jsonify=======This module provides Douglas Crockford's JSON implementation without modifyingany globals.`stringify` and `parse` are merely exported without respect to whether or not aglobal `JSON` object exists.methods=======var json = require('jsonify');json.parse(source, reviver)---------------------------Return a new javascript object from a parse of the `source` string.If a `reviver` function is specified, walk the structure passing each name/valuepair to `reviver.call(parent, key, value)` to transform the `value` beforeparsing it.json.stringify(value, replacer, space)--------------------------------------Return a string representation for `value`.If `replacer` is specified, walk the structure passing each name/value pair to`replacer.call(parent, key, value)` to transform the `value` before stringifyingit.If `space` is a number, indent the result by that many spaces.If `space` is a string, use `space` as the indentation.