# Setup REST and MQTT * You can import the project directly from a *Version Control System*, by providing the following URL: https://ewserver.di.unimi.it/gitlab/riccardopresotto/setup_test_sdp.git * Otherwise, take care to import the project as a Gradle Project * If required, trust the repository and accept the Gradle auto-import ## REST * Run StartServer.java located in: *REST\_MQTT_example/src/main/java/REST/* * Use a REST Client application (i.e., Advanced REST Client) to test if the server works correctly * For example you can run the following request: ## MQTT * Dowload and install the Mosquitto broker from here: *https://mosquitto.org/download/* * Run the Mosquitto broker: * **MacOS** - brew services start mosquitto - mosquitto_sub -h localhost -v -t ‘#’ *(Instead ‘#’ specify the topics of interest)* * **Windows** - Run the file mosquitto.exe * Run SubExample.java and PubExample.java located in *REST\_MQTT_example/src/main/java/MQTT/*