package MQTT; import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.*; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Scanner; public class SubExample { public static void main(String[] args) { MqttClient client; String broker = "tcp://localhost:1883"; String clientId = MqttClient.generateClientId(); String topic = "home/sensors/#"; int qos = 2; try { client = new MqttClient(broker, clientId); MqttConnectOptions connOpts = new MqttConnectOptions(); connOpts.setCleanSession(true); // Connect the client System.out.println(clientId + " Connecting Broker " + broker); client.connect(connOpts); System.out.println(clientId + " Connected - Thread PID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); // Callback client.setCallback(new MqttCallback() { public void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage message) { // Called when a message arrives from the server that matches any subscription made by the client String time = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString(); String receivedMessage = new String(message.getPayload()); System.out.println(clientId +" Received a Message! - Callback - Thread PID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "\n\tTime: " + time + "\n\tTopic: " + topic + "\n\tMessage: " + receivedMessage + "\n\tQoS: " + message.getQos() + "\n"); System.out.println("\n *** Press a random key to exit *** \n"); } public void connectionLost(Throwable cause) { System.out.println(clientId + " Connectionlost! cause:" + cause.getMessage()+ "- Thread PID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); } public void deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken token) { // Not used here } }); System.out.println(clientId + " Subscribing ... - Thread PID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); client.subscribe(topic,qos); System.out.println(clientId + " Subscribed to topics : " + topic); System.out.println("\n *** Press a random key to exit *** \n"); Scanner command = new Scanner(; command.nextLine(); client.disconnect(); } catch (MqttException me ) { System.out.println("reason " + me.getReasonCode()); System.out.println("msg " + me.getMessage()); System.out.println("loc " + me.getLocalizedMessage()); System.out.println("cause " + me.getCause()); System.out.println("excep " + me); me.printStackTrace(); } } }