Commit 93cfb210 authored by Luca Arrotta's avatar Luca Arrotta


parent 9c455222
# Setup ProtocolBuffer and GRPC
This repository contains a simple example that enables you to test the environment for **ProtocolBuffer** and **GRPC**.
* You can import the project directly from a **V**ersion **C**ontrol **S**ystem, by providing the following URL:
* You can import the project directly from a *Version Control System*, by providing the following URL:
<img src = './assets/img_1.png'>
......@@ -9,11 +9,8 @@
* Otherwise, take care to import the project as a Gradle Project
* Compile the .proto files:
1. Open the terminal of the IntelliJ IDE
2. Run the following command:
* **Windows**: *gradlew build*
* **MacOS/Linux**: *./gradlew build*
3. Check if some files have been generated in the directory *setup_grpc/build/generated/source/proto/main/java*
1. Select from the menu bar **Build** -> **Rebuild Project**
2. Check if some files have been generated in the directory *setup_grpc/build/generated/source/proto/main/java*
* The testing files are located in the directory: *setup_grpc/src/main/java/researcher*
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