsers: ["less"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["less"]
})), createLanguage(require$$3$1, () => ({
since: "1.4.0",
parsers: ["scss"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["scss"]
const printers$1 = {
postcss: printerPostcss
var languageCss = {
languages: languages$1,
options: options$3,
printers: printers$1
var clean$3 = function (ast, newNode) {
delete newNode.loc;
delete newNode.selfClosing; // (Glimmer/HTML) ignore TextNode whitespace
if (ast.type === "TextNode") {
const trimmed = ast.chars.trim();
if (!trimmed) {
return null;
newNode.chars = trimmed;
function isUppercase(string) {
return string.toUpperCase() === string;
function isGlimmerComponent(node) {
return isNodeOfSomeType(node, ["ElementNode"]) && typeof node.tag === "string" && (isUppercase(node.tag[0]) || node.tag.includes("."));
function isWhitespaceNode(node) {
return isNodeOfSomeType(node, ["TextNode"]) && !/\S/.test(node.chars);
function isNodeOfSomeType(node, types) {
return node && types.some(type => node.type === type);
function isParentOfSomeType(path, types) {
const parentNode = path.getParentNode(0);
return isNodeOfSomeType(parentNode, types);
function isPreviousNodeOfSomeType(path, types) {
const previousNode = getPreviousNode(path);
return isNodeOfSomeType(previousNode, types);
function isNextNodeOfSomeType(path, types) {
const nextNode = getNextNode(path);
return isNodeOfSomeType(nextNode, types);
function getSiblingNode(path, offset) {
const node = path.getValue();
const parentNode = path.getParentNode(0) || {};
const children = parentNode.children || parentNode.body || [];
const index = children.indexOf(node);
return index !== -1 && children[index + offset];
function getPreviousNode(path, lookBack = 1) {
return getSiblingNode(path, -lookBack);
function getNextNode(path) {
return getSiblingNode(path, 1);
function isPrettierIgnoreNode(node) {
return isNodeOfSomeType(node, ["MustacheCommentStatement"]) && typeof node.value === "string" && node.value.trim() === "prettier-ignore";
function hasPrettierIgnore$2(path) {
const node = path.getValue();
const previousPreviousNode = getPreviousNode(path, 2);
return isPrettierIgnoreNode(node) || isPrettierIgnoreNode(previousPreviousNode);
var utils$8 = {
hasPrettierIgnore: hasPrettierIgnore$2,
const {
concat: concat$a,
join: join$7,
softline: softline$4,
hardline: hardline$8,
line: line$6,
group: group$a,
indent: indent$6,
ifBreak: ifBreak$3
} = document.builders;
const {
getNextNode: getNextNode$1,
getPreviousNode: getPreviousNode$1,
hasPrettierIgnore: hasPrettierIgnore$3,
isGlimmerComponent: isGlimmerComponent$1,
isNextNodeOfSomeType: isNextNodeOfSomeType$1,
isParentOfSomeType: isParentOfSomeType$1,
isPreviousNodeOfSomeType: isPreviousNodeOfSomeType$1,
isWhitespaceNode: isWhitespaceNode$1
} = utils$8; // http://w3c.github.io/html/single-page.html#void-elements
const voidTags = ["area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"]; // Formatter based on @glimmerjs/syntax's built-in test formatter:
// https://github.com/glimmerjs/glimmer-vm/blob/master/packages/%40glimmer/syntax/lib/generation/print.ts
function print(path, options, print) {
const n = path.getValue();
/* istanbul ignore if*/
if (!n) {
return "";
if (hasPrettierIgnore$3(path)) {
const startOffset = locationToOffset(options.originalText, n.loc.start.line - 1, n.loc.start.column);
const endOffset = locationToOffset(options.originalText, n.loc.end.line - 1, n.loc.end.column);
const ignoredText = options.originalText.slice(startOffset, endOffset);
return ignoredText;
switch (n.type) {
case "Block":
case "Program":
case "Template":
return group$a(concat$a(path.map(print, "body")));
case "ElementNode":
const hasChildren = n.children.length > 0;
const hasNonWhitespaceChildren = n.children.some(n => !isWhitespaceNode$1(n));
const isVoid = isGlimmerComponent$1(n) && (!hasChildren || !hasNonWhitespaceChildren) || voidTags.includes(n.tag);
const closeTagForNoBreak = isVoid ? concat$a([" />", softline$4]) : ">";
const closeTagForBreak = isVoid ? "/>" : ">";
const printParams = (path, print) => indent$6(concat$a([n.attributes.length ? line$6 : "", join$7(line$6, path.map(print, "attributes")), n.modifiers.length ? line$6 : "", join$7(line$6, path.map(print, "modifiers")), n.comments.length ? line$6 : "", join$7(line$6, path.map(print, "comments"))]));
const nextNode = getNextNode$1(path);
return concat$a([group$a(concat$a(["<", n.tag, printParams(path, print), n.blockParams.length ? ` as |${n.blockParams.join(" ")}|` : "", ifBreak$3(softline$4, ""), ifBreak$3(closeTagForBreak, closeTagForNoBreak)])), !isVoid ? group$a(concat$a([hasNonWhitespaceChildren ? indent$6(printChildren(path, options, print)) : "", ifBreak$3(hasChildren ? hardline$8 : "", ""), concat$a(["", n.tag, ">"])])) : "", nextNode && nextNode.type === "ElementNode" ? hardline$8 : ""]);
case "BlockStatement":
const pp = path.getParentNode(1);
const isElseIf = pp && pp.inverse && pp.inverse.body.length === 1 && pp.inverse.body[0] === n && pp.inverse.body[0].path.parts[0] === "if";
const hasElseIf = n.inverse && n.inverse.body.length === 1 && n.inverse.body[0].type === "BlockStatement" && n.inverse.body[0].path.parts[0] === "if";
const indentElse = hasElseIf ? a => a : indent$6;
const inverseElseStatement = (n.inverseStrip.open ? "{{~" : "{{") + "else" + (n.inverseStrip.close ? "~}}" : "}}");
if (n.inverse) {
return concat$a([isElseIf ? concat$a([n.openStrip.open ? "{{~else " : "{{else ", printPathParams(path, print), n.openStrip.close ? "~}}" : "}}"]) : printOpenBlock(path, print, n.openStrip), indent$6(concat$a([hardline$8, path.call(print, "program")])), n.inverse && !hasElseIf ? concat$a([hardline$8, inverseElseStatement]) : "", n.inverse ? indentElse(concat$a([hardline$8, path.call(print, "inverse")])) : "", isElseIf ? "" : concat$a([hardline$8, printCloseBlock(path, print, n.closeStrip)])]);
} else if (isElseIf) {
return concat$a([concat$a([n.openStrip.open ? "{{~else" : "{{else ", printPathParams(path, print), n.openStrip.close ? "~}}" : "}}"]), indent$6(concat$a([hardline$8, path.call(print, "program")]))]);
const hasNonWhitespaceChildren = n.program.body.some(n => !isWhitespaceNode$1(n));
return concat$a([printOpenBlock(path, print, n.openStrip), group$a(concat$a([indent$6(concat$a([softline$4, path.call(print, "program")])), hasNonWhitespaceChildren ? hardline$8 : softline$4, printCloseBlock(path, print, n.closeStrip)]))]);
case "ElementModifierStatement":
return group$a(concat$a(["{{", printPathParams(path, print), softline$4, "}}"]));
case "MustacheStatement":
const isEscaped = n.escaped === false;
const {
open: openStrip,
close: closeStrip
} = n.strip;
const opening = (isEscaped ? "{{{" : "{{") + (openStrip ? "~" : "");
const closing = (closeStrip ? "~" : "") + (isEscaped ? "}}}" : "}}");
const leading = isParentOfSomeType$1(path, ["AttrNode", "ConcatStatement", "ElementNode"]) ? [opening, indent$6(softline$4)] : [opening];
return group$a(concat$a([...leading, printPathParams(path, print), softline$4, closing]));
case "SubExpression":
const params = printParams(path, print);
const printedParams = params.length > 0 ? indent$6(concat$a([line$6, group$a(join$7(line$6, params))])) : "";
return group$a(concat$a(["(", printPath(path, print), printedParams, softline$4, ")"]));
case "AttrNode":
const isText = n.value.type === "TextNode";
const isEmptyText = isText && n.value.chars === ""; // If the text is empty and the value's loc start and end columns are the
// same, there is no value for this AttrNode and it should be printed
// without the `=""`. Example: `
` -> `
const isEmptyValue = isEmptyText && n.value.loc.start.column === n.value.loc.end.column;
if (isEmptyValue) {
return concat$a([n.name]);
const value = path.call(print, "value");
const quotedValue = isText ? printStringLiteral(value.parts.join(), options) : value;
return concat$a([n.name, "=", quotedValue]);
case "ConcatStatement":
return concat$a(['"', concat$a(path.map(partPath => print(partPath), "parts").filter(a => a !== "")), '"']);
case "Hash":
return concat$a([join$7(line$6, path.map(print, "pairs"))]);
case "HashPair":
return concat$a([n.key, "=", path.call(print, "value")]);
case "TextNode":
const maxLineBreaksToPreserve = 2;
const isFirstElement = !getPreviousNode$1(path);
const isLastElement = !getNextNode$1(path);
const isWhitespaceOnly = !/\S/.test(n.chars);
const lineBreaksCount = countNewLines(n.chars);
const hasBlockParent = path.getParentNode(0).type === "Block";
const hasElementParent = path.getParentNode(0).type === "ElementNode";
const hasTemplateParent = path.getParentNode(0).type === "Template";
let leadingLineBreaksCount = countLeadingNewLines(n.chars);
let trailingLineBreaksCount = countTrailingNewLines(n.chars);
if ((isFirstElement || isLastElement) && isWhitespaceOnly && (hasBlockParent || hasElementParent || hasTemplateParent)) {
return "";
if (isWhitespaceOnly && lineBreaksCount) {
leadingLineBreaksCount = Math.min(lineBreaksCount, maxLineBreaksToPreserve);
trailingLineBreaksCount = 0;
} else {
if (isNextNodeOfSomeType$1(path, ["BlockStatement", "ElementNode"])) {
trailingLineBreaksCount = Math.max(trailingLineBreaksCount, 1);
if (isPreviousNodeOfSomeType$1(path, ["ElementNode"]) || isPreviousNodeOfSomeType$1(path, ["BlockStatement"])) {
leadingLineBreaksCount = Math.max(leadingLineBreaksCount, 1);
let leadingSpace = "";
let trailingSpace = ""; // preserve a space inside of an attribute node where whitespace present,
// when next to mustache statement.
const inAttrNode = path.stack.includes("attributes");
if (inAttrNode) {
const parentNode = path.getParentNode(0);
const isConcat = parentNode.type === "ConcatStatement";
if (isConcat) {
const {
} = parentNode;
const partIndex = parts.indexOf(n);
if (partIndex > 0) {
const partType = parts[partIndex - 1].type;
const isMustache = partType === "MustacheStatement";
if (isMustache) {
leadingSpace = " ";
if (partIndex < parts.length - 1) {
const partType = parts[partIndex + 1].type;
const isMustache = partType === "MustacheStatement";
if (isMustache) {
trailingSpace = " ";
} else {
if (trailingLineBreaksCount === 0 && isNextNodeOfSomeType$1(path, ["MustacheStatement"])) {
trailingSpace = " ";
if (leadingLineBreaksCount === 0 && isPreviousNodeOfSomeType$1(path, ["MustacheStatement"])) {
leadingSpace = " ";
if (isFirstElement) {
leadingLineBreaksCount = 0;
leadingSpace = "";
if (isLastElement) {
trailingLineBreaksCount = 0;
trailingSpace = "";
return concat$a([...generateHardlines(leadingLineBreaksCount, maxLineBreaksToPreserve), n.chars.replace(/^[\s ]+/g, leadingSpace).replace(/[\s ]+$/, trailingSpace), ...generateHardlines(trailingLineBreaksCount, maxLineBreaksToPreserve)].filter(Boolean));
case "MustacheCommentStatement":
const dashes = n.value.includes("}}") ? "--" : "";
return concat$a(["{{!", dashes, n.value, dashes, "}}"]);
case "PathExpression":
return n.original;
case "BooleanLiteral":
return String(n.value);
case "CommentStatement":
return concat$a([""]);
case "StringLiteral":
return printStringLiteral(n.value, options);
case "NumberLiteral":
return String(n.value);
case "UndefinedLiteral":
return "undefined";
case "NullLiteral":
return "null";
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error("unknown glimmer type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type));
function printChildren(path, options, print) {
return concat$a(path.map((childPath, childIndex) => {
const childNode = path.getValue();
const isFirstNode = childIndex === 0;
const isLastNode = childIndex === path.getParentNode(0).children.length - 1;
const isLastNodeInMultiNodeList = isLastNode && !isFirstNode;
const isWhitespace = isWhitespaceNode$1(childNode);
if (isWhitespace && isLastNodeInMultiNodeList) {
return print(childPath, options, print);
} else if (isFirstNode) {
return concat$a([softline$4, print(childPath, options, print)]);
return print(childPath, options, print);
}, "children"));
* Prints a string literal with the correct surrounding quotes based on
* `options.singleQuote` and the number of escaped quotes contained in
* the string literal. This function is the glimmer equivalent of `printString`
* in `common/util`, but has differences because of the way escaped characters
* are treated in hbs string literals.
* @param {string} stringLiteral - the string literal value
* @param {object} options - the prettier options object
function printStringLiteral(stringLiteral, options) {
const double = {
quote: '"',
regex: /"/g
const single = {
quote: "'",
regex: /'/g
const preferred = options.singleQuote ? single : double;
const alternate = preferred === single ? double : single;
let shouldUseAlternateQuote = false; // If `stringLiteral` contains at least one of the quote preferred for
// enclosing the string, we might want to enclose with the alternate quote
// instead, to minimize the number of escaped quotes.
if (stringLiteral.includes(preferred.quote) || stringLiteral.includes(alternate.quote)) {
const numPreferredQuotes = (stringLiteral.match(preferred.regex) || []).length;
const numAlternateQuotes = (stringLiteral.match(alternate.regex) || []).length;
shouldUseAlternateQuote = numPreferredQuotes > numAlternateQuotes;
const enclosingQuote = shouldUseAlternateQuote ? alternate : preferred;
const escapedStringLiteral = stringLiteral.replace(enclosingQuote.regex, `\\${enclosingQuote.quote}`);
return concat$a([enclosingQuote.quote, escapedStringLiteral, enclosingQuote.quote]);
function printPath(path, print) {
return path.call(print, "path");
function printParams(path, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
let parts = [];
if (node.params.length > 0) {
parts = parts.concat(path.map(print, "params"));
if (node.hash && node.hash.pairs.length > 0) {
parts.push(path.call(print, "hash"));
return parts;
function printPathParams(path, print) {
const printedPath = printPath(path, print);
const printedParams = printParams(path, print);
const parts = [printedPath, ...printedParams];
return indent$6(group$a(join$7(line$6, parts)));
function printBlockParams(path) {
const block = path.getValue();
if (!block.program || !block.program.blockParams.length) {
return "";
return concat$a([" as |", block.program.blockParams.join(" "), "|"]);
function printOpenBlock(path, print, {
open: isOpenStrip = false,
close: isCloseStrip = false
} = {}) {
return group$a(concat$a([isOpenStrip ? "{{~#" : "{{#", printPathParams(path, print), printBlockParams(path), softline$4, isCloseStrip ? "~}}" : "}}"]));
function printCloseBlock(path, print, {
open: isOpenStrip = false,
close: isCloseStrip = false
} = {}) {
return concat$a([isOpenStrip ? "{{~/" : "{{/", path.call(print, "path"), isCloseStrip ? "~}}" : "}}"]);
function countNewLines(string) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
string = typeof string === "string" ? string : "";
return string.split("\n").length - 1;
function countLeadingNewLines(string) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
string = typeof string === "string" ? string : "";
const newLines = (string.match(/^([^\S\r\n]*[\r\n])+/g) || [])[0] || "";
return countNewLines(newLines);
function countTrailingNewLines(string) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
string = typeof string === "string" ? string : "";
const newLines = (string.match(/([\r\n][^\S\r\n]*)+$/g) || [])[0] || "";
return countNewLines(newLines);
function generateHardlines(number = 0, max = 0) {
return new Array(Math.min(number, max)).fill(hardline$8);
/* istanbul ignore next
function locationToOffset(source, line, column) {
let seenLines = 0;
let seenChars = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
if (seenChars === source.length) {
return null;
let nextLine = source.indexOf("\n", seenChars);
if (nextLine === -1) {
nextLine = source.length;
if (seenLines === line) {
if (seenChars + column > nextLine) {
return null;
return seenChars + column;
} else if (nextLine === -1) {
return null;
seenLines += 1;
seenChars = nextLine + 1;
var printerGlimmer = {
massageAstNode: clean$3
var name$d = "Handlebars";
var type$b = "markup";
var group$b = "HTML";
var aliases$3 = [
var extensions$b = [
var tmScope$b = "text.html.handlebars";
var aceMode$b = "handlebars";
var languageId$b = 155;
var Handlebars = {
name: name$d,
type: type$b,
group: group$b,
aliases: aliases$3,
extensions: extensions$b,
tmScope: tmScope$b,
aceMode: aceMode$b,
languageId: languageId$b
var Handlebars$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$d,
type: type$b,
group: group$b,
aliases: aliases$3,
extensions: extensions$b,
tmScope: tmScope$b,
aceMode: aceMode$b,
languageId: languageId$b,
'default': Handlebars
var require$$0$3 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(Handlebars$1);
const languages$2 = [createLanguage(require$$0$3, () => ({
since: null,
// unreleased
parsers: ["glimmer"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["handlebars"]
const printers$2 = {
glimmer: printerGlimmer
var languageHandlebars = {
languages: languages$2,
printers: printers$2
function hasPragma$2(text) {
return /^\s*#[^\n\S]*@(format|prettier)\s*(\n|$)/.test(text);
function insertPragma$4(text) {
return "# @format\n\n" + text;
var pragma$2 = {
hasPragma: hasPragma$2,
insertPragma: insertPragma$4
const {
concat: concat$b,
join: join$8,
hardline: hardline$9,
line: line$7,
softline: softline$5,
group: group$c,
indent: indent$7,
ifBreak: ifBreak$4
} = document.builders;
const {
hasIgnoreComment: hasIgnoreComment$4
} = util$1;
const {
isNextLineEmpty: isNextLineEmpty$4
} = utilShared;
const {
insertPragma: insertPragma$5
} = pragma$2;
function genericPrint$3(path, options, print) {
const n = path.getValue();
if (!n) {
return "";
if (typeof n === "string") {
return n;
switch (n.kind) {
case "Document":
const parts = [];
path.map((pathChild, index) => {
if (index !== n.definitions.length - 1) {
if (isNextLineEmpty$4(options.originalText, pathChild.getValue(), options.locEnd)) {
}, "definitions");
return concat$b([concat$b(parts), hardline$9]);
case "OperationDefinition":
const hasOperation = options.originalText[options.locStart(n)] !== "{";
const hasName = !!n.name;
return concat$b([hasOperation ? n.operation : "", hasOperation && hasName ? concat$b([" ", path.call(print, "name")]) : "", n.variableDefinitions && n.variableDefinitions.length ? group$c(concat$b(["(", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.map(print, "variableDefinitions"))])), softline$5, ")"])) : "", printDirectives(path, print, n), n.selectionSet ? !hasOperation && !hasName ? "" : " " : "", path.call(print, "selectionSet")]);
case "FragmentDefinition":
return concat$b(["fragment ", path.call(print, "name"), n.variableDefinitions && n.variableDefinitions.length ? group$c(concat$b(["(", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.map(print, "variableDefinitions"))])), softline$5, ")"])) : "", " on ", path.call(print, "typeCondition"), printDirectives(path, print, n), " ", path.call(print, "selectionSet")]);
case "SelectionSet":
return concat$b(["{", indent$7(concat$b([hardline$9, join$8(hardline$9, path.call(selectionsPath => printSequence(selectionsPath, options, print), "selections"))])), hardline$9, "}"]);
case "Field":
return group$c(concat$b([n.alias ? concat$b([path.call(print, "alias"), ": "]) : "", path.call(print, "name"), n.arguments.length > 0 ? group$c(concat$b(["(", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.call(argsPath => printSequence(argsPath, options, print), "arguments"))])), softline$5, ")"])) : "", printDirectives(path, print, n), n.selectionSet ? " " : "", path.call(print, "selectionSet")]));
case "Name":
return n.value;
case "StringValue":
if (n.block) {
return concat$b(['"""', hardline$9, join$8(hardline$9, n.value.replace(/"""/g, "\\$&").split("\n")), hardline$9, '"""']);
return concat$b(['"', n.value.replace(/["\\]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\n/g, "\\n"), '"']);
case "IntValue":
case "FloatValue":
case "EnumValue":
return n.value;
case "BooleanValue":
return n.value ? "true" : "false";
case "NullValue":
return "null";
case "Variable":
return concat$b(["$", path.call(print, "name")]);
case "ListValue":
return group$c(concat$b(["[", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.map(print, "values"))])), softline$5, "]"]));
case "ObjectValue":
return group$c(concat$b(["{", options.bracketSpacing && n.fields.length > 0 ? " " : "", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.map(print, "fields"))])), softline$5, ifBreak$4("", options.bracketSpacing && n.fields.length > 0 ? " " : ""), "}"]));
case "ObjectField":
case "Argument":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "name"), ": ", path.call(print, "value")]);
case "Directive":
return concat$b(["@", path.call(print, "name"), n.arguments.length > 0 ? group$c(concat$b(["(", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.call(argsPath => printSequence(argsPath, options, print), "arguments"))])), softline$5, ")"])) : ""]);
case "NamedType":
return path.call(print, "name");
case "VariableDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "variable"), ": ", path.call(print, "type"), n.defaultValue ? concat$b([" = ", path.call(print, "defaultValue")]) : "", printDirectives(path, print, n)]);
case "TypeExtensionDefinition":
return concat$b(["extend ", path.call(print, "definition")]);
case "ObjectTypeExtension":
case "ObjectTypeDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", n.kind === "ObjectTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "type ", path.call(print, "name"), n.interfaces.length > 0 ? concat$b([" implements ", concat$b(printInterfaces(path, options, print))]) : "", printDirectives(path, print, n), n.fields.length > 0 ? concat$b([" {", indent$7(concat$b([hardline$9, join$8(hardline$9, path.call(fieldsPath => printSequence(fieldsPath, options, print), "fields"))])), hardline$9, "}"]) : ""]);
case "FieldDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", path.call(print, "name"), n.arguments.length > 0 ? group$c(concat$b(["(", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.call(argsPath => printSequence(argsPath, options, print), "arguments"))])), softline$5, ")"])) : "", ": ", path.call(print, "type"), printDirectives(path, print, n)]);
case "DirectiveDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", "directive ", "@", path.call(print, "name"), n.arguments.length > 0 ? group$c(concat$b(["(", indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", ", "), softline$5]), path.call(argsPath => printSequence(argsPath, options, print), "arguments"))])), softline$5, ")"])) : "", n.repeatable ? " repeatable" : "", concat$b([" on ", join$8(" | ", path.map(print, "locations"))])]);
case "EnumTypeExtension":
case "EnumTypeDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", n.kind === "EnumTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "enum ", path.call(print, "name"), printDirectives(path, print, n), n.values.length > 0 ? concat$b([" {", indent$7(concat$b([hardline$9, join$8(hardline$9, path.call(valuesPath => printSequence(valuesPath, options, print), "values"))])), hardline$9, "}"]) : ""]);
case "EnumValueDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", path.call(print, "name"), printDirectives(path, print, n)]);
case "InputValueDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? n.description.block ? hardline$9 : line$7 : "", path.call(print, "name"), ": ", path.call(print, "type"), n.defaultValue ? concat$b([" = ", path.call(print, "defaultValue")]) : "", printDirectives(path, print, n)]);
case "InputObjectTypeExtension":
case "InputObjectTypeDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", n.kind === "InputObjectTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "input ", path.call(print, "name"), printDirectives(path, print, n), n.fields.length > 0 ? concat$b([" {", indent$7(concat$b([hardline$9, join$8(hardline$9, path.call(fieldsPath => printSequence(fieldsPath, options, print), "fields"))])), hardline$9, "}"]) : ""]);
case "SchemaDefinition":
return concat$b(["schema", printDirectives(path, print, n), " {", n.operationTypes.length > 0 ? indent$7(concat$b([hardline$9, join$8(hardline$9, path.call(opsPath => printSequence(opsPath, options, print), "operationTypes"))])) : "", hardline$9, "}"]);
case "OperationTypeDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "operation"), ": ", path.call(print, "type")]);
case "InterfaceTypeExtension":
case "InterfaceTypeDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", n.kind === "InterfaceTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "interface ", path.call(print, "name"), printDirectives(path, print, n), n.fields.length > 0 ? concat$b([" {", indent$7(concat$b([hardline$9, join$8(hardline$9, path.call(fieldsPath => printSequence(fieldsPath, options, print), "fields"))])), hardline$9, "}"]) : ""]);
case "FragmentSpread":
return concat$b(["...", path.call(print, "name"), printDirectives(path, print, n)]);
case "InlineFragment":
return concat$b(["...", n.typeCondition ? concat$b([" on ", path.call(print, "typeCondition")]) : "", printDirectives(path, print, n), " ", path.call(print, "selectionSet")]);
case "UnionTypeExtension":
case "UnionTypeDefinition":
return group$c(concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", group$c(concat$b([n.kind === "UnionTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "union ", path.call(print, "name"), printDirectives(path, print, n), n.types.length > 0 ? concat$b([" =", ifBreak$4("", " "), indent$7(concat$b([ifBreak$4(concat$b([line$7, " "])), join$8(concat$b([line$7, "| "]), path.map(print, "types"))]))]) : ""]))]));
case "ScalarTypeExtension":
case "ScalarTypeDefinition":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "description"), n.description ? hardline$9 : "", n.kind === "ScalarTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "scalar ", path.call(print, "name"), printDirectives(path, print, n)]);
case "NonNullType":
return concat$b([path.call(print, "type"), "!"]);
case "ListType":
return concat$b(["[", path.call(print, "type"), "]"]);
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error("unknown graphql type: " + JSON.stringify(n.kind));
function printDirectives(path, print, n) {
if (n.directives.length === 0) {
return "";
return concat$b([" ", group$c(indent$7(concat$b([softline$5, join$8(concat$b([ifBreak$4("", " "), softline$5]), path.map(print, "directives"))])))]);
function printSequence(sequencePath, options, print) {
const count = sequencePath.getValue().length;
return sequencePath.map((path, i) => {
const printed = print(path);
if (isNextLineEmpty$4(options.originalText, path.getValue(), options.locEnd) && i < count - 1) {
return concat$b([printed, hardline$9]);
return printed;
function canAttachComment$1(node) {
return node.kind && node.kind !== "Comment";
function printComment$2(commentPath) {
const comment = commentPath.getValue();
if (comment.kind === "Comment") {
return "#" + comment.value.trimEnd();
throw new Error("Not a comment: " + JSON.stringify(comment));
function determineInterfaceSeparatorBetween(first, second, options) {
const textBetween = options.originalText.slice(first.loc.end, second.loc.start).replace(/#.*/g, "").trim();
return textBetween === "," ? ", " : " & ";
function printInterfaces(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getNode();
const parts = [];
const {
} = node;
const printed = path.map(node => print(node), "interfaces");
for (let index = 0; index < interfaces.length; index++) {
const interfaceNode = interfaces[index];
if (index > 0) {
parts.push(determineInterfaceSeparatorBetween(interfaces[index - 1], interfaceNode, options));
return parts;
function clean$4(node, newNode
/*, parent*/
) {
delete newNode.loc;
delete newNode.comments;
var printerGraphql = {
print: genericPrint$3,
massageAstNode: clean$4,
hasPrettierIgnore: hasIgnoreComment$4,
insertPragma: insertPragma$5,
printComment: printComment$2,
canAttachComment: canAttachComment$1
var options$4 = {
bracketSpacing: commonOptions.bracketSpacing
var name$e = "GraphQL";
var type$c = "data";
var extensions$c = [
var tmScope$c = "source.graphql";
var aceMode$c = "text";
var languageId$c = 139;
var GraphQL = {
name: name$e,
type: type$c,
extensions: extensions$c,
tmScope: tmScope$c,
aceMode: aceMode$c,
languageId: languageId$c
var GraphQL$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
name: name$e,
type: type$c,
extensions: extensions$c,
tmScope: tmScope$c,
aceMode: aceMode$c,
languageId: languageId$c,
'default': GraphQL
var require$$0$4 = getCjsExportFromNamespace(GraphQL$1);
const languages$3 = [createLanguage(require$$0$4, () => ({
since: "1.5.0",
parsers: ["graphql"],
vscodeLanguageIds: ["graphql"]
const printers$3 = {
graphql: printerGraphql
var languageGraphql = {
languages: languages$3,
options: options$4,
printers: printers$3
var json = {
"cjkPattern": "[\\u02ea-\\u02eb\\u1100-\\u11ff\\u2e80-\\u2e99\\u2e9b-\\u2ef3\\u2f00-\\u2fd5\\u3000-\\u303f\\u3041-\\u3096\\u3099-\\u309f\\u30a1-\\u30fa\\u30fc-\\u30ff\\u3105-\\u312f\\u3131-\\u318e\\u3190-\\u3191\\u3196-\\u31ba\\u31c0-\\u31e3\\u31f0-\\u321e\\u322a-\\u3247\\u3260-\\u327e\\u328a-\\u32b0\\u32c0-\\u32cb\\u32d0-\\u3370\\u337b-\\u337f\\u33e0-\\u33fe\\u3400-\\u4db5\\u4e00-\\u9fef\\ua960-\\ua97c\\uac00-\\ud7a3\\ud7b0-\\ud7c6\\ud7cb-\\ud7fb\\uf900-\\ufa6d\\ufa70-\\ufad9\\ufe10-\\ufe1f\\ufe30-\\ufe6f\\uff00-\\uffef]|[\\ud840-\\ud868\\ud86a-\\ud86c\\ud86f-\\ud872\\ud874-\\ud879][\\udc00-\\udfff]|\\ud82c[\\udc00-\\udd1e\\udd50-\\udd52\\udd64-\\udd67]|\\ud83c[\\ude00\\ude50-\\ude51]|\\ud869[\\udc00-\\uded6\\udf00-\\udfff]|\\ud86d[\\udc00-\\udf34\\udf40-\\udfff]|\\ud86e[\\udc00-\\udc1d\\udc20-\\udfff]|\\ud873[\\udc00-\\udea1\\udeb0-\\udfff]|\\ud87a[\\udc00-\\udfe0]|\\ud87e[\\udc00-\\ude1d]",
"kPattern": "[\\u1100-\\u11ff\\u3001-\\u3003\\u3008-\\u3011\\u3013-\\u301f\\u302e-\\u3030\\u3037\\u30fb\\u3131-\\u318e\\u3200-\\u321e\\u3260-\\u327e\\ua960-\\ua97c\\uac00-\\ud7a3\\ud7b0-\\ud7c6\\ud7cb-\\ud7fb\\ufe45-\\ufe46\\uff61-\\uff65\\uffa0-\\uffbe\\uffc2-\\uffc7\\uffca-\\uffcf\\uffd2-\\uffd7\\uffda-\\uffdc]",
"punctuationPattern": "[\\u0021-\\u002f\\u003a-\\u0040\\u005b-\\u0060\\u007b-\\u007e\\u00a1\\u00a7\\u00ab\\u00b6-\\u00b7\\u00bb\\u00bf\\u037e\\u0387\\u055a-\\u055f\\u0589-\\u058a\\u05be\\u05c0\\u05c3\\u05c6\\u05f3-\\u05f4\\u0609-\\u060a\\u060c-\\u060d\\u061b\\u061e-\\u061f\\u066a-\\u066d\\u06d4\\u0700-\\u070d\\u07f7-\\u07f9\\u0830-\\u083e\\u085e\\u0964-\\u0965\\u0970\\u09fd\\u0a76\\u0af0\\u0c77\\u0c84\\u0df4\\u0e4f\\u0e5a-\\u0e5b\\u0f04-\\u0f12\\u0f14\\u0f3a-\\u0f3d\\u0f85\\u0fd0-\\u0fd4\\u0fd9-\\u0fda\\u104a-\\u104f\\u10fb\\u1360-\\u1368\\u1400\\u166e\\u169b-\\u169c\\u16eb-\\u16ed\\u1735-\\u1736\\u17d4-\\u17d6\\u17d8-\\u17da\\u1800-\\u180a\\u1944-\\u1945\\u1a1e-\\u1a1f\\u1aa0-\\u1aa6\\u1aa8-\\u1aad\\u1b5a-\\u1b60\\u1bfc-\\u1bff\\u1c3b-\\u1c3f\\u1c7e-\\u1c7f\\u1cc0-\\u1cc7\\u1cd3\\u2010-\\u2027\\u2030-\\u2043\\u2045-\\u2051\\u2053-\\u205e\\u207d-\\u207e\\u208d-\\u208e\\u2308-\\u230b\\u2329-\\u232a\\u2768-\\u2775\\u27c5-\\u27c6\\u27e6-\\u27ef\\u2983-\\u2998\\u29d8-\\u29db\\u29fc-\\u29fd\\u2cf9-\\u2cfc\\u2cfe-\\u2cff\\u2d70\\u2e00-\\u2e2e\\u2e30-\\u2e4f\\u3001-\\u3003\\u3008-\\u3011\\u3014-\\u301f\\u3030\\u303d\\u30a0\\u30fb\\ua4fe-\\ua4ff\\ua60d-\\ua60f\\ua673\\ua67e\\ua6f2-\\ua6f7\\ua874-\\ua877\\ua8ce-\\ua8cf\\ua8f8-\\ua8fa\\ua8fc\\ua92e-\\ua92f\\ua95f\\ua9c1-\\ua9cd\\ua9de-\\ua9df\\uaa5c-\\uaa5f\\uaade-\\uaadf\\uaaf0-\\uaaf1\\uabeb\\ufd3e-\\ufd3f\\ufe10-\\ufe19\\ufe30-\\ufe52\\ufe54-\\ufe61\\ufe63\\ufe68\\ufe6a-\\ufe6b\\uff01-\\uff03\\uff05-\\uff0a\\uff0c-\\uff0f\\uff1a-\\uff1b\\uff1f-\\uff20\\uff3b-\\uff3d\\uff3f\\uff5b\\uff5d\\uff5f-\\uff65]|\\ud800[\\udd00-\\udd02\\udf9f\\udfd0]|\\ud801[\\udd6f]|\\ud802[\\udc57\\udd1f\\udd3f\\ude50-\\ude58\\ude7f\\udef0-\\udef6\\udf39-\\udf3f\\udf99-\\udf9c]|\\ud803[\\udf55-\\udf59]|\\ud804[\\udc47-\\udc4d\\udcbb-\\udcbc\\udcbe-\\udcc1\\udd40-\\udd43\\udd74-\\udd75\\uddc5-\\uddc8\\uddcd\\udddb\\udddd-\\udddf\\ude38-\\ude3d\\udea9]|\\ud805[\\udc4b-\\udc4f\\udc5b\\udc5d\\udcc6\\uddc1-\\uddd7\\ude41-\\ude43\\ude60-\\ude6c\\udf3c-\\udf3e]|\\ud806[\\udc3b\\udde2\\ude3f-\\ude46\\ude9a-\\ude9c\\ude9e-\\udea2]|\\ud807[\\udc41-\\udc45\\udc70-\\udc71\\udef7-\\udef8\\udfff]|\\ud809[\\udc70-\\udc74]|\\ud81a[\\ude6e-\\ude6f\\udef5\\udf37-\\udf3b\\udf44]|\\ud81b[\\ude97-\\ude9a\\udfe2]|\\ud82f[\\udc9f]|\\ud836[\\ude87-\\ude8b]|\\ud83a[\\udd5e-\\udd5f]"
const {
} = json;
const {
getLast: getLast$4
} = util$1;
const INLINE_NODE_TYPES = ["liquidNode", "inlineCode", "emphasis", "strong", "delete", "link", "linkReference", "image", "imageReference", "footnote", "footnoteReference", "sentence", "whitespace", "word", "break", "inlineMath"];
const INLINE_NODE_WRAPPER_TYPES = INLINE_NODE_TYPES.concat(["tableCell", "paragraph", "heading"]);
const kRegex = new RegExp(kPattern);
const punctuationRegex = new RegExp(punctuationPattern);
* split text into whitespaces and words
* @param {string} text
* @return {Array<{ type: "whitespace", value: " " | "\n" | "" } | { type: "word", value: string }>}
function splitText(text, options) {
const KIND_NON_CJK = "non-cjk";
const KIND_CJ_LETTER = "cj-letter";
const KIND_K_LETTER = "k-letter";
const KIND_CJK_PUNCTUATION = "cjk-punctuation";
const nodes = [];
(options.proseWrap === "preserve" ? text : text.replace(new RegExp(`(${cjkPattern})\n(${cjkPattern})`, "g"), "$1$2")).split(/([ \t\n]+)/).forEach((token, index, tokens) => {
// whitespace
if (index % 2 === 1) {
type: "whitespace",
value: /\n/.test(token) ? "\n" : " "
} // word separated by whitespace
if ((index === 0 || index === tokens.length - 1) && token === "") {
token.split(new RegExp(`(${cjkPattern})`)).forEach((innerToken, innerIndex, innerTokens) => {
if ((innerIndex === 0 || innerIndex === innerTokens.length - 1) && innerToken === "") {
} // non-CJK word
if (innerIndex % 2 === 0) {
if (innerToken !== "") {
type: "word",
value: innerToken,
hasLeadingPunctuation: punctuationRegex.test(innerToken[0]),
hasTrailingPunctuation: punctuationRegex.test(getLast$4(innerToken))
} // CJK character
appendNode(punctuationRegex.test(innerToken) ? {
type: "word",
value: innerToken,
hasLeadingPunctuation: true,
hasTrailingPunctuation: true
} : {
type: "word",
value: innerToken,
kind: kRegex.test(innerToken) ? KIND_K_LETTER : KIND_CJ_LETTER,
hasLeadingPunctuation: false,
hasTrailingPunctuation: false
return nodes;
function appendNode(node) {
const lastNode = getLast$4(nodes);
if (lastNode && lastNode.type === "word") {
if (lastNode.kind === KIND_NON_CJK && node.kind === KIND_CJ_LETTER && !lastNode.hasTrailingPunctuation || lastNode.kind === KIND_CJ_LETTER && node.kind === KIND_NON_CJK && !node.hasLeadingPunctuation) {
type: "whitespace",
value: " "
} else if (!isBetween(KIND_NON_CJK, KIND_CJK_PUNCTUATION) && // disallow leading/trailing full-width whitespace
![lastNode.value, node.value].some(value => /\u3000/.test(value))) {
type: "whitespace",
value: ""
function isBetween(kind1, kind2) {
return lastNode.kind === kind1 && node.kind === kind2 || lastNode.kind === kind2 && node.kind === kind1;
function getOrderedListItemInfo(orderListItem, originalText) {
const [, numberText, marker, leadingSpaces] = originalText.slice(orderListItem.position.start.offset, orderListItem.position.end.offset).match(/^\s*(\d+)(\.|\))(\s*)/);
return {
function hasGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList(node, options) {
if (!node.ordered) {
return false;
if (node.children.length < 2) {
return false;
const firstNumber = Number(getOrderedListItemInfo(node.children[0], options.originalText).numberText);
const secondNumber = Number(getOrderedListItemInfo(node.children[1], options.originalText).numberText);
if (firstNumber === 0 && node.children.length > 2) {
const thirdNumber = Number(getOrderedListItemInfo(node.children[2], options.originalText).numberText);
return secondNumber === 1 && thirdNumber === 1;
return secondNumber === 1;
} // workaround for https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/issues/351
// leading and trailing newlines are stripped by remark
function getFencedCodeBlockValue(node, originalText) {
const text = originalText.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset);
const leadingSpaceCount = text.match(/^\s*/)[0].length;
const replaceRegex = new RegExp(`^\\s{0,${leadingSpaceCount}}`);
const lineContents = text.split("\n");
const markerStyle = text[leadingSpaceCount]; // ` or ~
const marker = text.slice(leadingSpaceCount).match(new RegExp(`^[${markerStyle}]+`))[0]; // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.28/#example-104: Closing fences may be indented by 0-3 spaces
// https://spec.commonmark.org/0.28/#example-93: The closing code fence must be at least as long as the opening fence
const hasEndMarker = new RegExp(`^\\s{0,3}${marker}`).test(lineContents[lineContents.length - 1].slice(getIndent(lineContents.length - 1)));
return lineContents.slice(1, hasEndMarker ? -1 : undefined).map((x, i) => x.slice(getIndent(i + 1)).replace(replaceRegex, "")).join("\n");
function getIndent(lineIndex) {
return node.position.indent[lineIndex - 1] - 1;
function mapAst(ast, handler) {
return function preorder(node, index, parentStack) {
parentStack = parentStack || [];
const newNode = Object.assign({}, handler(node, index, parentStack));
if (newNode.children) {
newNode.children = newNode.children.map((child, index) => {
return preorder(child, index, [newNode].concat(parentStack));
return newNode;
}(ast, null, null);
var utils$9 = {
const {
builders: {
hardline: hardline$a,
literalline: literalline$4,
concat: concat$c,
markAsRoot: markAsRoot$2
utils: {
mapDoc: mapDoc$3
} = document;
const {
getFencedCodeBlockValue: getFencedCodeBlockValue$1
} = utils$9;
function embed$2(path, print, textToDoc, options) {
const node = path.getValue();
if (node.type === "code" && node.lang !== null) {
// only look for the first string so as to support [markdown-preview-enhanced](https://shd101wyy.github.io/markdown-preview-enhanced/#/code-chunk)
const langMatch = node.lang.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+/);
const lang = langMatch ? langMatch[0] : "";
const parser = getParserName(lang);
if (parser) {
const styleUnit = options.__inJsTemplate ? "~" : "`";
const style = styleUnit.repeat(Math.max(3, util$1.getMaxContinuousCount(node.value, styleUnit) + 1));
const doc = textToDoc(getFencedCodeBlockValue$1(node, options.originalText), {
return markAsRoot$2(concat$c([style, node.lang, hardline$a, replaceNewlinesWithLiterallines(doc), style]));
if (node.type === "yaml") {
return markAsRoot$2(concat$c(["---", hardline$a, node.value && node.value.trim() ? replaceNewlinesWithLiterallines(textToDoc(node.value, {
parser: "yaml"
})) : "", "---"]));
} // MDX
switch (node.type) {
case "importExport":
return textToDoc(node.value, {
parser: "babel"
case "jsx":
return textToDoc(`<$>${node.value}$>`, {
parser: "__js_expression",
rootMarker: "mdx"
return null;
function getParserName(lang) {
const supportInfo = support.getSupportInfo({
plugins: options.plugins
const language = supportInfo.languages.find(language => language.name.toLowerCase() === lang || language.aliases && language.aliases.includes(lang) || language.extensions && language.extensions.find(ext => ext === `.${lang}`));
if (language) {
return language.parsers[0];
return null;
function replaceNewlinesWithLiterallines(doc) {
return mapDoc$3(doc, currentDoc => typeof currentDoc === "string" && currentDoc.includes("\n") ? concat$c(currentDoc.split(/(\n)/g).map((v, i) => i % 2 === 0 ? v : literalline$4)) : currentDoc);
var embed_1$2 = embed$2;
const pragmas = ["format", "prettier"];
function startWithPragma(text) {
const pragma = `@(${pragmas.join("|")})`;
const regex = new RegExp([``, ``].join("|"), "m");
const matched = text.match(regex);
return matched && matched.index === 0;
var pragma$3 = {
hasPragma: text => startWithPragma(frontMatter(text).content.trimStart()),
insertPragma: text => {
const extracted = frontMatter(text);
const pragma = ``;
return extracted.frontMatter ? `${extracted.frontMatter.raw}\n\n${pragma}\n\n${extracted.content}` : `${pragma}\n\n${extracted.content}`;
const {
getOrderedListItemInfo: getOrderedListItemInfo$1,
mapAst: mapAst$1,
splitText: splitText$1
} = utils$9; // 0x0 ~ 0x10ffff
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
const isSingleCharRegex = /^([\u0000-\uffff]|[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff])$/;
function preprocess$1(ast, options) {
ast = restoreUnescapedCharacter(ast, options);
ast = mergeContinuousTexts(ast);
ast = transformInlineCode(ast);
ast = transformIndentedCodeblockAndMarkItsParentList(ast, options);
ast = markAlignedList(ast, options);
ast = splitTextIntoSentences(ast, options);
ast = transformImportExport(ast);
ast = mergeContinuousImportExport(ast);
return ast;
function transformImportExport(ast) {
return mapAst$1(ast, node => {
if (node.type !== "import" && node.type !== "export") {
return node;
return Object.assign({}, node, {
type: "importExport"
function transformInlineCode(ast) {
return mapAst$1(ast, node => {
if (node.type !== "inlineCode") {
return node;
return Object.assign({}, node, {
value: node.value.replace(/\s+/g, " ")
function restoreUnescapedCharacter(ast, options) {
return mapAst$1(ast, node => {
return node.type !== "text" ? node : Object.assign({}, node, {
value: node.value !== "*" && node.value !== "_" && node.value !== "$" && // handle these cases in printer
isSingleCharRegex.test(node.value) && node.position.end.offset - node.position.start.offset !== node.value.length ? options.originalText.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset) : node.value
function mergeContinuousImportExport(ast) {
return mergeChildren(ast, (prevNode, node) => prevNode.type === "importExport" && node.type === "importExport", (prevNode, node) => ({
type: "importExport",
value: prevNode.value + "\n\n" + node.value,
position: {
start: prevNode.position.start,
end: node.position.end
function mergeChildren(ast, shouldMerge, mergeNode) {
return mapAst$1(ast, node => {
if (!node.children) {
return node;
const children = node.children.reduce((current, child) => {
const lastChild = current[current.length - 1];
if (lastChild && shouldMerge(lastChild, child)) {
current.splice(-1, 1, mergeNode(lastChild, child));
} else {
return current;
}, []);
return Object.assign({}, node, {
function mergeContinuousTexts(ast) {
return mergeChildren(ast, (prevNode, node) => prevNode.type === "text" && node.type === "text", (prevNode, node) => ({
type: "text",
value: prevNode.value + node.value,
position: {
start: prevNode.position.start,
end: node.position.end
function splitTextIntoSentences(ast, options) {
return mapAst$1(ast, (node, index, [parentNode]) => {
if (node.type !== "text") {
return node;
let {
} = node;
if (parentNode.type === "paragraph") {
if (index === 0) {
value = value.trimStart();
if (index === parentNode.children.length - 1) {
value = value.trimEnd();
return {
type: "sentence",
position: node.position,
children: splitText$1(value, options)
function transformIndentedCodeblockAndMarkItsParentList(ast, options) {
return mapAst$1(ast, (node, index, parentStack) => {
if (node.type === "code") {
// the first char may point to `\n`, e.g. `\n\t\tbar`, just ignore it
const isIndented = /^\n?( {4,}|\t)/.test(options.originalText.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset));
node.isIndented = isIndented;
if (isIndented) {
for (let i = 0; i < parentStack.length; i++) {
const parent = parentStack[i]; // no need to check checked items
if (parent.hasIndentedCodeblock) {
if (parent.type === "list") {
parent.hasIndentedCodeblock = true;
return node;
function markAlignedList(ast, options) {
return mapAst$1(ast, (node, index, parentStack) => {
if (node.type === "list" && node.children.length !== 0) {
// if one of its parents is not aligned, it's not possible to be aligned in sub-lists
for (let i = 0; i < parentStack.length; i++) {
const parent = parentStack[i];
if (parent.type === "list" && !parent.isAligned) {
node.isAligned = false;
return node;
node.isAligned = isAligned(node);
return node;
function getListItemStart(listItem) {
return listItem.children.length === 0 ? -1 : listItem.children[0].position.start.column - 1;
function isAligned(list) {
if (!list.ordered) {
* - 123
* - 123
return true;
const [firstItem, secondItem] = list.children;
const firstInfo = getOrderedListItemInfo$1(firstItem, options.originalText);
if (firstInfo.leadingSpaces.length > 1) {
* 1. 123
* 1. 123
* 1. 123
return true;
const firstStart = getListItemStart(firstItem);
if (firstStart === -1) {
* 1.
* 1.
* 1.
return false;
if (list.children.length === 1) {
* aligned:
* 11. 123
* not aligned:
* 1. 123
return firstStart % options.tabWidth === 0;
const secondStart = getListItemStart(secondItem);
if (firstStart !== secondStart) {
* 11. 123
* 1. 123
* 1. 123
* 11. 123
return false;
if (firstStart % options.tabWidth === 0) {
* 11. 123
* 12. 123
return true;
* aligned:
* 11. 123
* 1. 123
* not aligned:
* 1. 123
* 2. 123
const secondInfo = getOrderedListItemInfo$1(secondItem, options.originalText);
return secondInfo.leadingSpaces.length > 1;
var preprocess_1$1 = preprocess$1;
const {
builders: {
breakParent: breakParent$3,
concat: concat$d,
join: join$9,
line: line$8,
literalline: literalline$5,
markAsRoot: markAsRoot$3,
hardline: hardline$b,
softline: softline$6,
ifBreak: ifBreak$5,
fill: fill$5,
align: align$2,
indent: indent$8,
group: group$d
utils: {
mapDoc: mapDoc$4
printer: {
printDocToString: printDocToString$3
} = document;
const {
getFencedCodeBlockValue: getFencedCodeBlockValue$2,
hasGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList: hasGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList$1,
splitText: splitText$2,
punctuationPattern: punctuationPattern$1,
} = utils$9;
const {
replaceEndOfLineWith: replaceEndOfLineWith$1
} = util$1;
const TRAILING_HARDLINE_NODES = ["importExport"];
const SINGLE_LINE_NODE_TYPES = ["heading", "tableCell", "link"];
const SIBLING_NODE_TYPES = ["listItem", "definition", "footnoteDefinition"];
function genericPrint$4(path, options, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
if (shouldRemainTheSameContent(path)) {
return concat$d(splitText$2(options.originalText.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset), options).map(node => node.type === "word" ? node.value : node.value === "" ? "" : printLine(path, node.value, options)));
switch (node.type) {
case "root":
if (node.children.length === 0) {
return "";
return concat$d([normalizeDoc(printRoot(path, options, print)), !TRAILING_HARDLINE_NODES.includes(getLastDescendantNode(node).type) ? hardline$b : ""]);
case "paragraph":
return printChildren$1(path, options, print, {
postprocessor: fill$5
case "sentence":
return printChildren$1(path, options, print);
case "word":
return node.value.replace(/[*$]/g, "\\$&") // escape all `*` and `$` (math)
.replace(new RegExp([`(^|${punctuationPattern$1})(_+)`, `(_+)(${punctuationPattern$1}|$)`].join("|"), "g"), (_, text1, underscore1, underscore2, text2) => (underscore1 ? `${text1}${underscore1}` : `${underscore2}${text2}`).replace(/_/g, "\\_"));
// escape all `_` except concating with non-punctuation, e.g. `1_2_3` is not considered emphasis
case "whitespace":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const index = parentNode.children.indexOf(node);
const nextNode = parentNode.children[index + 1];
const proseWrap = // leading char that may cause different syntax
nextNode && /^>|^([-+*]|#{1,6}|[0-9]+[.)])$/.test(nextNode.value) ? "never" : options.proseWrap;
return printLine(path, node.value, {
case "emphasis":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const index = parentNode.children.indexOf(node);
const prevNode = parentNode.children[index - 1];
const nextNode = parentNode.children[index + 1];
const hasPrevOrNextWord = // `1*2*3` is considered emphasis but `1_2_3` is not
prevNode && prevNode.type === "sentence" && prevNode.children.length > 0 && util$1.getLast(prevNode.children).type === "word" && !util$1.getLast(prevNode.children).hasTrailingPunctuation || nextNode && nextNode.type === "sentence" && nextNode.children.length > 0 && nextNode.children[0].type === "word" && !nextNode.children[0].hasLeadingPunctuation;
const style = hasPrevOrNextWord || getAncestorNode$2(path, "emphasis") ? "*" : "_";
return concat$d([style, printChildren$1(path, options, print), style]);
case "strong":
return concat$d(["**", printChildren$1(path, options, print), "**"]);
case "delete":
return concat$d(["~~", printChildren$1(path, options, print), "~~"]);
case "inlineCode":
const backtickCount = util$1.getMinNotPresentContinuousCount(node.value, "`");
const style = "`".repeat(backtickCount || 1);
const gap = backtickCount ? " " : "";
return concat$d([style, gap, node.value, gap, style]);
case "link":
switch (options.originalText[node.position.start.offset]) {
case "<":
const mailto = "mailto:";
const url = // is parsed as { url: "mailto:hello@example.com" }
node.url.startsWith(mailto) && options.originalText.slice(node.position.start.offset + 1, node.position.start.offset + 1 + mailto.length) !== mailto ? node.url.slice(mailto.length) : node.url;
return concat$d(["<", url, ">"]);
case "[":
return concat$d(["[", printChildren$1(path, options, print), "](", printUrl(node.url, ")"), printTitle(node.title, options), ")"]);
return options.originalText.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset);
case "image":
return concat$d([""), printTitle(node.title, options), ")"]);
case "blockquote":
return concat$d(["> ", align$2("> ", printChildren$1(path, options, print))]);
case "heading":
return concat$d(["#".repeat(node.depth) + " ", printChildren$1(path, options, print)]);
case "code":
if (node.isIndented) {
// indented code block
const alignment = " ".repeat(4);
return align$2(alignment, concat$d([alignment, concat$d(replaceEndOfLineWith$1(node.value, hardline$b))]));
} // fenced code block
const styleUnit = options.__inJsTemplate ? "~" : "`";
const style = styleUnit.repeat(Math.max(3, util$1.getMaxContinuousCount(node.value, styleUnit) + 1));
return concat$d([style, node.lang || "", hardline$b, concat$d(replaceEndOfLineWith$1(getFencedCodeBlockValue$2(node, options.originalText), hardline$b)), hardline$b, style]);
case "yaml":
case "toml":
return options.originalText.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset);
case "html":
const parentNode = path.getParentNode();
const value = parentNode.type === "root" && util$1.getLast(parentNode.children) === node ? node.value.trimEnd() : node.value;
const isHtmlComment = /^$/.test(value);
return concat$d(replaceEndOfLineWith$1(value, isHtmlComment ? hardline$b : markAsRoot$3(literalline$5)));
case "list":
const nthSiblingIndex = getNthListSiblingIndex(node, path.getParentNode());
const isGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList = hasGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList$1(node, options);
return printChildren$1(path, options, print, {
processor: (childPath, index) => {
const prefix = getPrefix();
const childNode = childPath.getValue();
if (childNode.children.length === 2 && childNode.children[1].type === "html" && childNode.children[0].position.start.column !== childNode.children[1].position.start.column) {
return concat$d([prefix, printListItem(childPath, options, print, prefix)]);
return concat$d([prefix, align$2(" ".repeat(prefix.length), printListItem(childPath, options, print, prefix))]);
function getPrefix() {
const rawPrefix = node.ordered ? (index === 0 ? node.start : isGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList ? 1 : node.start + index) + (nthSiblingIndex % 2 === 0 ? ". " : ") ") : nthSiblingIndex % 2 === 0 ? "- " : "* ";
return node.isAligned ||
/* workaround for https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/issues/315 */
node.hasIndentedCodeblock ? alignListPrefix(rawPrefix, options) : rawPrefix;
case "thematicBreak":
const counter = getAncestorCounter$1(path, "list");
if (counter === -1) {
return "---";
const nthSiblingIndex = getNthListSiblingIndex(path.getParentNode(counter), path.getParentNode(counter + 1));
return nthSiblingIndex % 2 === 0 ? "***" : "---";
case "linkReference":
return concat$d(["[", printChildren$1(path, options, print), "]", node.referenceType === "full" ? concat$d(["[", node.identifier, "]"]) : node.referenceType === "collapsed" ? "[]" : ""]);
case "imageReference":
switch (node.referenceType) {
case "full":
return concat$d(["![", node.alt || "", "][", node.identifier, "]"]);
return concat$d(["![", node.alt, "]", node.referenceType === "collapsed" ? "[]" : ""]);
case "definition":
const lineOrSpace = options.proseWrap === "always" ? line$8 : " ";
return group$d(concat$d([concat$d(["[", node.identifier, "]:"]), indent$8(concat$d([lineOrSpace, printUrl(node.url), node.title === null ? "" : concat$d([lineOrSpace, printTitle(node.title, options, false)])]))]));
case "footnote":
return concat$d(["[^", printChildren$1(path, options, print), "]"]);
case "footnoteReference":
return concat$d(["[^", node.identifier, "]"]);
case "footnoteDefinition":
const nextNode = path.getParentNode().children[path.getName() + 1];
const shouldInlineFootnote = node.children.length === 1 && node.children[0].type === "paragraph" && (options.proseWrap === "never" || options.proseWrap === "preserve" && node.children[0].position.start.line === node.children[0].position.end.line);
return concat$d(["[^", node.identifier, "]: ", shouldInlineFootnote ? printChildren$1(path, options, print) : group$d(concat$d([align$2(" ".repeat(options.tabWidth), printChildren$1(path, options, print, {
processor: (childPath, index) => {
return index === 0 ? group$d(concat$d([softline$6, childPath.call(print)])) : childPath.call(print);
})), nextNode && nextNode.type === "footnoteDefinition" ? softline$6 : ""]))]);
case "table":
return printTable(path, options, print);
case "tableCell":
return printChildren$1(path, options, print);
case "break":
return /\s/.test(options.originalText[node.position.start.offset]) ? concat$d([" ", markAsRoot$3(literalline$5)]) : concat$d(["\\", hardline$b]);
case "liquidNode":
return concat$d(replaceEndOfLineWith$1(node.value, hardline$b));
// MDX
case "importExport":
case "jsx":
return node.value;
// fallback to the original text if multiparser failed
case "math":
return concat$d(["$$", hardline$b, node.value ? concat$d([concat$d(replaceEndOfLineWith$1(node.value, hardline$b)), hardline$b]) : "", "$$"]);
case "inlineMath":
// remark-math trims content but we don't want to remove whitespaces
// since it's very possible that it's recognized as math accidentally
return options.originalText.slice(options.locStart(node), options.locEnd(node));
case "tableRow": // handled in "table"
case "listItem": // handled in "list"
throw new Error(`Unknown markdown type ${JSON.stringify(node.type)}`);
function printListItem(path, options, print, listPrefix) {
const node = path.getValue();
const prefix = node.checked === null ? "" : node.checked ? "[x] " : "[ ] ";
return concat$d([prefix, printChildren$1(path, options, print, {
processor: (childPath, index) => {
if (index === 0 && childPath.getValue().type !== "list") {
return align$2(" ".repeat(prefix.length), childPath.call(print));
const alignment = " ".repeat(clamp(options.tabWidth - listPrefix.length, 0, 3) // 4+ will cause indented code block
return concat$d([alignment, align$2(alignment, childPath.call(print))]);
function alignListPrefix(prefix, options) {
const additionalSpaces = getAdditionalSpaces();
return prefix + " ".repeat(additionalSpaces >= 4 ? 0 : additionalSpaces // 4+ will cause indented code block
function getAdditionalSpaces() {
const restSpaces = prefix.length % options.tabWidth;
return restSpaces === 0 ? 0 : options.tabWidth - restSpaces;
function getNthListSiblingIndex(node, parentNode) {
return getNthSiblingIndex(node, parentNode, siblingNode => siblingNode.ordered === node.ordered);
function getNthSiblingIndex(node, parentNode, condition) {
condition = condition || (() => true);
let index = -1;
for (const childNode of parentNode.children) {
if (childNode.type === node.type && condition(childNode)) {
} else {
index = -1;
if (childNode === node) {
return index;
function getAncestorCounter$1(path, typeOrTypes) {
const types = [].concat(typeOrTypes);
let counter = -1;
let ancestorNode;
while (ancestorNode = path.getParentNode(++counter)) {
if (types.includes(ancestorNode.type)) {
return counter;
return -1;
function getAncestorNode$2(path, typeOrTypes) {
const counter = getAncestorCounter$1(path, typeOrTypes);
return counter === -1 ? null : path.getParentNode(counter);
function printLine(path, value, options) {
if (options.proseWrap === "preserve" && value === "\n") {
return hardline$b;
const isBreakable = options.proseWrap === "always" && !getAncestorNode$2(path, SINGLE_LINE_NODE_TYPES);
return value !== "" ? isBreakable ? line$8 : " " : isBreakable ? softline$6 : "";
function printTable(path, options, print) {
const hardlineWithoutBreakParent = hardline$b.parts[0];
const node = path.getValue();
const contents = []; // { [rowIndex: number]: { [columnIndex: number]: string } }
path.map(rowPath => {
const rowContents = [];
rowPath.map(cellPath => {
rowContents.push(printDocToString$3(cellPath.call(print), options).formatted);
}, "children");
}, "children"); // Get the width of each column
const columnMaxWidths = contents.reduce((currentWidths, rowContents) => currentWidths.map((width, columnIndex) => Math.max(width, util$1.getStringWidth(rowContents[columnIndex]))), contents[0].map(() => 3) // minimum width = 3 (---, :--, :-:, --:)
const alignedTable = join$9(hardlineWithoutBreakParent, [printRow(contents[0]), printSeparator(), join$9(hardlineWithoutBreakParent, contents.slice(1).map(rowContents => printRow(rowContents)))]);
if (options.proseWrap !== "never") {
return concat$d([breakParent$3, alignedTable]);
} // Only if the --prose-wrap never is set and it exceeds the print width.
const compactTable = join$9(hardlineWithoutBreakParent, [printRow(contents[0],
/* isCompact */
true), printSeparator(
/* isCompact */
true), join$9(hardlineWithoutBreakParent, contents.slice(1).map(rowContents => printRow(rowContents,
/* isCompact */
return concat$d([breakParent$3, group$d(ifBreak$5(compactTable, alignedTable))]);
function printSeparator(isCompact) {
return concat$d(["| ", join$9(" | ", columnMaxWidths.map((width, index) => {
const spaces = isCompact ? 3 : width;
switch (node.align[index]) {
case "left":
return ":" + "-".repeat(spaces - 1);
case "right":
return "-".repeat(spaces - 1) + ":";
case "center":
return ":" + "-".repeat(spaces - 2) + ":";
return "-".repeat(spaces);
})), " |"]);
function printRow(rowContents, isCompact) {
return concat$d(["| ", join$9(" | ", isCompact ? rowContents : rowContents.map((rowContent, columnIndex) => {
switch (node.align[columnIndex]) {
case "right":
return alignRight(rowContent, columnMaxWidths[columnIndex]);
case "center":
return alignCenter(rowContent, columnMaxWidths[columnIndex]);
return alignLeft(rowContent, columnMaxWidths[columnIndex]);
})), " |"]);
function alignLeft(text, width) {
const spaces = width - util$1.getStringWidth(text);
return concat$d([text, " ".repeat(spaces)]);
function alignRight(text, width) {
const spaces = width - util$1.getStringWidth(text);
return concat$d([" ".repeat(spaces), text]);
function alignCenter(text, width) {
const spaces = width - util$1.getStringWidth(text);
const left = Math.floor(spaces / 2);
const right = spaces - left;
return concat$d([" ".repeat(left), text, " ".repeat(right)]);
function printRoot(path, options, print) {
/** @typedef {{ index: number, offset: number }} IgnorePosition */
/** @type {Array<{start: IgnorePosition, end: IgnorePosition}>} */
const ignoreRanges = [];
/** @type {IgnorePosition | null} */
let ignoreStart = null;
const {
} = path.getValue();
children.forEach((childNode, index) => {
switch (isPrettierIgnore(childNode)) {
case "start":
if (ignoreStart === null) {
ignoreStart = {
offset: childNode.position.end.offset
case "end":
if (ignoreStart !== null) {
start: ignoreStart,
end: {
offset: childNode.position.start.offset
ignoreStart = null;
return printChildren$1(path, options, print, {
processor: (childPath, index) => {
if (ignoreRanges.length !== 0) {
const ignoreRange = ignoreRanges[0];
if (index === ignoreRange.start.index) {
return concat$d([children[ignoreRange.start.index].value, options.originalText.slice(ignoreRange.start.offset, ignoreRange.end.offset), children[ignoreRange.end.index].value]);
if (ignoreRange.start.index < index && index < ignoreRange.end.index) {
return false;
if (index === ignoreRange.end.index) {
return false;
return childPath.call(print);
function printChildren$1(path, options, print, events) {
events = events || {};
const postprocessor = events.postprocessor || concat$d;
const processor = events.processor || (childPath => childPath.call(print));
const node = path.getValue();
const parts = [];
let lastChildNode;
path.map((childPath, index) => {
const childNode = childPath.getValue();
const result = processor(childPath, index);
if (result !== false) {
const data = {
prevNode: lastChildNode,
parentNode: node,
if (!shouldNotPrePrintHardline(childNode, data)) {
if (lastChildNode && TRAILING_HARDLINE_NODES.includes(lastChildNode.type)) {
if (shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(childNode, data)) {
} else {
if (shouldPrePrintDoubleHardline(childNode, data) || shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(childNode, data)) {
if (shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(childNode, data)) {
lastChildNode = childNode;
}, "children");
return postprocessor(parts);
function getLastDescendantNode(node) {
let current = node;
while (current.children && current.children.length !== 0) {
current = current.children[current.children.length - 1];
return current;
/** @return {false | 'next' | 'start' | 'end'} */
function isPrettierIgnore(node) {
if (node.type !== "html") {
return false;
const match = node.value.match(/^$/);
return match === null ? false : match[1] ? match[1] : "next";
function shouldNotPrePrintHardline(node, data) {
const isFirstNode = data.parts.length === 0;
const isInlineNode = INLINE_NODE_TYPES$1.includes(node.type);
const isInlineHTML = node.type === "html" && INLINE_NODE_WRAPPER_TYPES$1.includes(data.parentNode.type);
return isFirstNode || isInlineNode || isInlineHTML;
function shouldPrePrintDoubleHardline(node, data) {
const isSequence = (data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type) === node.type;
const isSiblingNode = isSequence && SIBLING_NODE_TYPES.includes(node.type);
const isInTightListItem = data.parentNode.type === "listItem" && !data.parentNode.loose;
const isPrevNodeLooseListItem = data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type === "listItem" && data.prevNode.loose;
const isPrevNodePrettierIgnore = isPrettierIgnore(data.prevNode) === "next";
const isBlockHtmlWithoutBlankLineBetweenPrevHtml = node.type === "html" && data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type === "html" && data.prevNode.position.end.line + 1 === node.position.start.line;
const isHtmlDirectAfterListItem = node.type === "html" && data.parentNode.type === "listItem" && data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type === "paragraph" && data.prevNode.position.end.line + 1 === node.position.start.line;
return isPrevNodeLooseListItem || !(isSiblingNode || isInTightListItem || isPrevNodePrettierIgnore || isBlockHtmlWithoutBlankLineBetweenPrevHtml || isHtmlDirectAfterListItem);
function shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(node, data) {
const isPrevNodeList = data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type === "list";
const isIndentedCode = node.type === "code" && node.isIndented;
return isPrevNodeList && isIndentedCode;
function shouldRemainTheSameContent(path) {
const ancestorNode = getAncestorNode$2(path, ["linkReference", "imageReference"]);
return ancestorNode && (ancestorNode.type !== "linkReference" || ancestorNode.referenceType !== "full");
function normalizeDoc(doc) {
return mapDoc$4(doc, currentDoc => {
if (!currentDoc.parts) {
return currentDoc;
if (currentDoc.type === "concat" && currentDoc.parts.length === 1) {
return currentDoc.parts[0];
const parts = currentDoc.parts.reduce((parts, part) => {
if (part.type === "concat") {
} else if (part !== "") {
return parts;
}, []);
return Object.assign({}, currentDoc, {
parts: normalizeParts(parts)
function printUrl(url, dangerousCharOrChars) {
const dangerousChars = [" "].concat(dangerousCharOrChars || []);
return new RegExp(dangerousChars.map(x => `\\${x}`).join("|")).test(url) ? `<${url}>` : url;
function printTitle(title, options, printSpace) {
if (printSpace == null) {
printSpace = true;
if (!title) {
return "";
if (printSpace) {
return " " + printTitle(title, options, false);
if (title.includes('"') && title.includes("'") && !title.includes(")")) {
return `(${title})`; // avoid escaped quotes
} // faster than using RegExps: https://jsperf.com/performance-of-match-vs-split
const singleCount = title.split("'").length - 1;
const doubleCount = title.split('"').length - 1;
const quote = singleCount > doubleCount ? '"' : doubleCount > singleCount ? "'" : options.singleQuote ? "'" : '"';
title = title.replace(new RegExp(`(${quote})`, "g"), "\\$1");
return `${quote}${title}${quote}`;
function normalizeParts(parts) {
return parts.reduce((current, part) => {
const lastPart = util$1.getLast(current);
if (typeof lastPart === "string" && typeof part === "string") {
current.splice(-1, 1, lastPart + part);
} else {
return current;
}, []);
function clamp(value, min, max) {
return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
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return null;
function hasPrettierIgnore$4(path) {
const index = +path.getName();
if (index === 0) {
return false;
const prevNode = path.getParentNode().children[index - 1];
return isPrettierIgnore(prevNode) === "next";
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since: "1.8.0",
parsers: ["markdown"],
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extensions: data.extensions.filter(extension => extension !== ".mdx")
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map[value] = true;
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function mapObject(object, fn) {
const newObject = Object.create(null);
for (const key of Object.keys(object)) {
newObject[key] = fn(object[key], key);
return newObject;
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