<ahref="https://hapi.dev"><imgsrc="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hapijs/assets/master/images/family.png"width="180px"align="right"/></a># @hapi/hoek#### Utility methods for the hapi ecosystem.**hoek** is part of the **hapi** ecosystem and was designed to work seamlessly with the [hapi web framework](https://hapi.dev) and its other components (but works great on its own or with other frameworks). If you are using a different web framework and find this module useful, check out [hapi](https://hapi.dev) – they work even better together.This module is not intended to solve every problem for everyone, but rather as a central place to store hapi-specific methods. If you're looking for a general purpose utility module, check out [lodash](https://github.com/lodash/lodash).### Visit the [hapi.dev](https://hapi.dev) Developer Portal for tutorials, documentation, and support## Useful resources-[Documentation and API](https://hapi.dev/family/hoek/)-[Version status](https://hapi.dev/resources/status/#hoek)(builds, dependencies, node versions, licenses, eol)-[Project policies](https://hapi.dev/policies/)-[Free and commercial support options](https://hapi.dev/support/)